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Which SQL is MySQL?

I can be an idiot some days. As proof I'll only mention that I thought Sun buying MySQL was a great move. Boy was I wrong.

First, the crème de la crème of MySQL's developers and founders started leaving Sun. Then, Michael 'Monty' Widenius, MySQL's founder and, then Sun's CTO for its MySQL division, announced the release of the next version by publicly stating that the latest MySQL release contained "many known and unknown fatal bugs. That must have gone over well at Sun's HQ.

It probably wouldn't surprise you to know that Widenius has since left Sun. He's now working on his own community branch of MySQL, MariaDB. Its purpose? "To provide a community developed, stable, and always Free branch of MySQL that is, on the user level, compatible with the main version."

But, wait there's more. Patrick Galbraith, a senior MySQL developer, noted in his blog that we don't know "What will be the official development branch of MySQL," As it is, Galbraith continued, "There is now one fork and one major branch of MySQL [MariaDB] … both are exciting projects-- and neither of them is coming from official MySQL/Sun."

The fork, which is officially sanctioned by Sun, is called Drizzle. It's being directed by Brian Aker, a senior Sun developer. Drizzle, according to the site is a "database optimized for Cloud and Net applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern multi-cpu/core architecture."

What about MySQL itself? Darn good question.

Galbraith would like to know the answer too. He wrote, "My question is then: what is the official tree? The project lead is Monty, and if he is now saying 'MariaDB' is the official tree. Does that mean that the tree at Sun is now dead? Open source projects usually have their souls found in whoever personally leads the project, not in who owns the copyright of the name. Monty and Brian certainly are open source leaders, so my inclination is to follow them. This is not a slight to MySQL/Sun either, but a question that me as a both a user and developer of MySQL, as well as a former employee and team member of the MySQL development team."

I don't think he's going to get an answer soon. Both Sun, which just laid off 1,500 employees this week, and MySQL are in disarray.

I think the best thing that could happen to the 'official' MySQL is for IBM to complete its acquisition of Sun as fast as possible. That deal, by the way, no matter what rumors you may have heard, is still very much alive.

Once that's done, maybe we'll get to see what can be done by merging the best features of MySQL and DB2. Or, considering IBM's usual hands-off management approach to major open-source projects, perhaps Big Blue will just give its blessings to one or the other, or even both, of the existing MySQL branches and let them roll.

What People Are Saying

Don't know why they bought it

I can't figure out what Sun was gaining by buying MySQL. Brand name recognition of some kind? Cutting edge techno points with executives who learn everything they know about IT from reading airplane magazines?

Sun was already a supporter of PostgreSQL. Given the choice between PostgreSQL and MySQL Sun should just have stuck with PostgreSQL.


with all the upset with mysql, I think it's a good time for people to give postgresql another look. I think it's the better of the 2 databases, and has been for a long time, but that's my opinion...

check it out, http://www.postgresql.org/ can't hurt.

A very good advice. The

A very good advice. The moment the news of the acquisition of MySQL by Sun (preceeded by the acquisition of InnoDB by Oracle), I started looking around to go away from MySQL, ending up at PostgreSQL. And now I am wondering why I was not using pgsql all those years...

Missing the point...

It's not about which one is "the real MySQL" but it's about capabilities.

Here's more on that: http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/011046.html


Thanks for the pointer

I'll check it out.


One correction...


One correction, this part is wrong: "MySQL's current Director of Architecture". When I came to Sun I joined the CTO organization. I have had nothing to do with the DB organization since the acquisition. The group that works for me on Drizzle internally is not involved with MySQL.


Thanks for the update Brian

I'll correct.
