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Understanding actor concurrency, Part 2: Actors on the JVM
Erlang isn't the only language for implementing actor concurrency. Find out how actors work and see them implemented in Scala's standard library, Groovy's GParallelizer, and the Java libraries Kilim, ActorFoundry, Actors Guild, and Jetlang.
Alex Miller, March 2009

Open source Java projects: Jakarta Cactus
Unit-testing server-side code is famously challenging, but Jakarta Cactus does make it easier. Learn how Cactus extends JUnit with an in-container strategy that lets you execute test cases for servlets, EJBs, and other server-side code. You'll also learn how to automate your Cactus-based tests.
Steven Haines, March 2009

Writing good unit tests, Part 1: Follow your GUTs
What do you know about the quality of your unit tests? Probably not as much as you know about your production code. Klaus Berg explains why craft matters just as much for test code as for production code, then provides a comprehensive listing of agile tools and best practices for improving the quality of your unit tests.
Klaus P. Berg, March 2009

ActionScript for Java developers, Part 2
Like other dynamic languages, ActionScript has capabilities and usage patterns that could take a Java developer by surprise. In this second half of his guide to the differences between Java and ActionScript 3, Chet Haase discusses properties, dynamic behavior, and functions.
Chet Haase, March 2009

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Amazon stresses cloud for developers
03/25/2009 -  Amazon's EC2 cloud platform has entered the Eclipse plugin matrix with the introduction of AWS for Eclipse, which leverages both the Eclipse IDE and the Eclipse Web Tools Platform. Cloud computing will benefit developers and shops through hard times, company reps said.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Google rolls out semantic search capabilities
03/24/2009 -  Google has injected a healthy dose of semantic search capability into its keywords-based search engine. Google representatives said semantic search will not replace the keyword algorithm but will complement it. Scalability is one of several challenges engineers must yet tackle.
Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service

IT spending survey offers hope
03/24/2009 -  A recent IT survey suggests that, while spending is down and layoffs continue, some IT shops still are investing in tools and infrastructure. InfoWorld's Tom Sullivan reports on where that money will go.
Tom Sullivan, InfoWorld

IBM/Sun deal could benefit Java, Google’s open source chief says
03/20/2009 -  Google Open Source Chief Chris Dibona thinks an IBM acquisition would benefit Java and make it easier for other companies to license Java technologies. 'IBM has been a huge user of Java and a huge supporter of the Java projects ...' Network World's Jon Brodkin reports.
Jon Brodkin , Network World

Opening up the Java Community Process
03/13/2009 -  The Java Community Process is frequently under fire from community members who have called for greater transparency and even independence from Sun. Some say the real problem with the JCP is too little leadership, however, and that Sun cannot afford to loosen its grip on the Java standards body. Jon Brodkin investigates the contentious democracy of the JCP.
Jon Brodkin , JavaWorld.com

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