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  • Wikipedia Beefs Up for Multimedia The online encyclopedia expects an explosion in digial media content, and prepares to handle the audio and video entries.
  • Visually Track Expenses With SimpleD Budget Not seeing enough money at the end of the month? Watch your household expenses with this easy-to-use freebie.
  • Worm Attack Continues The Conficker/Downadup worm is slithering across the Web at an "amazing" pace, say F-Secure researchers.
  • Most Online Music is Illegal, Study Says An estimated 95 percent of online music downloads violate copyright law, an industry report says.
  • Resident Evil 5 Demo Due This Month A playable version of the Resident Evil 5 demo will be available for download on January 26 on Xbox Live and soon after on PSN.
  • AT&T; Settles Suit Over Acquisition AT&T; will pay more than $2 million in a Justice Department deal related to its acquisition of wireless provider Dobson.
  • Study Accused of Exaggerating Kids' Online Safety Threats to children online were downplayed by MySpace study, some experts declare.
  • Obama Plans to Keep his BlackBerry The president-elect says the handheld is a tool to do his job and keep him grounded, avoiding the "bubble" of the presidency.
  • Microsoft Layoffs? Not a New Concept The software giant has had eight small layoffs in the past seven years.
  • Xbox 360 Outsells Playstation 3 Microsoft's Xbox 360 console has sold over 28 million units worldwide, 8 million more than the Sony Playstation 3.

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  • 2007 Microsoft Office Suites Comparison This paper compares and contrasts four suites of the 2007 Microsoft(R) Office system: Microsoft Office Standard 2007, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 and Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007. This paper is intended to help organizations understand the applications and capabilities offered, and to identify the suite that best fits their needs.
  • Windows Vista Migration: The Business Proposition It's not so much a matter of "if" but "when" for most organizations regarding migration to Windows Vista. Laying the groundwork now for this migration can yield higher ROI than waiting until later. This Computerworld Technology Briefing explains it all.

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