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Five Steps to Successful IT Consolidation

(Source: Riverbed) Has your Enterprise made the strategic decision to consolidate remote site IT infrastructure into central data centers? Then you have probably discovered that consolidation projects are fraught with technical, organization, and implementation challenges that require a well thought-out strategy. Download this paper by Riverbed and discover a clear 5-step approach to making sure every consolidation project is successful.

Microsoft SharePoint Performance Brief

(Source: Riverbed) This is a Performance Brief that illustrates how Riverbed Steelhead appliances accelerate MS SharePoint Services over the WAN. 2 pp.

IBM Lotus Notes Performance Brief

(Source: Riverbed) This is a Performance Brief that illustrates how Riverbed Steelhead appliances accelerate Lotus Notes R7.

ESG - Why SharePoint Needs Riverbed WAN Optimization

(Source: Riverbed) Many SharePoint implementations are mission critical, yet access to these sites is often thwarted by poor network performance. In this analyst report from ESG, you'll discover how, much like Microsoft Exchange and other collaboration applications, companies deploying SharePoint can benefit from WAN optimization solutions, ensuring that they make the most of its productivity and information sharing capabilities.

Centralized Data Backup and Your WAN

(Source: Riverbed) Is your organization prepared to tackle the massive challenge of protecting your data in a cost effective and timely manner? With a growing number of branch offices, an increasing number of servers, and a high priority on reducing cost, backup is getting even harder to manage. Download this paper and learn about a proven strategy for combining WAN-based backup with WAN optimization solutions.

Business Value of Performance IDC Whitepaper

(Source: Riverbed) Are you looking for a comprehensive solution that addresses insufficient or congested bandwidth, impaired application performance, slow remote backup and replication or obstacles to IT consolidation? This paper will explain how Riverbed, whose product line, the Steelhead family of appliances, optimizes TCP/IP traffic, addresses these issue with a single WAN optimization solution, so that users can enjoy LAN-like access to important data and applications regardless of their location.

Case Study - Psomas

(Source: Riverbed) Psomas is a leading consulting engineering firm. As a high-growth firm, Psomas needed to accelerate application performance to accommodate a changing set of demands from the business as well as employees. After considering bandwidth upgrades and point products, Psomas decided to go with the Riverbed Steelhead solution. With Riverbed Steelhead products deployed worldwide, their employees can now share work and leverage resources wherever they happen to be.

An In-Depth Look at ROI

(Source: Riverbed) In this economy, as IT budgets remain flat or get reduced, doing more with the infrastructure you have has never been more important. But is investing more money in the same old networking infrastructure wise? In this whitepaper, Riverbed discusses its compelling and powerful return on investment in hard dollars, and a way to leap past the obstacles preventing you from reaching your IT objectives.

The True ROI behind WAN Optimization

(Source: Riverbed) Looking for solid data behind the cost-savings story of WAN optimization? In this paper, NetForecast analysts interviewed customers who have deployed this solution, and the results show that this technology has significant strategic business value to companies. According to a one of the worlds largest financial institutions, "This is an enabling technology that changes how you think about deploying applications." Download this paper and learn how WAN optimization technology can be a strategic asset for your organization and its bottom line.

Forrester Consulting - Optimizing Users and Applications in a Mobile World

(Source: Riverbed) Are your workers going increasingly mobile? Don't wait for their calls to slam Support when they experience poor application performance on the road. Discover in the Forrester report how companies are successfully deploying WAN optimization solutions that are specifically tuned for a mobile environment, delivering the acceleration needed to ensure consistent performance, room for new applications, and the ability to ensure end user productivity at all times.

Extreme Savings: Cutting Costs with WAN Optimization

(Source: Riverbed) Did you know it's possible to cut IT costs without impacting day-to-day IT operations? In fact, when you download this whitepaper from Riverbed on cost-savings through WAN optimization, you'll discover how businesses of all different sizes have realized a return on investment in just a few months through significant hard cost savings in areas such as bandwidth reduction and IT consolidation. It's called Extreme Savings and it's only from Riverbed.

SMART Steps Toward Consolidated Workload Automation

(Source: BMC Software) Consolidating job scheduling into a single, comprehensive workload automation solution is a critical first step to effective workload automation (WLA). But without tight integration and orchestration capabilities, you cannot truly achieve the benefits of WLA. Enterprise Management Associates share 5 critical steps to smarter WLA in this valuable white paper.

Dell's SMART Approach to Workload Automation

(Source: BMC Software) Read a compelling case study by EMA, Inc. to learn how Dell uses BMC CONTROL-M to cut cost and increase productivity with workload automation.

A Comprehensive Approach to Practicing ITIL Change Management

(Source: BMC Software) Read this compelling white paper from Enterprise Management Associates, to learn best practices for integrating your batch process automation and change management solutions.

Always-on Windows® Server - Mission Impossible? Think Again.

(Source: NEC) ORCC is a leading technology provider of web-based financial services serving 12 million end-users with 200 million transactions representing $100 billion in payments annually. This case study explores how ORCC implemented an "always-on" server solution that delivered optimal performance, scalability, and mainframe-class availability.

500% Improvement in Data Processing!

(Source: NEC) Revenue Management Solutions (RMS) has one of the largest Microsoft® SQL database in the world - totaling over 50 billion records. Read how consolidating on NEC's Itanium Servers helped RMS achieve 500% performance gain in data processing and reduced report wait time from months to days.

Bad Broker Data is Bad for Business

(Source: Kalido) Without good data about your insurance brokers and the policies they sell, you're operating at a huge financial disadvantage.  This brief explains how the Kalido solution for Broker Data Governance can lead to better information, better decisions, and fully validated data for regulatory reporting - all of critical importance to your organization.

Business Data You Can Believe In

(Source: Kalido) Bad data - and a lack of good data management practices - can cost your business millions of dollars every year. This white paper reviews the common causes of bad data and, most importantly, how organizations are increasing revenue, decreasing costs and mitigating risk with a Data Governance program.

MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today

(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.

Learn how Xythos and Microsoft enable customers to benefit from the best of both approaches to document management and collaboration.

(Source: Xythos) Savvy IT Execs are exploring options to improve SharePoint but not to replace it or create more document storage silos. This whitepaper compares Xythos Enterprise Document Management Suite with Microsoft SharePoint Server to explore the benefits and differences each application can offer and guidelines for using them in combination to better address complete ECM requirements.


Featured Whate Papers
Top 10 Reasons to Migrate to WS08
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(Source: Dell) New virtualization tools, Web technologies, and security enhancements help save time and reduce costs, and provide you with high availability and increased flexibility for your changing business needs. Central to IT simplification is streamlining maintenance and maximizing availability - and by running Windows Server 2008 on Dell servers, you can do both.
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Success Story: New York City Transit
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(Source: Novell) One of the top priorities of New York City Transit is to ensure that its employees have secure and timely access to information. With a Novell? solution, the agency has automated identity management for 85,000 users, giving 49,000 employees secure, single sign-on to applications and providing 36,000 retirees with online access to benefit information.
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