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Permanent fix needed for DNS security issues, Kaminsky warns at Black Hat
Dan Kaminsky, the security researcher who discovered a major flaw in the DNS protocol last year, said this week that broad adoption of DNS Security Extensions technology may be needed to protect systems, despite its complexity. Read more...

Clearwire readying WiMax game plan as rival LTE gains steam

Verizon to roll out LTE in two U.S. cities this year

IBM leads IT out of the data center

FCC questions Comcast's treatment of competing VoIP services

Atheros turns cell phone into access point

Consortium tackles cloud computing standards

Clearwire woes hit big WiMax backers

After years of delays, China finally issues 3G licenses

USB 3.0 Promises Faster Speeds, Backward Compatibility

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The browser blockers: Is browser sniffing outdated?
It's easy to set your browser to pretend to be the 'approved' browser, in which case the Web site will let you in and, more often than not, everything works fine.

Web standards on the edge
Browser bugs and ambiguities in the standards are major reasons why Web pages fail to render properly.

When good browsers go bad -- and they all do
There's plenty of blame to go around. Some Web sites haven't been updated, and many developers still don't design their pages to modern standards and best practices. Browser vendors still interpret some standards differently and don't fully implement all of the features in others. The list goes on.

IT's glass – full, empty or too big?
In times of economic chaos and budget cuts you need to check your perspective. You know the old saw: A pessimist sees the glass as half empty; the optimist sees it as half full. These are both wrong ways of looking at the problem. The realist's perspective, the right way, recognizes that when there's space above the contents the glass is simply too big.

Upgrade, repair, replace, or limp along?
When money's tight, how do you keep things going and save money at the same time? I think you need a process to decide what to do with equipment that dies. When are you better off repairing/replacing, when to upgrade, and when to just let it die and do without?

Mobile data roaming still costs too much
I am heading to Barcelona on Feb. 15 for the Mobile World Congress, where operators from all over the world will talk about how great mobile broadband is, but I bet you they won't use it to surf the Internet while visiting the show, especially if chief financial officers have any say.

Sprint's 4G guy: Todd Rowley on the need for speed
Todd Rowley helped to conceive Sprint's mobile WiMAX play, to midwife its birth, to name it Xohm, play matchmaker for its marriage with Clearwire, wave goodbye with the launch of the Clear network build out...and he still can't let go.

Ballmer, Tucci Discuss Microsoft, EMC Cloud Vision
Microsoft and EMC converged in New York City on Tuesday to announce a three-year extension of their alliance to work together on enterprise virtualization, storage, security and content management products.

A new era in application delivery
IT pros are being asked to use the network to provide more services at the application layers. Here's one way to deliver it all.

Buyer's guide: Power-line networking for your Mac-friendly home
While not as well known or widely used as Wi-Fi or Ethernet, power-line networking -- using your existing home electrical wiring to transmit data, turning every outlet in your house into a potential network connection -- can be a lifesaver when Wi-Fi won't reach or when you can't run Ethernet cabling.

Power-line devices use existing electrical wiring to get you online. But what kind of performance will you get?
Among other advice: Be specific about your skill set, but don't list technologies that were popular 15 years ago unless they relate to the job you're applying for.
What do 'beta' and 'experimental' mean when Google is making money just the same?
Thinking of striking out on your own? IT managers who have made the jump share their hard-won advice.
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The New Encryption Generation: Closing the Gap
(Source: Credant) Enterprises view encryption as a backstop to prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands. But first-generation encryption technologies may leave critical gaps in security or even foster operational compromises. This white paper examines those limitations and an alternative, multilayered approach that can automatically safeguard data without complicating essential IT and user operations.
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"This network engineer pilot fish is trying to get help with a flaky domain controller, so he calls the help..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Five different operating systems. 32 and 64 bits. One home network. One clueless journalist. Can it work?..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Would you use a free project management service if it promised 97% accuracy on promise dates? You'd be foolish not..." Read more Read More Blogs

"The blogosphere regularly excoriates Microsoft for being a monopoly, but Google, not Microsoft, may be in the cross-hairs of the..." Read more Read More Blogs

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White Papers
ProCurve Proactive Defense: A Comprehensive Network Security Strategy
The costs of security are rising, as are the costs of failing to provide effective network security. This paper describes a better alternative for network security: a comprehensive security vision and strategy that arises directly from the revolutionary ProCurve Adaptive EDGE Architecture™ (AEA), which embraces distributed intelligence at the network edge and takes a holistic approach to networking.
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Shark Bait
View Shark BaitFired up about IT? Join Sharkbait and share your true tales of IT. SharkBait is the place for you to sound off about everything IT – the good, the bad, and the rest of the weird stuff you deal with every day.

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The Impact of Social Networks on Mobility Strategies
The Impact of Social Networks on Mobility Strategies
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Computerworld Executive Briefing: Automating Network Management
Download this Executive Briefing now (a $195.00 value), compliments of ProCurve Networking by HP.
(Source: Computerworld) This briefing looks at the basics of network management, which tend to get lost in the dizzying array of products and processes. It also examines new tools that are on the way to help IT executives deal with management in the new era of automation.Download this Executive Briefing now (a $195.00 value), compliments of ProCurve Networking by HP.
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White Papers
Read up on the latest ideas and technologies from companies that sell hardware, software and services.
Preventing Data Loss When Migrating to Microsoft 2007
New Web Threats for 2009
Seven Key Challenges You Can't Ignore
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Validate LAN installations for Optimal Service Delivery
Download this white paper, free, compliments of Fluke Networks.
(Source: Fluke Networks) A newly installed network needs to be validated to prove the installation was done correctly, that the LAN will operate trouble-free, and that users will be satisfied. Learn about LAN validation - what it is, how to do it, who benefits and why it should be part of your best practices.
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