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Linux firm to supply Brazil schools with PC-sharing software
Userful Corp. has won a deal to supply its Linux-based PC-sharing software to 357,000 Linux desktops in schools throughout Brazil.

Microsoft-Red Hat deal shows need for virtualization support
A virtualization deal struck Monday between Microsoft and Red Hat shows the growing need for vendors to ensure customers can get cross-platform support for applications running in virtualized environments.

LiMo's Linux-based mobile OS stack makes gains
The LiMo Foundation is set to roll out the latest version of its Linux-based mobile phone software stack. At this week’s Mobile World Congress, vendors showed LiMo-based phones, and announced their membership in the foundation.

Free groupware takes on Exchange monopoly
Open source Exchange rival Zarafa has added native support for Blackberry Enterprise Server to a roster of collaboration features that already includes Outlook interoperability, and integration with open source tools such as SugarCRM, OpenERP and Alfresco.

Debian's Lenny offers enterprises open-source option
Debian has released the latest version of its operating system and is set to be particularly attractive to budget-conscious enterprises looking to cut costs.

Debian's Lenny offers enterprises open-source option
Debian has released the latest version of its operating system and is set to be particularly attractive to budget-conscious enterprises looking to cut costs.

1234567890. Happy Unix Time Event!
Oh Internet nerds, I love you because I'm one of you. But even I had to look up this 1234567890 meme that's been bouncing around. If you've been wished a "happy 1234567890" or other similarly obtuse numerical greeting by your sysadmin, IT consultant, or Tweeting tween nephew, they're just celebrating a milestone in the Unix calendar system.

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$EDITOR: Don Marti

Fun with web stats

This site, like a lot of the other Mainstream Media sites, uses a service called Hitbox, part of Omniture Inc., instead of processing the actual server logs. The Hitbox tracking is done with a chunk ...

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