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Con Sketching: New York Anime Festival, Day 2 (Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:47 pm)

Transport Hassles: Seriously, what the hell. I get up this morning, get out of bed, and suddenly I find myself on the convention floor in a cardboard box. I don't remember being stuffed in the box, I just remember the feeling of being tossed around in my corrugated cage as I was dragged to the convention center. People, I have two working legs and I can take the subway - I don't need to be treated like a FedEx shipment. Still, my escort was that charming "Snake" fellow. He's awfully... (More)

The Price of Fandom - Day 2 (Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:35 pm)

After stumbling into the convention center this morning with a grande caramel machiatto in one hand, and a bag of exhaustion in the other (and it was only the second day!), I needed some good ol' retail therapy.


I've never understand the general obsession with fairies-- or, as many fantasy nerds like to call them-- "faeries." They don't seem to serve much of a purpose, they're all slightly bitchy looking, and they remind me too much of Tinkerbell, whose attitude earned my hatred even at a young age. But, for everyone else who likes these mystical... (More)

Weird Stuff Episode IV: A New Hope (Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:31 pm)

Well, it’s the last day of the show, so that means this is the final installment of Weird Stuff. Let’s get right to it!

Sunday is usually the last day of the convention, and one time-honored tradition con attendees always adhere to is celebrating the final day of the show by not coming at all. Here you can see said celebration already taking place in the exhibit hall.

One of many goth clothing booths on the dealer’s floor, this one is called “Timeless Trends”, presumably because goth fashion has not changed in any... (More)

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