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Seth Weintraub's picture

Steve Jobs out of Macworld 2009, Apple drops out of 2010

Wow. Bombshell! No Steve Jobs at Macworld 2009. Phil Schiller will be presenting. Apple is also dropping out of Macworld all together.

Also note that last time Schiller covered a Keynote for Jobs, Steve Jobs was undergoing cancer surgery. We hope all is well in Cupertino.

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Robert L. Mitchell's picture

NH storm puts VoIP on ice

What started as rain last Thursday quickly turned into the worst ice storm in New Hampshire history. The Monadnock Region is wooded and hilly, and the ice-laden trees fell all over the power lines, disabling two thirds of the power grid in the Granite State.

We lost power for two days - and as time wore on our Comcast voice over IP (VoIP) and Verizon cellular phone service froze up as well.

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Preston Gralla's picture
Preston Gralla

Seeing Through Windows

Google falls from list of most trusted companies for privacy

Privacy groups have long worried about Google's privacy policies --- and now it appears that consumers have followed suit. Google has dropped off the list of the most trusted companies when it comes to privacy protection. Check out my blog for details, and to find out how other companies like Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and eBay fared.

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Don Tennant: Empowering resources

If you fail to keep your team members at the top of your resource list, in five years you might find that's your biggest regret, says Don Tennant in this week's editorial.

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Computerworld Editorial's blog

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols's picture

Open source isn't free software

Cisco is going to be finding out, the hard way, that open source isn't the same thing as free software.

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Motorola wins next-gen mobile contract in China

In today's podcast: Motorola wins next-gen mobile contract in China; North Korea gets 3G service; and Estonians to vote with mobile phones.

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Sharky's picture

Shark Tank


Flashback to the 1980s, when a vendor tech can't figure out why a hard drive on this minicomputer fails every week -- especially since everything the computer operator says she does sounds fine.

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Douglas Schweitzer's picture
Douglas Schweitzer

The Security Sector

Businesses hungry for Apples

You should have seen the grin spread across my face when I saw Gregg Keizer’s Computerworld article, "Businesses double down on Apple; 68% say they'll add Macs in '09."  My family, friends and much of my readership know I'm a huge Mac fan. And while Apple has been making some gains in the home market over that past few years with their funny ads and by word of mouth, apparently more businesses are now hungry enough to take a bite, too. Why?

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IT Blogwatch's picture
IT Blogwatch

A Daily Digest of IT Blogs from Richi Jennings

Leopard's longish leap to .6

Apple UpdateIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Apple upgrade Max OS X to 10.5.6. Not to mention I can has popcwn?..

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Eric Lai's picture
Eric Lai

Regarding Redmond

Little Web appointment maker wins huge Sprint deal

TimeTrade Systems Inc., which puts out a nice Web-based appointment scheduler called TimeDriver, said its software engine is supporting Sprint's new ReadyNow customer service program.

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Ken Gagne's picture
Ken Gagne


Mac OS X updated to 10.5.6 -- should I care?

Mac OS X was updated today to 10.5.6. This news means little to those of us who haven't upgraded from Tiger to Leopard. I invite readers to explain why I should fix what isn't broken.

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Mike Elgan's picture
Mike Elgan

The World Is My Office

Free Wi-Fi spreading like a virus

I've been predicting for years that Wi-Fi would get freer and freer until almost nobody could muster the gall to charge for it.

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Patrick Thibodeau's picture

Madoff touted 'advanced technology' to his clients/victims

Madoff's firm claimed use of Wall Street's most advanced, sophisticated and proprietary technology.

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Dan Tynan's picture
Dan Tynan

Culture Crash

The president gets the boot(s)

Yesterday, President George Bush was attacked by an Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at him. Thanks to the power of YouTube, footage of the attack may be what some people remember most about his administration.

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Michael R. Farnum's picture
Michael R. Farnum

Hitting the Security Nerve

McCain campaign sells info-laden Blackberrys

The defunct McCain-Palin campaign is selling off the assets, and an investigative journalist from a FOX affiliate was able to get his hands on two Blackberrys for $20 each. But the information on them turned out to have quite a bit more value.

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