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ProCurve Networking

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Solutions for businesses of all size

Enterprise business solutions HP ProCurve offers a choice of the best available solutions for enterprises worldwide.

» Enterprise business solutions

Small, medium business solutions HP ProCurve small, medium business solutions help protect your IT investments by scaling as you grow.

» Small, medium business solutions

» Network of Choice

Networks are growing in importance and scope for today's organizations.

As a longtime networking industry leader, HP ProCurve is a safe choice for the best available products, solutions and customer care (services and technical support) to meet those challenges.

» Learn about the network of choice

» ProCurve ONE

Open Network Ecosystem

ProCurve ONE ProCurve's Open Network Ecosystem (ONE) is a new initiative from HP ProCurve, that provides you with a choice of best-in-class applications and services that integrate into your network.

» Learn more about ProCurve ONE

» Featured product

HP ProCurve 2910 Switch Series HP ProCurve 2910 Switch Series
The new 2910 series – cost-effective high performance and scalability for next generation converged networks!

» Learn more about the 2910 series