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Good thing nothing like this ever happens today

When all the terminals at this company suddenly stop responding, this pilot fish soon finds the problem's cause -- and it's hard to miss.

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With HP in, all OEMs now ship desktop Linux

Lord knows it took HP long enough, but the PC giant has finally started shipping a pre-configured Linux on a desktop Linux. Hallelujah! Now, all the major PC OEMs are shipping at least one Linux desktop.

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Net neutrality analyst speaks; bloggers guffaw

Scott ClelandWelcome to a special IT Blogwatch EXTRA: as Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch the latest battle in the net neutrality war. Not to mention Fox's Photoshop disaster...

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Ubuntu + IBM = Choice corporate Linux desktop?

It's easy to set up or buy your own Linux desktop, but it's much harder to set up hundreds of Linux desktops for a business: until now.

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The world's worst way to market Linux

Ordering people to use Linux, at $725 U.S. a crack, is no way to make Linux popular

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MySQL 5.1 released with crashing bugs

That's not my headline for Sun's general availability release of the newest version of MySQL, that's how Michael 'Monty' Widenius, MySQL's co-founder and today's MySQL's CTO describes it.

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The world's fastest computers are Linux computers

When it comes to sheer, blinding speed you can't beat supercomputers, and, once more, the fastest of the fast in the Top 500 Supercomputers, are Linux computers.

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Hesitating on Linux

When it comes to migrating those really big enterprise Unix systems to Linux, big data centers are talking the talk but few walk the walk.

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Problem solved

It's the old story: This small company's servers are mysteriously rebooting at night, and sysadmin pilot fish can't figure out what's wrong.

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The little SCO that cried wolf

Once upon a time, there was a little company named SCO that lived in Unix and said it been attacked by the big, bad Linux wolves.

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Three strikes for Sun?

In the wake of massive layoffs and huge losses at Sun, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols attributes the compay's decline to its inability to decide key issues such as whether wanted to be a hardware or software company, an open source software company or a proprietary software company.

Here's a slightly different perspective on the carnage.

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Microsoft shows SaaSy SharePoint/Exchange

Microsoft Online Services launchIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Microsoft offer SaaS-hosted Exchange, Sharepoint, and OCS to all. Not to mention a cooler Google Android phone...

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Sun: Dead company walking?

I want Sun, which has really embraced open source in the last few years, to make it, but it's just not looking good at all after a billion and a half plus dollars of losses in the last quarter.

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Novell vs. Red Hat: Linux vs. Linux

From the outside looking in, it may always seem like it's always about Linux taking on Windows, Solaris, or Mac OS but there's serious Linux on Linux competition as well.

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McColo is McShut McDown

In Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings would us want to keep an eye on journalists shutting down spam sites. Not to mention google suggestions...

Brian Krebs was busy at work:

For the past four months, Security Fix has been gathering data from the security industry about McColo Corp., a San Jose, Calif., based Web hosting service whose client list experts say includes some of the most disreputable cyber-criminal gangs in business today.

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