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Limits on H-1B hiring by bailout recipients still in economic stimulus bill
A provision that would restrict the hiring of H-1B visa holders by banks receiving federal bailout funds was left in the economic stimulus bill by U.S. House and Senate negotiators. Read more...

Massachusetts extends compliance deadline on data security rules — again

Draft legislation would give money to e-waste research

SEC sets deadline for electronic filing of financial data

Firms Take Steps to Head Off Encryption Dangers

Geeks.com agrees to security audits in wake of data breach

Calif. DMV tried to sneak in biometrics for driver's licenses, groups claim

Google offers tool to let you track your friends' movements

Google privacy trial opens in Milan

Drive Makers Agree on TCG Encryption Standard

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Good IT salary news, plus scams, drugs and DTV
We're taking a break from (most) bad economic news this week. Among other things, a couple of new salary surveys struck encouraging notes.

Bulky trouble by the Bay
Few cities in the world owe as much to the Internet as San Francisco does. Both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 helped to fund office construction, thousands of high-paying jobs, and soaring home prices in the city and across the whole Bay Area. The 'Net also owes a lot to San Francisco, the birthplace of Craigslist, Twitter, Blogger.com and countless other startups.

Google offers tool to let you track your friends' movements
Not content with indexing the world's information, Google is now tracking where users of its maps service are, and making that location data searchable by others.

Cloud computing and compliance: Be careful up there
If you're in an industry that requires regulatory compliance -- and who isn't these days -- it pays to check out your cloud vendor thoroughly before you leap. Here are some things to keep in mind, specifically for SAS 70, PCI DSS and HIPAA.

Digital TV delay bill dies in House
The Feb. 17 nationwide switch to digital television is still on, at least for now, after the House of Representatives failed to pass legislation that would have delayed the transition date to June 12.

Bush's exit to put new e-records system to the test
The National Archives received only 32 million e-mails from the Clinton administration eight years ago, but in a few months, it expects to get hit with 50 times that from the Bush administration, which has exacerbated the problem by dragging its feet in supplying the data.

Opinion: Red Flag Rules' Nov. 1 deadline postponed
The recent Wall Street meltdown sparked an outcry for new regulations to prevent another financial crisis. Congress is having hearings to lay the groundwork for a massive new set of laws, but most companies are woefully unprepared to meet any new e-discovery requirements.

Opinion: FTC's new Red Flag Rules cast wide identity theft net
On Nov. 1, 2008, the Federal Trade Commission's Red Flag Rules will take effect requiring any institution that extends credit to implement a program to detect, prevent and mitigate instances of identity theft.

When to shred: Purging data saves money, cuts legal risk
Many organizations hang on to more data than they need, for much longer than they should. They pay millions of dollars for e-discovery, litigation that didn't have to happen or just plain expensive storage costs.

Opinion: The elusiveness of data classification
For those who simply want to facilitate a more effective tiered storage infrastructure, the most practical approach is to align based on applications rather than data. As technologies such as advanced file system and metadata management evolve, data classification options will increase.

The new real-time location service uses multiple wireless technologies to pinpoint your location. Here's how. (Also don't miss our hands-on review of Google Latitude.)
Six trends will conspire over the next year to drive e-book reading to levels that will surprise just about everybody.
Bruce Allen's most recent DIY supercomputer was ranked No. 58 in the world in the months after it was built.
The total number of IT jobs is declining because of the recession. But some companies are still hiring tech workers -- even Microsoft and IBM, despite their cutbacks.
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
The Top Ten Reasons to Rethink Application and Network Management
(Source: Extrahop Networks) Applications have evolved tremendously in recent years, with major advancements in functionality coupled with increasing complexity. Virtualization, Attached Storage, SOA, Cloud etc. all add to the complexity and make IT's job harder in the process. This white paper explores these management challenges and discusses fresh new approaches for effective Application Management.
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LIVE Feb 26, 2009 11:00 AM ET
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"User demand has kept XP in the market, but Microsoft insists on charging extra for it. Now, one user isn't..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Someone who just got a nearly $700 billion paycheck is sure to be at the top of the technology vendors..." Read more Read More Blogs

"In these uncertain times, it seems like a lot of well-intentioned guidance is being released to tell us what we..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Eliminate SPAM, Gain Productivity
Learn all about the dangers and the costs of spam in all its forms – from stock-touting to spreadsheet. Also, understand the drawbacks of traditional hardware- and software-based defenses – and the unique benefits of MessageLabs multi-layered, managed Anti-Spam solution; as illustrated by a real-world case study where MessageLabs stopped spam cold. Download this white paper now! 
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Computerworld Executive Briefing: End-to-End Storage Security

Download the Computerworld Executive Briefing free, a $195 value, compliments of Sharp.
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Spam Spikes: A Real Risk to Your Business
Download this white paper, free for a limited time, compliments of MessageLabs!
(Source: Messagelabs) This white paper will help you understand the ever changing email threats to your business, and how MessageLabs provides a unique solution.
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Preparing for PCI 1.2 Web Seminar
Preparing for PCI 1.2 Web Seminar
Download this Seminar! Compliments of VeriSign.
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The Trend from Unix to Linux in SAP Data Centers
Building a Reliable and Dynamic Data Center with PAN Manager by Egenera
IT Service Management: Metrics That Matter
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