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Dec 16 2008Hitchcock The Birds Barbie Is A Real Product

birds barbie.jpg

The Alfred Hitchcock The Birds doll is a genuine Barbie, manufactured by Mattel and everything. It's not just a doll that somebody modded in their basement (although by all means feel free to do that yourself).

Dressed in a re-creation of the stylish green skirt-suit worn by the film's ill-fated heroine in an iconic scene, Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" BarbieĀ® Doll celebrates the 45th anniversary of the acclaimed film. From the doll's classic ensemble to the perfectly painted expression to the accompanying black birds, every aspect captures the film's infamous appeal.

They run about $40 and are the perfect gift for a daughter that has no idea who the hell Alfred Hitchcock is. Also, I'm a little disappointed there's no Psycho Barbie. What better way to teach our nation's youth about diversity and acceptance than a knife weilding Barbie dressed as a man? Well, a man crossdressed as his dead mother and about to get all stabby on some chick in the shower? I certainly can't think of any.

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Thanks to Shayla, who once killed two birds with one stone and then watched a cat eat them.

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Reader Comments

2nd and all that shit


This is a complete photoshop job. You can tell its a fake because the shadow's are all wrong.

This is exactly like that scene in the movie Never Back Down where Max and Baja went to NY city on the 4th of July. the japanese guy in the hot dog eating contest had a tummy ache so Max filled in for him. He ate 65 hot dogs in 10 minutes but then was disqualified on a reversal of fortune.

pure joy... I'm buying like 75 of these things right now... breaking the bank to get these hot commodities.... WOO HOO

p.s. blow me


heh, Im sure this is going to confuse the heck out of little kids. What 7 year old has seen The Birds?

"Watch the birds eat barbie kids! See how they peck her eyes out? There go her fingertips! This is FUN isn't it?"

Ok, maybe it's targeted at collectors...


While the idea is super awesome, don't you think she could at least look a little scared?

I second the comment about her looking scared. Mattel boasts this Barbie has "the perfectly painted expression." Perfect for what? It's certainly not perfect for a person who thinks she's going to get her eyes pecked out.

Stupid brken comments thingy! Now that I'm bitching, it will work of course...

Did I mention I once met Alfred Hitchcock? He took off his shoes and threw them at me. I managed to dodge them both before my secret service agent, whose code name happened to be Barbie, was able to subdue Alfred. Pretty weird coincedence, huh?

I already had my mom buy me this for christmas week's ago ^_^ I love silly barbies

Bah! I went to walmart buying Christmas presents about a month ago and took a picture of this and sent it to my friends! I thought it was hilarious, especially the detail they painstakingly put into the birds who were pecking her to death, I know what I'm asking Santa for.

Halo 3 actually, and if I don't get it....oh man, you don't want to be there.

(to soon?)

where are the blood and guts from the bird attack?...LAME

Barbie sucks =p


This is an obvious fake. The shadows are all wrong.

This was taken from a scene in the movie Tender Dracula.
The two overdubbed french makeup artists use parts from a doll to construct
an exact replica of one of the two drunk overdubbed french actresses. Which they then try to seduce.

I guess you could add your OWN blood and guts. Much more fun that way.

Speaking of blood and guts, they really need a Pyramid Head one. Fuck yeah. Comes complete with Manikin Barbies!

12 not nearily soon enough!!!

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