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Yoni Heisler

Microsoft attacks Apple on price in new commercial

In Microsoft's latest attempt to counter Apple's "I'm a Mac" ads, they recently released a commercial which highlights the difference in price between a PC laptop and an Apple laptop.

By Yoni Heisler on Sat, 03/28/09 - 4:08pm.
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In Microsoft's latest attempt to counter Apple's "I'm a Mac" ads, they recently released a commercial which highlights the difference in price between a PC laptop and an Apple laptop. The premise of the commercial involves a young woman looking for a sub $1000 computer with a pre-determined set of specifications. One of the specs she's looking for is a laptop with a 17 inch screen, and when she checks out an Apple Store, she leaves empty handed, noting that the only laptop Apple sells for under $1000 is a MacBook with a 13 inch screen.

"I would have to double my budget, which isn't feasible", she says as she drives off. She then slyly remarks, "I'm just not cool enough to be a Mac person."

Ouch! In just a matter of seconds, Microsoft not only painted Apple as the purveyor more expensive hardware, but also takes a shot against the perceived notion that Apple users are somehow "cooler" than their PC counterparts.

Opinions about the effectiveness of Microsoft's latest commercial and its jab at Apple have been varied, but no matter what side of the fence you fall on, it's clear that after years of not doing anything to respond to Apple's advertising attack on all things PC, Microsoft is finally stepping up addressing the Apple issue head on.

You can view the commercial below:

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About iOnApple
Yoni Heisler is a technology writer and Mac nerd who's been using Apple products for well over 18 years. He actively covers a wide variety of Apple topics, from legal news and rumors to current events and even Apple related comedy and history. When not writing about Apple, he enjoys basketball, music, and writing in the third person. Got an idea, comment or suggestions? You can reach him at iOnApple1@gmail.com.