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Sick sig, slick!

It's not the content. It's the style. It's all about the sig.

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Obama anti-trust chief: Google is a monopoly threat, not Microsoft

The blogosphere regularly excoriates Microsoft for being a monopoly, but Google, not Microsoft, may be in the cross-hairs of the nation's next anti-trust chief for monopolistic behavior. Last June Christine A. Varney, President Obama's nominee to be the next antitrust chief, warned that Google already had a monopoly in online advertising.

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Facebook backs down -- again.

Sometimes I wonder what's on Mark Zuckerberg's calendar. Along with notes for birthdays and holidays, I'm beginning to suspect he has an early February reminder that goes something like, "Make draconian change. Anger users. Back down."

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Cisco gets cozy with Trend Micro

HND logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Trend Micro slide its security software into routers from Cisco/Linksys. Not to mention how not to cross at a railroad crossing...

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Phony job postings

An article in the Wall Street Journal discusses assorted scams involving job ads.

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Do background checks a better valentine make?

Women like the idea. Men, not so much.

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So you wanna run an online dating site?

Online dating is a lucrative business. You want in? Whitelabeldating wants to help you get started.

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Online dating: It's bigger than porn

Online dating is big business. How big? It's the third largest revenue producer out of all paid content sites, behind digital music and online gaming, according to Forrester Research Inc. (Bet you thought #1 was online porn, didn't you?)

Here's the breakdown.

Top Online Paid Content Sites in 2008 by Category ($ in millions)

Digital music $1,732

Video games $1,866

Dating $957

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Google Chrome for Mac first sighting

The busy Google Bees are hard at work building Mac and Linux versions of their Webkit-based Chrome browser. The Chrome browser currently runs only on Windows but is gaining a significant following, especially amongst heavy Google Apps users. Want to see what the Mac version?

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Online dating under the covers: How Joe got the girl

Join eHarmony. Fill out profile. Wait for "scientific matches" to arrive. Follow 10-step process. Repeat 100 times. Will it work for you?

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Low tech hack reveals Facebook / ConnectU settlement details

The old cut-and-paste trick strikes again.

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Clicking your way to clinical confusion

Have you had too many drinks to drive? How's your hearing? What's your "real" age when considering your habits? Which exercise burns up the most calories? Read on -- the Web has all the answers. Or does it?

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Silverlight, via Moonlight, comes to Linux

Thanks to Novell's Mono Project, you can now view and listen to Microsoft Silverlight content on your Linux desktop with Moonlight. In early tests, it works quite well.

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What clouds are made of

The Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum is grappling with some thorny philosophical computing problems in practical ways.

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Google Gmail signature location not ready for prime time

Hot on the heels of its Latitude friend-tracking service, Google adds another location-based service: an automated Gmail signature that includes your current location. Unfortunately, the feature isn't polished enough for business use.

It's great for digital nomads constantly on the move who want to communicate where they are without effort. 

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