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Being Anti-Linux is bad for your business' health

Today, Microsoft is announcing its biggest layoff ever and Sun is quietly laying off the first of what may turn out to be an additional 6,000 employees. Red Hat? Total year-over-year up 17%. Novell? Its Linux sales in 2008 were up by 38%. Which companies do you think are doing better?

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Microsoft layoffs: Netbooks sales are killing us

Overlooked in the Microsoft announcement about its layoffs of 5,000 people over the next 18 months is this startling revelation: The company's revenue decline is due, in large part, to the growth in the sales of netbooks. I've got details in my blog.

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Why Apple disdains netbooks

Every PC maker on the planet loves netbooks because they're the fastest-growing segment (and the only growing segment) of the PC market. They all love netbooks except Apple, that is. Here's why.

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Liberation fonts for Linux

Not happy with the fonts in your Linux distribution, BSD, or OpenSolaris? Then, try Red Hat's open-source Liberation fonts.

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Which is best for netbooks: Windows 7 or Linux?

Microsoft is clearly positioning Windows 7 as Linux-killer for netbooks. Can it succeed? I've spent considerable time with both Windows 7 and Linux, and here are my conclusions about which operating system is better for netbooks.

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IBM/Lotus: here in the house of mouse

Lotusphere bridgeIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches IBM's announce a boatload of news stuff for Lotus lovers. Not to mention how YouTube users can't spell or punctuate...

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The best three Linux introductions for beginners

There are good ways to pick up Linux, and then there are some really bad ones. Here's my pick of the top three Linux ways for a newbie to start using Linux.

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Microsoft: losing the software + services game

Trying to retain the importance of locally run packaged software, Microsoft launched its software + services business. But the company is doing nothing interesting with its own idea.

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Intel techie: Windows 7 is ready for prime time

Here's yet one more piece of evidence you're likely to see Windows 7 launch in 2009, before the announced 2010 launch date: An Intel techie calls Windows 7 "incredibly stable" and is already using a version of it as his primary operating system on his own PCs.

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Office 14 leaked screenshots: da!

Word 14 screenshotIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers gaze obsessively at leaked Office 14 Alpha screenshots from Russia. Not to mention weird wheels...

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It's time to start issuing PC licenses

Windows, Linux, or Mac OS, most problems still come from the wetware-aka the user-that sits between the keyboard and the monitor. Isn't it time to start requiring computer licenses just as we do driver licenses?

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Gates will be a chapter in history, Jobs a footnote

With Bill Gates long gone from Micrsoft and with the news that Jobs is stepping down at least temporarily from the top post at Apple, it's time to consider which of the two will be better remembered by history. I have no doubt that Gates will be long-remembered, while Jobs will most likely be not much more than a footnote.

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Why Linux will crush Windows 7

Windows 7 will crush Linux? Oh please! Get a grip! Desktop Linux is an operating system that's moving forward, Windows 7 is just Windows Vista Second Edition and that's one more reason why Linux will eventually crush Windows.

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Google reseller plan may hit Microsoft where it hurts

Google Apps has been far from a raging success, and has yet to make any serious inroads against Microsoft Office. But a new Google partnership with resellers may change all that. Don't expect immediate results, but in several years, Google Apps may start to see some success

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Patch Tuesday serves critical fixes for all

Microsoft security  logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Patch Tuesday get bloggers all in a tizzy. Not to mention cute things falling asleep...

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