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Best of Shark Bait 2008

Submitted by: Computerworld – Tue, 12/23/2008 – 09:12

Here are the top 10 Shark Bait posts of 2008 according to our traffic logs:

10. The IT Director can't do my job by taskmangler

9. The Matrix runs on Windows by kgagne

8. Christmas Lottery by Genxcat

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Helpdesk Automatons Fail Turing Test

Submitted by: JustaMinute – Tue, 12/23/2008 – 05:36

The Turing test was originally designed to differentiate between computers and people but researchers made a startling and unexpected discovery. The Turing test is a simple test where a person (typically a caller needing helpdesk assistance) calls the helpdesk to obtain assistance.

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Standard, what standard?

Submitted by: Detroit_AH – Mon, 12/22/2008 – 21:21

It was back in 1995. I worked for a company using mainframe for all the corporate systems, with AS/400 at warehouses. Most IT personnel used green-screen, only senior personnel had PC's for designing and documenting systems. Being recently promoted, I had just received a hand-me-down PC, the original user getting a new model.

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Training the replacement.

Submitted by: Detroit_AH – Mon, 12/22/2008 – 19:16

So, a few years back the company I worked for out-sourced to a well-known firm with lots of resources in India. It happens. Naturally, we had to train our replacements on our daily tasks, specifics systems, etc. One of these was a well-known ERP system, naturally with plenty of customizations.

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Merry Christmas from Chiron Beta Prime

Submitted by: kgagne – Mon, 12/22/2008 – 12:25

Some of us (well, me) are afraid of artificial intelligence and the day it evolves to enslave humanity. But this holiday greeting brings me the comfort of knowing, should that day come, at least we'll still be celebrating the holidays:

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Keep your dirty pictures to yourself

Submitted by: kgagne – Mon, 12/22/2008 – 12:13

In the tragic/comedic tales related in "Top 10 tech embarrassments you'll want to avoid", I especially enjoyed situation #9, which advises against posting photos online that you'll regret later.

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Another clueless recruiter story

Submitted by: Anonymous – Fri, 12/19/2008 – 11:13

Well since there seems to be a trend in recruiter stories I'll add one to the mix.

Back in the Mid 90's I was an independent consultant for a database company in Texas.

I'd been at this client for about 5 months on what was supposed to be a 3 month project when I get a call from someone in H.R.

"Are you looking for a new job?" I hear over the phone.

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Making a Management Issue a Technology Issue

Submitted by: Anonymous – Thu, 12/18/2008 – 16:53

I always roll my eyes when a manager turns a management issue into a technology issue. My favorite is when they want me to spy or snoop because the think one of there workers is spending too much time goofing off online.

My opinion is:
1) A goof-off will hang around the water cooler or float from office to office if they do not have the Internet to surf

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Day Planner Virus

Submitted by: smpratt77 – Thu, 12/18/2008 – 10:44

I got a call from a user claiming her computer had a virus. She said she was trying to rename a file and as soon as she right clicked and chose to rename the file, the file name would start filling up with apostrophes. She would click out of it and cancel the name change. I went to her office and moved her day planner so that the corner was no longer resting on her keyboard.

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Virus R Us

Submitted by: CodeDog – Wed, 12/17/2008 – 12:53

I get a call and head out to a clients location. The message says that one of their "IT" (that's a laugh) users is getting some weird anti-virus warnings from Norton 360.

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