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Tag: Paris Hilton

Ole Miss Who?

Fri Sep 26, 2008 at 01:09:20 PM PDT

Today, I saw something.  This, surely, will be the one great achievement of John McCain's poltical career, the fuck you (among many) for which he will be remembered.

His strategy - brilliantly conceived, flawlessly executed - aims at nothing less than kicking the foundations clear out from the concept of presidential dignity.

And now the time approaches when he will martyr himself to that ultimate, onanistic flourish, that combines all of the stereotypes and contradictions about himself, and says look at me, I am nothing, we are all nothing.  And he's telling us, straight to our faces, that it will be tonight.


Obama will overcome

65%19 votes
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Sarah Palin: Alaskans "desperate for glamor and culture"

Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 12:24:55 PM PDT

Before she was the GOP Vice-Presidential candidate, before she was Governor of Alaska, and even before she was Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin was quoted in the Anchorage Daily News, and this quote gives us an insight into her psychology and her desires.

George Bush is a liberal

Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 04:23:08 PM PDT

In case you all missed some of the lead up to the "pit bull with lipstick" speech last night: there were some "other" pols up there speachifying before Hockey Mom extraordinaire...

Oh, you know, a couple of people you might remember...some guy named "Rudi" and another guy named "Mitt"  Remember them?

Oh yeah and there was the one guy with a real winner of a name:
Hick Mucakabee...no, err, make that Mike Huckabee...

The Lameness That is John McCain's Campaign

Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 01:50:17 PM PDT

Some, sadly, probably accurate fiction. Cross-posted my blog.

Kam Fong as Chin Ho

Wed Aug 27, 2008 at 07:06:47 AM PDT

As we roll into this political convention season, I’m reminded of a joke.

A Jewish man walks down the street. Out of nowhere Adolph Hitler appears, pulls out a gun, smacks the Jewish man on the head, forces him to the ground and makes him eat dog shit. Hitler gets distracted. The Jewish man sees this, knocks the gun out of Hitler’s hand, forces him to the ground and makes him eat dog shit.

That afternoon the Jewish man goes home and sees his wife standing in the kitchen. He walks in and says, "You’re not going to believe who I had lunch with today."

McCain's evidence of leadership...His Veep Choice

Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 12:18:32 PM PDT

We know there's THIS:

and then there's this:

and let's not forget this:

More Houses Than Paris and Britney Combined? Update

Thu Aug 21, 2008 at 09:47:17 PM PDT

Think of it... what if it turns out that John McCain owns more houses than Paris and Britney combined?  The poetic beauty of that idea right there makes me smile.  That is a commercial or youtube video we all wanna see!  Follow me past the curb for how it can be built...

Obama Campaign Responds to Celebrity Attack (A Week Too Late)

Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 01:41:49 PM PDT

By timran from Eyes on Obama:

It ’s a good one. My problem though is that their response should have come at MOST one day after McCain featured the Paris/Britney ad. The Obama Campaign needs to develop a rapid response unit to counterpunch any McCain attacks in real time.

Econgeeks, Hotbabe(video): Iran Deal Beats Offshore Drilling

Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 08:31:03 AM PDT

On the day when journalism in the United States is held accountable to some minimum standards of competency, like medicine and the law, it might not be necessary to go to extreme lengths to defend important and obvious objective truths which are today treated by the corporate media as matters of subjective opinion, like the fact that lifting the Congressional ban on most offshore drilling won't do squat about gas prices, now or in the future. Or that cutting a deal with Iran that lifts US sanctions on that country would do more, and do it quicker.

Since we have not yet lived to see that happy day, a hot babe, evoking Paris Hilton, makes the case:


Modest efficiency improvements and talks with Iran would serve America better than offshore drilling.

88%24 votes
11%3 votes

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Blacktop & Kickball

Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 07:39:03 AM PDT

[Cross-posted at The Left Coaster.]

Carla Marinucci of the San Francisco Chronicle describes the sickening debacle of modern American politics turned on full blast the last week as "political hunting season," as if reality had somehow magically turned John McCain and Barack Obama into orange-vested stalkers, peering around trees with rifles, but by far the best description came from Kevin Drum of the Washington Monthly, who sneered that watching McCain ridiculing Obama and the electorate was "like watching a bunch of sixth graders crack themselves up telling fart jokes."

Why Paris’ Energy Plan Will Not Work

Thu Aug 07, 2008 at 01:49:30 PM PDT

By now everyone conversant with America knows that our electorate has been seduced by the appearance of a charismatic, attractive "new face" on the political scene. An articulate, bright, comparatively youthful candidate who’s promising to bring bold new solutions to longstanding and complex problems—we live in a time when America is so desperate for meaningful change that it will embrace a candidate with a very short political resume, with comparatively little foreign or domestic policy experience. Despite this, millions of Americans are ready to listen, and perhaps to follow.

But is Paris Hilton really ready to lead? If we are to judge by the content and not the form of her latest campaign ad, the answer is no—emphatically no.

Paris Hilton; Popular, Presidential, and Proud

Thu Aug 07, 2008 at 09:26:39 AM PDT

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad

copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert.  BeThink.org

This election season, perhaps, more so than any other, has produced a plethora of policy proposals.  Frequently, a single candidate will show how well he [or she] can strut his [or her] stuff.  

Countdown with Keith Olbermann - August 6, 2008

Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 06:37:28 PM PDT

Around this time last night, I went through some sort of out - of - body experience, so, did I miss anything? Did I do anything noteworthy? I didn't embarass myself, did I?

It's 90 days until the election. 90 days...90 f*ckin' days... I have a terrible feeling that a good chunk of the next 90 days will be like an out - of - body experience. I wonder if GWB will bring back any election pointers for the GOP from the Chinese? Oh well...

Let's diary Countdown for a rather infamous date.

Sketches for McCain "Celebrity" video starring...the McCains

Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 06:00:36 PM PDT

    The Paris Hilton spoof of John McCain's "Celebrity" anti-Obama video is not sans amusement but doesn't go far enough: it doesn't seem to include the prime laff potential for McCain's own person and family with their "celebrity" tendencies.

    For example, you could have

A. Footage of McCain offering up his wife as a sacrifice to the gods of toplessness...what are the McCains, a bunch of CELEBRITIES?
    Having the words "FAMILY VALUES" in some bright color flash across the screen during this sequence might be neat.

    (more Cainebrity below)


Do the McCains act like a bunch of CELEBRITIES?

71%20 votes
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Paris Hilton vs. John McCain, not even close!

Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 04:30:38 PM PDT

Paris Hilton VIDEO = 3 million views in one day!!
McCain is laughable by comparison!

McCain's TOP 40 videos have garnered under 7,200,000 views during the ENTIRE campaign!

Paris Hilton's ONE video has OVER 3,000,000 views since yesterday!!

Paris needs to storm the Republican Convention, and make her case:  
She ACTUALLY WOULD make a better President than "wrinkly white-haired guy". LOL


My pick for Republican nominee is

11%17 votes
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The Paris Hilton Oil Tape, and its impact

Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 12:56:22 PM PDT

In politics, every pice of news is analyzed and judged based on its potential impact on the race. And while this piece is backfiring on McCain now, there's a lot more fallout to be felt.

Looks like the video response is causing real trouble for a lot of people.

I almost feel bad for the heiress. What else is she supposed to do?

Leaked Hilton Political Video Risks Stupid Slut Image

Four years after the premiere of the sex tape that launched her career and established her reputation as a simple-minded and self-absorbed floozy, a video in which hotel heiress Paris Hilton speaks with a surprising understanding of reality leaked to the internet threatens to undermine the carefully cultivated image she has worked so hard to attain.

Ruh roh. Read on:

The Surge and Other Fairy Tales

Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 09:51:10 AM PDT

John McCain has become so enamored of the surge in Iraq, which he has trademarked and owns exclusive rights to (and which did not lead to the Anbar Awakening), that it is now his answer to everything.  Last week he proposed a surge in our cities to keep the population under control.  He honestly believes that America needs armed government thugs on every corner.  Now he proposes an "Economic Surge."  John McCain says, "We'll fight those pesky market indicators with our own, better equipped market indicators.  We will bring war to every aspect of life in the United States.  We're going to have a Straight Surge to fight the Gays.  We're going to have a Religious Surge to fight every person who believes in the wrong things.  By God, we will definitely have a White Surge to combat the uppity Illinois Senator.  And thanks to Viagra, I will have a surge in my pants too."  (paraphrased)

Much more after the flip

Pastor Agnostic's Daily Sermon 8/6 = 1.333333333

Wed Aug 06, 2008 at 09:08:23 AM PDT

1965 - Beatles release "Help" album in UK

1973 - Stevie Wonder involved in car crash, goes into a 4 day coma


"In our windy world, what's up is faith, what's down is heresy."
-- Alfred Tennyson

after a day o' docs, Pastor Ag finally has a cast, tis time for:  


After offering wife to bikers, what else will John McCain offer in exchange for votes?

17%4 votes
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