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A Daily Digest of IT Blogs from Richi Jennings

Office 14 leaked screenshots: da!

Word 14 screenshotIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers gaze obsessively at leaked Office 14 Alpha screenshots from Russia. Not to mention weird wheels...

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Nortel turns page; starts Chapter 11

Nortel Networks logoIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Nortel in financial trouble. Not to mention another great executive mustache...

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Patch Tuesday serves critical fixes for all

Microsoft security  logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Patch Tuesday get bloggers all in a tizzy. Not to mention cute things falling asleep...

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Wow, bloggers quite like Windows 7

Windows 7 screenshotIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers trying out the Windows 7 beta, with some surprising results. Not to mention Godwin's law applied to Web comics...

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Google CO2 claim: a load of hot air?

Google logoIn Monday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches environmentalists accuse Google of emitting quite a lot of carbon dioxide -- but have they got the math wrong? Not to mention more Error'd...

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Palm previews the Pre and webOS

Palm PreIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers cheer for Palm's new smartphone and operating system. Not to mention a serpentine Burger King ad...
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Intel profit warning: WiMAX doomed?

In Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers say "bellwether" a lot, as they watch Intel warn of a weak Q4. Not to mention a groan-worthy sailing pun...
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Apple's Philnote garners mixed reactions

Apple logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch yesterday's Apple keynote (sans Jobs). Not to mention an "allium-ish" laptop...

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Steve Jobs 'fesses; bloggers boggle

Apple logoIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Steve Jobs confess he does have a medical condition after all. Not to mention Tony the Tiger as you've never seen him before...

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Palm and Nova CES launch rumors

Palm logoIn Monday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Palm get ready to launch its "amazing" new phone at CES. Not to mention a hack that tweets when the washing machine's finished...

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No database + no backup = no business: ex-employee blamed

Hard drive (credit: Getty Images)Welcome to a special IT Blogwatch EXTRA: as Richi Jennings watches bloggers wag a cautionary tale of backups, RAID1, and alleged sabotage by a disgruntled employee. Not to mention how the Aussies advertise newspapers...

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IE's market share is tanking

IE logoIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Internet Explorer continue to lose market share -- mainly to Firefox and Safari. Not to mention why you shouldn't shout at your disk arrays...

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Gaza: "Though torn in two, we can be one"

UNOSAT Gaza mapAll is quiet on New Year's Day's IT Blogwatch, as Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch the use of the Web and social media in Gaza. Not to mention Han and Luke go shopping...

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IT Blogwatch: best of 2008, part B

Richi JenningsShould auld IT Blogwatch be forgot EXTRA: as Richi Jennings continues to watch 2008's favorite watches (today: July-December). Not to mention your tax $$$ at work...

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SSL cert. hash hacked on PS3 farm

SSL PadlockIn New Year's eve's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch the MD5 hash algorithm get broken -- by a farm of PlayStations -- with worrying consequences for SSL digital certificates. Not to mention seasonal blinkenlights...

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