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Dec 16 2008Terminator to 'Be Back' in Theaters


Following largely positive reactions towards what's been released from the upcoming Terminator Salvation, Halcyon Co. heads Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek have decided to move forward with next sequel in the series. From the Variety:

The Terminator will be back.

Halcyon Co. toppers Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek are developing a fifth instalment of the man-vs.-machine franchise.

Helmer McG, who directed the upcoming fourth pic, "Terminator Salvation," is working with the Halcyon duo on the latest project.

The duo had originally planned to wait until the release of "Terminator Salvation" next summer before deciding on whether to proceed with the next chapter, but the positive studio, fan and media reaction to footage from the current pic has encouraged them to move forward ahead of schedule.

Man, they beat me to saying "Terminator will be back." I was totally going to use that as a cute callback to when Terminator said how he'd be back. I'll have to go with: Looks like Terminator won't be saying "hasta la vista" to any "babies" negligently left in theaters--a sequel is already being planned! That works.

Dec 16 2008Jennifer Lopez Has a Baby and Also a New Boyfriend--WHAT???


CBS Films, noticing a glaring fertility-themed romantic comedy hole in next year's schedule, has signed Jennifer Lopez to star in just such a film:

Jennifer Lopez has signed on to star in the fertility-themed romantic comedy "Plan B" for CBS Films.

Penned by Kate Angelo, story centers on a single woman (Lopez) who turns to artificial insemination to answer her ticking biological clock only to meet the man of her dreams on the same day as her positive pregnancy test results.

OK, so she's pregnant, like she wanted, and now she's apparently fallen instantaneously in love. What's the issue? That she fears her perfect man would hate any child not born of his seed? That she now loathes the baby growing inside her because it's not spawned from her sudden crush? If that's the case, then still, what's the plot? Jennifer Lopez contemplating if having an abortion after artificial insemination would be too much of a waste of money? I feel like I've already given this premise more critical thought than its writer probably did.

Is there a way this makes an obvious romantic comedy plot that I'm missing?

Jennifer Lopez going with 'Plan B' [Variety]

Dec 16 2008Poster for 'H2' (That Stands for 'Halloween' and 'Two')


Overnight, official news came that Rob Zombie would be directing a sequel to Halloween--which has been given the SUV-like name of H2---and already there's a teaser poster. I place it somewhere near the crossroads of gritty terror, still from an early music video, and "sorry, this student didn't supply a senior picture so we had to blow up a crummy photo of him from another section of the yearbook."

Hi-Res Teaser Poster for Rob Zombie's H2 [Shock Till You Drop]

(Even more thanks to Brad of Comictube.)

Dec 16 2008Monty Python Box Set Contest Results!


Results! Thanks to everyone who entered (ed: see this contest, webheads!) to win this Monty Python DVD Collector's Set, and to A&E; Home Video for providing it. Henceforth, you should buy all of your arts and entertainment wares from them.

And I've subjectively deemed the winner is...

The Imaginary Reviewer with:

The Christmas Presence

When their daughter refuses to go anywhere near the gifts under the tree, Sam and Jane (Kiefer Sutherland and Jennifer Connelly) suspect there's more than meets the eye to their new box of baubles. They find themselves battling an otherworldly entity that has taken the form of spherical shiny seasonal tree ornaments, in a fight that may consume their very souls!

Congratulations for striking a good balance between stupidity and feasibility, having apt casting, and being one of the few to actually contain the summary in one or two sentences. Plus, I like the arbitrary avoidance of mentioning "bulbs". "Box of baubles" is a phrase that will consistently make me do a nose-exhale laugh.

Below the jump, I've posted some others I liked for various reasons, and all the entries are still available for your perusal here. If yours didn't win or isn't mentioned, or you thought other ones were so much better: sorry. It's because I'm a stupid, unfunny idiot.

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Dec 16 2008'Two Lovers' Poster: Who Will Joaquin Phoenix Choose!?


I'm no bigamist, but ladies, you can't fully blame Joaquin Phoenix--or any other guy--for taking two lovers. There have been studies done, by scientists, that show men often instinctively feel the need for one cold, distant, urban mate, one comatose, haunted mansion-dwelling mate. It's genetics.

'Two Lovers' Poster Premiere [Cinematical]

Dec 16 2008'Up' Clip Less Morbid When Watched Than Explained


In this clip from Up (most of it seen before in the trailer), an overweight child stands precariously on the edge of an old man's floating house. The older gentleman asks how he arrived there, to which the child gives a confused answer that reveals he was chasing a rat. Then, realizing he is thousands of feet in the air, and fearing for his life, the pudgy youth begs to be admitted inside, but the old man refuses, shutting the door and leaving the boy on the porch, presumably to die at the next wind gust. Pixar is really getting dark with their stories:

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Dec 16 2008'Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail' Trailer: Drag Antics Meet Serious Drama--Again


Here's the trailer for Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail, continuing the Perry tradition of layering a crazy old fat lady--played by himself in drag and a fat suit--with over-the-top melodrama. Why does he think this works? It looks like Tyler Perry's equivalent of Ernest Goes to Jail edited into a Lifetime movie. The trailer also features a daring split-screen with Madea and T.P., an all-grown-up Rudy from Cosby Show, and a Dr. Phil cameo? Even Mike Myers and Seltzer & Friedberg are hesitant to summon him. Here you go:

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Dec 16 2008'Race to Witch Mountain' Poster: The Rock in Rock


In the aliens' defense here, I think if I came to Earth and was greeted with a massive stone monument to Dwayne Johnson 'n' Kids, I'd probably be pretty eager to destroy it too.

Race to Witch Mountain [IMPA]