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Open source isn't free software

Cisco is going to be finding out, the hard way, that open source isn't the same thing as free software.

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Good thing nothing like this ever happens today

When all the terminals at this company suddenly stop responding, this pilot fish soon finds the problem's cause -- and it's hard to miss.

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Lenovo looking at an acquisition of unnamed PC maker

In today's podcast: Lenovo looking at an acquisition of unnamed PC maker; Chinese researchers made IE7 zero-day public by accident; and HP, Symantec warn employees that personal information lost.

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With HP in, all OEMs now ship desktop Linux

Lord knows it took HP long enough, but the PC giant has finally started shipping a pre-configured Linux on a desktop Linux. Hallelujah! Now, all the major PC OEMs are shipping at least one Linux desktop.

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XP lives... for a price

Users don't want anything to do with Vista, so Microsoft and its partners will still let you get XP... for a hefty surcharge.

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Drobo: Virtualized Disk Drives

The Drobo is an intelligent and easy to use personal storage system from Data Robotics and there are a ton of reviews out there. This is not a review but a discussion on what I find compelling about this product and its core technology. To me it represents a leap in fundamental storage technology -- virtualizing disk drives for greater simplicity and efficiency.

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Digital Copy: A feature that's no feature

Q: Why do you need Digital Copy to copy your DVDs?

A: You shouldn't.

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No Kindle for Christmas

Amazon has run out of every book lover's favorite Linux device: the Kindle. But, there are other choices like the Sony Readers.

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Global News Update: Friday, December 5, 2008

In today's podcast: AMD cuts revenue forecast by 25 percent; Microsoft taps former Yahoo exec for head online services; and CES attendance likely to be down.

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In search of the ultimate digital nomad notebook, part 1

SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. -- My old-and-busted notebook has now been officially retired (relegated to the mundane task of powering my home security web cams). And now I'm embarking on an epic journey to find, and buy, the ultimate digital nomad notebook. And I need your help.

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Take that, iPod: Obama uses a Zune

The much-maligned Microsoft Zune apparently has the world's most powerful man as its fan. President-elect Barack Obama was seen using one while working out at a Philadelphia gym. Back in June, Obama told Rolling Stone he was an iPod fan. That's when he was still running for office, though. Has the responsibility of the Presidency brought him to his senses?

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Is Psystar backed by a shadowy cabal of Apple haters?

Psystar logoIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Apple's continuing legal wrangling with would-be Mac clone maker, Psystar. Not to mention Buddy Beckett...

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It's official: The desktop is dead

What has the world come to when you can't get a "free after rebates" computer on Black Friday?

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Apple: Ooops! Macs don't need anti-virus software

A day after the blogosphere noted that Apple has finally admitted Macs need anti-virus software, Apple has pulled a KnowledgeBase article recommending that Mac users install security software. When will Apple finally admit Macs need protection?

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Apple: We admit it --- Macs need anti-virus software

After too much denial, Apple has finally admitted that Mac users need to install anti-virus software. Now it's time for the company to pull its misleading ad that implies that while PCs are prone to viruses, Macs are immune.

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