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Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

So, What Did You Do Today, John Paulson?

For the hedge-fund rock star, Friday the 13th was lucky.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Times Columnists in Smackdown!

Somebody had to separate these two Goliaths of the op-ed page.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel

Bright Ideas

How Cool Would a Microsoft Store Be in New York?

About as cool as we would imagine.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

For Hundreds of Lawyers, It’s Going to Be a Long Weekend

They'll have President's Day off ... and then every day thereafter.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel


Flying Financier Marcus Schrenker’s Wife Was ‘Shocked’ He Turned Out to Be a Wackjob

The wife of disgraced financier Marcus Schrenker went on the 'Today' show this morning to clear her name.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Will R. Allen Stanford Top Bernie Madoff?

The SEC is looking into the Caribbean-based financier, who has $51 billion under management.

Posted 02/12/09 in Daily Intel

The Bonus Buster

Merrill’s Decision to Pay Out $3.6 Billion in Bonuses Is ‘Nothing Short of Staggering,’ Says Cuomo

The Bonus Buster is LITERALLY freaking out about Merrill Lynch.

Posted 02/12/09 in Daily Intel

Great Minds

Keynesian Economist Katie Lee Joel Nails the Paradox of the Greatest Depression

The cookbook author and wife of Billy Joel offers some familiar counsel.

Posted 02/12/09 in Daily Intel

Old Crime

Arthur Nadel Is in New York!

The Florida Ponzi-schemer, 76, comes home to be with his people.

Posted 02/12/09 in Daily Intel


Were Ruth and Bernie Madoff the Ian Brady and Myra Hindley of Finance?

Was she in on it? We consider the possibilities.

Posted 02/11/09 in Daily Intel

Inevitable Things

‘Bag Lady’ Alexandra Penney Will Be Off the Streets A Little Longer

Bernie Madoff taketh away, but he also giveth.

Posted 02/11/09 in Daily Intel

The Great Stimulation

Senate and House Have Reached a Deal on Stimulus

House and Senate leaders have reportedly agreed on a scaled-down plan, with a $789.5 billion price tag.

Posted 02/11/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Why Should Vulture Investors Help Out America When America Is So Mean to Them?

"Vulture" investors are sick of looking like the carrion-eating creeps they are.

Posted 02/11/09 in Daily Intel

Scenes From a Meltdown

McGraw-Hill Kills Book Critical of S&P;

Writer Barry Ritzholz gets slammed by his publisher for taking down their ratings subsidiary in a book.

Posted 02/10/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

The Media Says Au Revoir to All That

HarperCollins is laying off staffers, the Toronto 'Metro' is written by interns, and approximately 41,000 media jobs have been slashed since the start of the recession. But things are looking up in France!

Posted 02/10/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

CEOs Prepare for ‘Public Anal Exam’

Tomorrow, a number of Wall Street's top CEOs are scheduled to testify in front of Barney Frank's Financial Services Committee. They're not looking forward to it.

Posted 02/10/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Daily Intel’s Economic Stimulus Plan

New York needs a cash injection, and we know just the people who should give it to us.

Posted 02/10/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Times Points Finger at Geithner

The revamped bailout is déjà vu all over again, they point out, and it's the new Treasury secretary's fault.

Posted 02/09/09 in Daily Intel

The Downturnaround

Rock and Roll Is Recession-Proof

In today's digest of good economic news: Hedge funds get back on the plus side, Nate Silver applies his magical mind to the economy, and rock and roll plays so loud it can't even hear the recession.

Posted 02/09/09 in Daily Intel


Fairfield Greenwich Founder Forced to Sell Jet

Latest move toward liquidation crimps Melanie Tucker's bridge style.