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A tale of the death of Hammerhead

Blogger Brad Reese offers the inside story on the death of router startup Hammerhead and why he thinks this is bad news for the network industry. With $110 million in funding down the drain, will VCs be shy about investing in routing startups that try to take on the big guys like Cisco? Reese thinks so.
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  • Brad Reese on Cisco

    Cisco supports Open Cloud Manifesto, while the Rolling Stones remain holdouts by Brad Reese

    Cisco is supporting the Open Cloud Manifesto (whose ultimate goal is to make the cloud as open and valuable as possible), however, the Rolling Stones remain holdouts, still insisting that everyone get off of their cloud. View the 6 page manifesto: Page 1. Introduction Page 2. What is Cloud Computing and Why is it Important? Page 3. Challenges and Barriers to Adoption Page 4. The Goals of an Open Cloud Page 5. Principles of an Open Cloud Page 6. Conclusion Interestingly, my...

  • Networking Geek to Geek

    Data Center Design...Best IT Career Path by Jimmy Ray Purser

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  • Jamey Heary: Cisco Security Expert

    IT Security Jobs remain HOT, here's advice on landing a Security Sales Eng. Job by Jamey Heary

    One of the best places to be in almost any company is a job in or around their sales departments. Sales are a company’s lifeblood so those that can directly influence those sales usually enjoy higher pay and more job perks. However, nothing is for free right? So the trade-off is you typically have less job security and work longer hours. If you don’t bring in the numbers to meet your sales quota you’ll be out of the job before long. One thing you definitely can’t do is “coast” in a sales... 4

  • From the Field

    Phase Two of our New Data Center Project has Begun by Michael Morris

    As I've mentioned in a few recent blogs, we're building a data center right now with the networking based on the Cisco Nexus-series line. This last week saw us enter the second major phase of this project: Installation. If I categorize this new data center we are building into three phases it would be like this: Phase 1 - Design Phase 2 - Installation Phase 3 - Application Migration Phase 1 began back in August 2008 when we decided to use a chunk of a new product development...

Security Watch:

Security advisories from Cisco and elsewhere

Cisco issues patches for IOS bugs Cisco released eight security updates in its latest IOS patch, which the company issues twice a year. The eight updates fix 11 security vulnerabilities, most of which could disable tor disrupt service on a router, according to a report by IDG News Service's Robert McMillan.Cisco has also been working with other companies on a remedy for "Sockstress" bug in TCP/IP. This can be...

Cisco Financials