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Government & Regulation

All Government & Regulation Posts

Barack Obama and rebuilding the digital infrastructure

Rebuilding the U.S. infrastructure means not only bridges and roads but the digital infrastructure also. Here are five digital infrastructure initiatives.

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Intel profits drop

In today's podcast: Intel profits drop; Sony Ericsson makes a loss; and virus attacks the U.K. Ministry of Defence.

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Nortel turns page; starts Chapter 11

Nortel Networks logoIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Nortel in financial trouble. Not to mention another great executive mustache...

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How I took control of my credit report

A relatively unknown law lets you decide who gets to access your credit report - and when. Too bad the industry makes it such a hassle to use.

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SCO: Garbage Time

Despite the last forlorn whines of SCO apologists, there's nothing left of SCO's anti-Linux efforts except trash.

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Regulators:Thanks PCI, but we'll take it from here

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) being pushed by the major credit card companies has probably done a lot to stave off state and federally mandated controls for protecting customer credit and debit card data up to now. The big question as a new year begins, is for how much longer though?

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Intel profit warning: WiMAX doomed?

In Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers say "bellwether" a lot, as they watch Intel warn of a weak Q4. Not to mention a groan-worthy sailing pun...
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British plan allows police to hack into home PCs-without warrants.

Britain's Home Office has approved a plan that would expand warrantless searches of home PCs by police and M15 agents. The plan allows law enforcement to basically hack into a PC without a warrant. read more.

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Apple kills off DRM

Please, please let this ground-breaking move by Apple be the beginning of the end for all digital rights management.

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Will the stimulus create jobs in the U.S. or India?

Answer: In both countries.

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Obama's CTO choice may usher in mashup era

The District of Columbia's CTO is big on collaborative tools and data access and that's why he may be Obama's CTO.

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China jails 11 for software piracy

In today's podcast: China jails 11 for software piracy; Zune 30GB can't handle leap year; and Wikipedia raises funds for operations.

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Tape vs Biometrics - tape wins!!

A South Korean woman barred from entering Japan fooled the biometric fingerprint scanner by putting "special" tape over her fingers.

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SSL cert. hash hacked on PS3 farm

SSL PadlockIn New Year's eve's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch the MD5 hash algorithm get broken -- by a farm of PlayStations -- with worrying consequences for SSL digital certificates. Not to mention seasonal blinkenlights...

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Microsoft and Google execs donate $450,000 to the Obama inauguration

When President-elect Obama is inaugurated in the next few weeks, he'll have current and former Microsoft executives and their wives to thank for the bash --- they've donated in excess of $300,000. Google execs have dug deep into their pockets as well, and have given $150,000. I've got the list of donors and details in my blog.

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