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BlogWorld & New Media Expo will be an exciting forum for members of both the new and traditional media.  Coverage opportunities will include product releases, press conferences, interviews, live podcasts, television & radio spots, as well as numerous story opportunities.  

Press Credentials will be provided to assist professional media members with their coverage of blogging and new media stories at the show.  For more information on credentials, click HERE.

On-site press services will include a full service on-site media center and access to exhibitor press kits.  Press center staff will be available on-site to assist with interviews and industry contacts.


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BlogWorld '07 – PHOTOS
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BlogWorld '07 – VIDEOS
BlogWorld '07–REACTIONS
"Blogging has gone beyond pastime and into prime time."
How else to explain the hundreds of participants, speakers and exhibitors willing to pay top dollar to hob-nob with their fellow bloggerati? How else to explain the star-studded line-up? A few years ago, who would have thought that A-listers like radio talk show hosts Hugh Hewitt and Michael Medved, or Dallas Mavericks owner and dot-com billionaire Mark Cuban, would have lined up to schmooze with a bunch of “little bloggers” like us? Well, it appears that the long tail is finally beginning to wag the dog.

Special Events:
Citizen Journalism Workshop

Blogger-Journalist Training
Date: Sept. 19

Co-located Events:

Real Estate & Mortgage Industry Blogging Community
Date: Sept. 19
MilBlogging Conference
Military Blogging Community
Date: Sept. 20
Religious Blogging Community
Date: Sept. 20-21

Want to Co-locate Your Event at BlogWorld?
BlogWorld provides a unique educational and networking environment for all New Media communities. If you’d like to co-locate at BlogWorld next year, contact us for details.


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Join Me at Blog World Expo

http://reblogworld.com/ http://profy.com/ http://techzulu.com/ http://www.splashpress.com/ http://www.jonessoda.com/index.php http://technorati.com/ http://blogcosm.com/ http://www.shareasale.com/ http://truthlaidbear.com/ http://kithbridge.com/ http://blogcritics.org/ http://mashable.com/ http://www.pajamasmedia.com/ http://www.fastcompany.com/ http://southwest.com/ http://www.b5media.com/ http://www.sixapart.com/ http://www.investorvillage.com/