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Sharky's picture

Shark Tank

Gee, thanks

This network engineer pilot fish works at a regional government office where the domain controller is locked down by the folks at the capitol.

"Our domain controller has been flaky the last few days, so I called the help desk to let them know the server was down again and my users couldn't log onto the network," fish says.

But the glum tech on the other end tells fish she can't put in a trouble ticket because "we're down."

Is it the same problem we're having? fish wonders. He tries to probe for details. But the tech's only response is, "I can't tell you that, sir; we are down."

So fish goes back to basics. Is your computer up? he asks tech. Do you have an IP? Can you ping your gateway? Can you resolve DNS?

"It was amazing how difficult simple troubleshooting steps were for the person my users call when I'm not here to help," says fish. "In the end, she didn't want to look into the issue, since someone else was working on it.

"And once she had access to her systems, she opened a ticket and assigned it to one of my co-workers in another region that has no control over the server either.

"At least they didn't assign it to me, like they normally do when I call in with problems I don't have authority to fix."

Help Sharky out with your own true tale of IT life. Send it to me at sharky@computerworld.com, and you'll snag a snazzy Shark shirt if I use it. Add your comments below, and read some great old tales in the Sharkives.

Now you can post your own stories of IT ridiculousness at Shark Bait. Join today and vent your IT frustrations to people who've been there, done that.

What People Are Saying

Absolutely Wonderful

After a day filled with the excitement of formatting yet another crashed PC, and plugging in monitors, or demonstrating how to use a mouse left-handed, I like to read the Shark Bait, see yet another tech with the same problems as me, and know that all is right with the world. The icing on the cake for me is reading the satirical comments of JTB or Fluff, or a limerick, and snicker and laugh out loud.
Just wouldn't be the same without them.

day 57-58 chapter title:

* Destruction of Scale
* Armageddon
take a pick, any pick. all are bombs, anyway.

i imagine the Stephen-King character called fluff is like Jean Reno in Wasabi: 6 foot 7 inches high, 180 lbs, cant hurt a fly. next scene, he clocks a transvestite clear across the disco floor for about, 15 feet? i'm getting ahead, but am sure he will stoop to that sector also.

yesterday, was a 6-page wallop; today was 8 pages full of 'old men, women and children' just like france in world war II. man, he's in a rampage :)

but ye ole funny flavor was back amongst regulars with the anonii as cannon fodder :D

btw, tomorrow or today, supposed to be JTB PIOTRUEY FRIERED DAYS where we type like JTB to anonii, like garlic/holy water/wooden stake is to vampires.

see you in my monday

folks, you know how far out i am though MH is furthest. cant see the fireworks of your day but i will see it on monday.

happy anononii staking.

btw, to old people, i really think the real angst of fluff is that you sat there contented on your cobol, while the rest of the young people had to fight for the freedom of internet and other tech progress...just a thought. think about it.


To all newbies: The following posters are characters, i.e., their comments are supposed to be humorous, satirical and/or thought provoking and not to be taken seriously. You are welcome to reply to them, but your response should be in the spirit of the original post.

  • fluf (a.k.a. Fluffy Jacket)
  • O2BIrish
  • Mad Hatter

(Did I miss anyone? I hesitate to mention this since the flames are so amusing!)

They pulled it?!?

They must have pulled Fluff's comment and some of the responses. I got lost trying to read through all of the comments. Sure wish I'd been able to check in yesterday!

JTB's posts are a total

JTB's posts are a total waste of time. It's too bad there is not an "ignore" feature, because myself and untold countless others would no doubt be using it. Wouldn't that be something if everyone had him on ignore? With no audience to annoy, maybe he'd actually do something productive with his life.

Half the time, if I want to read the comments, I have to scroll past JTB's annoying words before I get to any serious comments. Sometime I just give up reading any other comments when I see one and just hit backspace...

Ignore Feature!

There is an ignore feature! It's called your brain (or am I assuming too much)...

Why is it that, if you don't like something (you is all Anon's here, as you have no handle), you want to ban it from others? Ever heard of a little idea called liberty?

But, scrolling is such hard

But, scrolling is such hard work! If you have one of those new-fangled mouses with a wheel, you have to move your finger back and forth a couple of times. If you're not that lucky, you have to move your whole hand over to the right to find the scroll bar, and then click! In either case, your eyes have to be able to watch the middle of the screen so you know when you're past the annoyance! Man, you ask too much.

Serious comments????

Why are you looking for serious comments here? Is your life so (insert derogatory word here) that you can't take a little humor? Put on your foil helmet, ignore the advice your neighbor's dog is barking in your kitchen window, up your dosage and move on. Next you'll tell us you don't enjoy the anal probes.

Oh boo hoo

I have to scroll past his posts :(

Poor little me, I can't read serious comments on Shark Tank. I have to hit backspace.

Poor baby, not only have you not been reading these comments for long, but you also don't know what the backspace key does.

Maybe you should find somewhere else to troll where everyone will love you and treat you like someone special.