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Can you handle availability outages?

Many companies don't pay enough attention to availability issues and disaster management until it's too late

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) are the standard concepts encapsulating security. I often talk about the first two, but rarely the last. This column will be different, and I'll cover a few topics surrounding  more

News Quiz: The week in tech

What's the name of the cyberspy zombie network? Who hasn't signed on with the cloud crowd? What Webbish company is going public in these troubled times? ...more

BlackBerry App World already has competition

RIM Announces its App World at CTIA with a noticeable lack of Skype; MobiHand tries to get in on the game ...more

How bad off is tech? Depends on who you ask

Gartner says 2009 will be worse than the dotcom bust, but Forrester and IDC are not as gloomy ...more

Report: IBM, Sun deal said to be close

Takeover price has reportedly dropped from $10 to $11 a share to $9 to $10, in return for strong commitments from IBM to complete the deal even if it faces intense regulatory scrutiny ...more

Top Rated Products

This week's roundup of tech news includes Intel launching new processors... more


IFW Daily 04/02/2009

Conficker may be more widespread than security experts anticipated, Rackable...

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Open source has become an integral part of the software world. The best, however, has yet to come. To get the most from open-source communities, including significant boosts in innovation and cuts in IT spending, we need to discover new ways to grow them, make them self-sustaining, and profitable.

OSBC 2009 will tackle the biggest issue in open source today: Open Sourcing the Enterprise.

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