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More than 100 products reviews and top picks in 11 different categories, ranging from smart phones to PCs and notebooks to the coolest gadgets and entertainment options.


When I turn on my Dell Inspiron 8600 and the router is on, the computer keeps recycling, shuts itself down and starts back up and just keeps doing this. If I unplug the router, it comes up an works just...By Anon

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    The 12 Days of EFF by Paul McNamara

    Yes, it's corny and, yes, it's been done a thousand times, but the Electronic Frontier Foundation's version at least has top-notch production values ... and it's for a great cause. Give a listen. Consider a donation.


    Google, X PRIZE add 3 teams to $30 million moon race by Michael Cooney

    The X Prize Foundation and Google today brought the number of teams competing for its $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE to 15 by adding representatives of China, Germany, Denmark and Sweden to the roster of teams competing in the robot race to the moon. The group said it will reveal a 16th member...