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Tricks Of The Trade

The joys of sound cards ...

Submitted by: Ron – Wed, 01/14/2009 – 22:20

Several years back I had to install a printer

... in a classroom

... while the class was going on.

The printer had arrived late and was needed for that class.

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Poor design...

Submitted by: Anonymous – Tue, 01/13/2009 – 13:56

I get this daily email newsletter called fishbait or dolphin bait or something like that. Now, when I read this column I am allowed to reply to the column, or I am allowed to reply to the replies. I made the sometimes fatal mistake of formally registering my subscription to this column. Read on to find out why I call it fatal...

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long term system administrator job for a girl or woman

Submitted by: Anonymous – Wed, 01/07/2009 – 08:05

dear fellow friends,

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Xerox printing problems

Submitted by: Anonymous – Tue, 01/06/2009 – 12:10

A little over two years ago we installed two digital color printers from Xerox with EFI Fiery front ends as a packaged printing solution. From the very beginning, many functions did not work as documented. Xerox basically put us off for a year by giving us work arounds and promising a fix to our problems in a coming new software release.

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Sata on Desktops

Submitted by: akwhartiger – Sun, 11/09/2008 – 19:37

Do you know that you can now use your notebook sata harddrive on your desktop?

well i tried it and it worked. the notebook sata uses exactly the same connectors as that of the desktop, so i connected my sata cables to my notebook' harddrive (sata) and boot up my pc and wow, my joy when i saw that the notebook harddrive was working just as fine as my ide on the pc.

Just try it.

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Letting the mouse out of the cage...

Submitted by: Anonymous – Fri, 11/07/2008 – 12:16

(Posting this one from a friend... Hope y'all dont mind)

Back in the OS/2 days the mouse driver was loaded during a graphical boot process.

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IT Duties

Submitted by: Guilty – Wed, 10/15/2008 – 13:40

For all Admin Fish:

What methods are you using to schedule outages?

I.E.; patches requiring reboot across the board or just hardware modifications to a Mail server get the same response, invariably whatever im taking down is being used RIGHT THEN. (Even on weekends and extreme after hours) "Come on guys, I have a life too."

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Rules is rules

Submitted by: Anonymous – Sun, 09/21/2008 – 11:54

So I'm at a trade conference when one of the local IT publications puts on a nice liquid lunch. Lovely idea, until some of the well lubricated dinner table conversation shows up, fully attributed, in that publication the following month.


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Is Closer Better?

Submitted by: Anonymous – Wed, 09/17/2008 – 18:24

Arriving at the hospital where we have network presence and see the satellite installer cutting a 6ft dish in half. OK, recycled metal is good...1 hour later need to take the elevator to an equip closet and it is cordoned off - Satellite guy muscling half the cut dish into the elevator.

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Ok So why wont everything re-start

Submitted by: Anonymous – Thu, 08/07/2008 – 16:14

So last friday we need to shut down computer room for building a/c repairs. Work was done off hours, I took the morning shift to finish re-starts. Re-start admin servers, all is well, need to go to another building to start listeners. Very easy startup normally, but listeners would not start, receiving error message.

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