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Test Center preview: Apple's Safari 4

The Safari beta for Mac OS X and Windows is fast, tuned to the latest Web standards, and finally even with WebKit

You already know Safari. It's the only browser that ships with OS X, in the same manner that Internet Explorer is the de facto browser for Windows. Safari rose to greater recognition as the iPhone's touchy-feely Web 2.0  more

IT deserves better than IBM or Microsoft

Times are tough, but that's no excuse for the meanness at IBM or the initial clumsiness at Microsoft ...more

Test Center: Komodo 5 takes the crown

Multilingual ActiveState Komodo 5.0 conquers Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby projects with strong debug facilities, excellent code control, and an unbeatable set of utilities ...more

Four big reasons to get behind the smart grid

With venture capital flooding in and stimulus money on the way, the smart grid is taking shape -- and the business world stands to benefit ...more

Facebook, MySpace, social (media) diseases

Social media is on the rise, and so are the privacy and security risks. Is it time to dial back on the whole Web 2.0 'friend' thing? ...more

Top Rated Products
Score: 9.0 - Excellent
Score: 8.7 - Excellent
Score: 8.7 - Very Good

This week's roundup of roundup of the top tech news comes from the Mobile... more


IFW Daily 02/26/2009

Lack of standards hinders cloud adoption, Intel joins Dell and others ...

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Open source has become an integral part of the software world. The best, however, has yet to come. To get the most from open-source communities, including significant boosts in innovation and cuts in IT spending, we need to discover new ways to grow them, make them self-sustaining, and profitable.

OSBC 2009 will tackle the biggest issue in open source today: Open Sourcing the Enterprise.

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