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Year in Review: What to expect in Java SE 7

Java SE 7 has started coming into focus in the past year, even up to recent announcements about Sun's intention to modularize the JDK. Java 7 maven Alex Miller looks back on the developments of 2008 to tell us what features to expect, and not, in the final platform specification.
Alex Miller, December 2008

Year in Review: Java in 2008 - What just happened?
Andrew Glover looks back over the last 12 months in Java development, with an eye on the JVM Language Summit, new trends in the Java enterprise space, and Sun's emerging client-side strategy.
Andrew Glover, December 2008

Jump into JavaFX, Part 2: JavaFX Script
JavaFX Script is the client-side scripting language with an expressive take on standard Java programming constructs, from class declaration to data binding. Fire up your NetBeans IDE and get to know this strangely familiar (but very different) Java language offspring.
Jeff Friesen, December 2008

The Portlet Packet: A quickstart guide to Portlet 2.0
A 3-for-1 introduction to portlets-based development, starting with this beginner's guide to Portlet 2.0. Other articles in the packet introduce inter-portlet communication with Dojo and inter-portlet communication with Portlet 2.0.
Navaneeth Krishnan, November 2008

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Intel Parallel Studio to boost parallelism
12/12/2008 -  Intel has released a beta version of its Intel Parallel Composer for Windows. The company plans to create a family of tools that will speed up the shift to parallel computing and the creation of applications able to run on multicore processors.
Agam Shah , IDG News Service

Is this software project doomed?
12/10/2008 -  Is your project on a death march? Seasoned developers share 27 real-life warning signs that a software project is going nowhere fast. CIO's Esther Schindler reports.
Esther Schindler, CIO

Sun to reach for clouds in '09
12/10/2008 -  Sun has announced its plans to energize cloud computing efforts in 2009, starting with the foundation of a new Cloud Computing division headed by Salesforce.com alumn Lew Tucker.
James Niccolai , IDG News Service

Force.com linked with Google App Engine
12/08/2008 -  Salesforce has connected its cloud development platform with Google App Engine, fueling further speculation that the search engine giant will eventually buy Salesforce. Chris Kanaracus reports.
Chris Kanaracus, IDG News Service

SpringSource announces Enterprise Tomcat
12/02/2008 -  SpringSource has announced the planned release in January of SpringSource tc Server, an enterprise-class Web application server based on Apache Tomcat. Infoworld's Paul Krill reports.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

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JavaFX = Swing 2.0
Some in the Swing developer community have held out for a Swing 2.0 that corrects the mistakes of the past, even at the expense of backward compatibility. Recent comments from SwingLabs Project Lead Richard Bair suggest that JavaFX 1.0 may be Sun's best offer in the direction, and that it could work out just fine for Swing.

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