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Google's April Fools 2009

Google Blogoscoped

Today is prank day on and offline, and Google is joining with several hoaxes. The common theme this year is CADIE, short for Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity. I also saw it linked from google.com, though not at the moment. Google writes, “For several years now a small research group has been working on some challenging problems in the areas of neural networking, natural language and autonomous problem-solving. Last fall this group achieved a significant breakthrough: a powerful new technique for solving reinforcement learning problems, resulting in the first functional global-scale neuro-evolutionary learning cluster.”

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Joanne Cummings

The Google Subnet blog

By Joanne Cummings | Bio | RSS
  • HP Android netbooks spell bad news for Microsoft Submitted by Google Subnet on Wed, 04/01/2009

    HP's interest in Android, especially in the netbook space, isn't too hard to understand. Netbook users by definition are extremely price conscious, and Android promises to give users more feature bang for their buck (and processor), especially compared with Windows.

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  • YouTube, Hulu vie for premium Disney content Submitted by Google Subnet on Tue, 03/31/2009

    When it comes to showing TV clips, sports highlights and other short-form video content, Disney's decided YouTube is the way to go, and it signed a deal this week to do just that. But the question is far more murky when it comes to full-length episodes and other long-form content. Can YouTube shed its low-brow anything-goes image and entice the likes of Disney, ABC and ESPN to run full-length episodes of its premium content on its site?

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  • Google expands music downloads in China Submitted by Google Subnet on Mon, 03/30/2009

    In another attempt to hit rival Baidu where it lives, Google is expanding the number of free music downloads it offers in China via a pact with four major U.S. record labels, IDG News reports. The move brings Google more on par with Baidu, but it also underscores the huge disadvantage Google has when trying to build marketshare in China: Google has to play by the rules, while Baidu really doesn't.

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    Today is prank day on and offline, and Google is joining with several hoaxes. I may update this post as new info comes in.   The common theme this year is CADIE, short for Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity. I also saw it linked from google.com, though not at the moment. Google writes, “For several years now a small research group has been working on some challenging problems in the areas of neural networking, natural language and autonomous... 1

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