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sarah palin

88 Minutes Of Alaska Gold Radar just put up a YouTube video — actual video! — of Governor Sarah Palin competing in a beauty pageant contest back in 1984. While there isn't much to laugh at — she's simply a beautiful young woman in a pink swimsuit and the ability to pivot seamlessly (unlike her latest forays in front of the camera) — the soundtrack may make you wince. [Radar]

news roundup

Here He Comes To Save The Day (He's Only A Little Late)!

  • Congressional lawmakers came to terms on the bailout package today, several hours before John McCain got done giving his Clinton Global Initiative speech and arrived on the Hill to rescue the American economy. [NY Times]
  • That doesn't mean he's going to be at the debate tomorrow, of course. There might be something else he could rescue for the good of the nation instead of sucking it up and debating Obama, he's sure. [NY Times]
  • Mississippi's Republican governor, Haley Barbour, says they're all systems go for a debate. Obama plans to have a townhall meeting without McCain if McCain is too much of a coward to debate him. [CNN, Huffington Post]
  • By the way, McCain's "suspension" saved his campaign $1 million in ads and generated a shitload of earned media. It also didn't stop him from campaigning. [Huffington Post, Huffington Post]
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redemption in not endorsing

Ferraro On Palin: She's Not Voting For Her, She Swears

Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman nominated for the Vice Presidency of the United States and the woman who some considered the archetypical P.U.M.A. after her comments about Obama, sexism and racism earlier this year, has some thoughts about Sarah Palin. And Glamour asked her to talk about them! For once, she doesn't sound completely batshit. Maybe we can make up after our fight. Just a little. More »


Not Flash Her "Lady Bits" At The U.N." class="super-permalink">Samantha Bee: Sarah Palin Did Not Not Flash Her "Lady Bits" At The U.N.

Since the press still isn't getting any access to Sarah Palin, Samantha Bee decided to take matters into her own hands on last night's Daily Show. No film clips from Palin's U.N. meetings with Kissinger, Afghan President Hamid Karzai or Colombian President Uribe? No problem! Bee just showed clips from Star Wars, The King and I, and Basic Instinct to illustrate what probably went down in those super secret meetings. "You believe the Governor of Alaska briefly flashed her lady parts to the President of Colombia?" Jon inquires. To which Sam replies, "Well I was not in the room, but I have no evidence she did not…" Clip above. Not Flash Her "Lady Bits" At The U.N." class="continued super-permalink">More »

asked but not answered

Sarah Palin: If She's Not Ready To Debate, Can She Be Ready To Lead?

Last night's first-of-two part interview of Sarah Palin by Katie Couric — not exactly known for her hard-boiled interview technique — proved a couple of things to me. First, the terrible interview she did with Charlie Gibson was not a fluke. Second, there really is only one reason that McCain camp wants to "reschedule" the Vice Presidential debate that they already insisted be re-formatted to accommodate Palin's shortcomings: That reason is that she sucks at speaking extemporaneously — Sarah, if you're reading this, that means "without a teleprompter" — and she was obviously as poorly vetted as the McCainiadenied she was at the time she was nominated. More »

crappy hour

John McCain Walks Away From Debates, His Pride, And America Itself

Yesterday, John McCain announced a temporary end to partisan politicking and asked Barack Obama to join him in holding hands, singing "Kumbaya" and postponing the Presidential debates until Congressional intervention ends the financial crisis, which most economists agree will be some time next year at the earliest. Who needs to know where candidates stand, anyway? There's a crisis people! Luckily, Spencer Ackerman and I are able to stop laughing at the thought that McCain is doing this for any reasons other than partisan politics and his fear of debating Barack Obama — just long enough to get through a conversation about the "strategy" behind the decision, partner-swapping, Bill Kristol's masturbatory epistles to the GOP and what McCain is doing instead of praying for a terrorist attack to save his campaign. More »

news roundup

John McCain Wants To Be A Senator Again (Albeit Briefly)

  • John McCain announced this afternoon that he is suspending his campaigning and postponing Friday's debate to head back to Washington to deal with the financial crisis. Basically, he's decided that it's more important for him to come back to D.C. to weigh in on a legislative issue on which he has little expertise than to talk directly to Americans about why they should vote for him in less than 6 weeks because politics should take a back seat right now. There's nothing political about that, nope! [Washington Post]
  • By the way, John McCain's the most absent Senator of the 110th Congress, having missed 64 percent of the votes since January 2007 (more than Obama or Tim Johnson, who had a stroke). He missed voting on a number of pieces of Iraq legislation, the GI Bill, Medicare reform, the economic stimulus package, bills on the house crisis, FISA and the Lebetter pay equity act, among others. But, this, yo, this is some important shit right here. And it's just a coincidence that he tanked in the polls this week. [Washington Post, Think Progress, Huffington Post, The Health Care Blog, AmericaBlog, Tuscon Citizen, Writes Like She Talks]
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fact checking his ass

Debunking The Sarah Palin Rape Kit "Debunkers"

Spawned by a bunch of Republiblog chatter last week "debunking" the "theory" that Wasilla forced victims to pay for rape kits, the National Review's Jim Garaghty takes up his white armor and rushes to Sarah Palin's defense despite — as Feministing's Samhita points out — the basic facts are, well, facts. I.e., true! But who needs facts? I know I do. More »

Truth To Power Question: Is Sarah Palin, as she alleges, at all like other Vice Presidential candidates who have come before her? Answer: No, not really! Click on the picture at left to find out why. [Blip, via Andrew Sullivan] MORE »