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Animal magnetisms

Oprah Goes Gaga Over Golden Retriever, Tiger Cubs

Today's Oprah devoted a full hour to dogs. Oprah mainly had on dogs that can do cool tricks (one Jack Russell Terrier can add, subject, multiply and divide), but it was one dog's maternal extinct that made her extra special. A white tiger had recently given birth to a litter in a Kansas zoo, but rejected her cubs and refused to nurse them. Two of the zookeepers, a married couple, had a golden retriever who had just finished weening her puppies, so they brought the cubs home to see if she could nurse the cubs. Interspecies cuteness ensued. Clip above.


Letterman Slams McCain Again

FROM GAWKER.COM: Not only did John McCain ditch Late Show host David Letterman for Katie Couric and mislead him about it, it turns out the Republican presidential nominee spent the entire night in New York and didn't fly to DC until the next morning. More »

Loose Lips This headline pretty much sums it up: "Britney Spears Sucks on Cherries, Straddles Guy in New Video." • We always knew Dr. Drew was ripped, but these photos show the good doctor to be alarmingly buff! • Take a moment out of your regularly scheduled campaign vitriol and read this adorable propaganda about the slumber party Michelle Obama threw for her daughters and some Biden spawn. Aw! [Us, TMZ, People]

news roundup

Here He Comes To Save The Day (He's Only A Little Late)!

  • Congressional lawmakers came to terms on the bailout package today, several hours before John McCain got done giving his Clinton Global Initiative speech and arrived on the Hill to rescue the American economy. [NY Times]
  • That doesn't mean he's going to be at the debate tomorrow, of course. There might be something else he could rescue for the good of the nation instead of sucking it up and debating Obama, he's sure. [NY Times]
  • Mississippi's Republican governor, Haley Barbour, says they're all systems go for a debate. Obama plans to have a townhall meeting without McCain if McCain is too much of a coward to debate him. [CNN, Huffington Post]
  • By the way, McCain's "suspension" saved his campaign $1 million in ads and generated a shitload of earned media. It also didn't stop him from campaigning. [Huffington Post, Huffington Post]
More »

Ann Coulter, whose casual racism has gotten her in hot water before, is back in full-throated form blaming the current financial crisis on minorities. In a column titled "The Gave Your Mortgage To A Less-Qualified Minority" Ann writes of Clinton-era laws designed to encourage recalcitrant banks to lend to minorities at rates concomitant with their credit reports that "banks were encouraged to consider nontraditional measures of credit-worthiness, such as having a good jump shot or having a missing child named 'Caylee.'" People actually pay her for this shit, people. It's good to know that she knows how to bring Americans together during a crisis. [National Review, Ann Coulter]


Judge Judy Explains The Difference Between An "Accident" And "On Purpose" To Confused Litigant

Today on Judge Judy, the defendant was a horrible, horrible person. She was being sued by her sister, who had graciously loaned the defendant $1500 to bail the defendant's friend out of jail. The defendant found out that the friend no longer needed the bail money, so she went out and bought herself a new wardrobe and refused to return the money to her sister. Two weeks later she totaled her sister's car, and refused to pay for the damages because the wreck wasn't an "accident" but an "act of God." Oh and she didn't have an license. This defense did not fly with JJ, natch. Clip above. More »

Most Popular Stories

Reader Roundup Best Comment of the Day, in response to Arse Elektronika: "Shit, I was scheduled to go to the Tits Technologika conference in Portland. Damn." We say: maybe you can have Scotty beam your ass to San Fran while your boobs take center stage in Oregon. Think outside your box, woman! • Worst, in response to Nicolette Sheridan's Feet Are Feeling Sheepish: "Fug." We say: thank you for your insightful and clever commentary! We do hope you'll be gracing us again soon with your witty repartee.

Poop on GOOP

Gwyneth Paltrow's New Website: Let Them Eat Macrobiotic Rice!

On Monday we briefly mentioned Gwyneth Paltrow's new idiotically named "lifestyle website" GOOP, which bears the nonsensical tagline, "nourish the inner aspect." Well today the Los Angeles Times discusses the entirely unsurprising GOOP backlash among bloggers. Why is it unsurprising? Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because Gwyneth Paltrow was born to incredibly wealthy parents, given every advantage possible, got her first acting gig because her mother is acclaimed star Blythe Danner, shows a regularly snobbish disdain for Americans, and yet is purporting to tell us how to live our lives? Not to mention the fact that the economy is in the shitter and maybe, just maybe, the average woman doesn't really want to hear from Gwyneth that her "life is good because I am not passive about it." More »

Our Lady Of Couture The church of Notre-Dame de la Daurade in Toulouse, France is seeking designer apparel for the black virgin statue it has housed since the fifth century. "Our black virgin has always been dressed by benefactors from the city or the region. This time, we asked ourselves if the top global designers, most of them French, would agree to make a gesture for her," said one preservationist. The madonna's wardrobe of four dresses is growing shabby, and the church has approached Sonia Rykiel, Christian Lacroix, Gucci, Prada and Valentino about donating a couture look for the 6 1/2' statue, granting full creative freedom to the designers. No word yer on whether anyone has heeded the plea; we'd really like to see what Lacroix does with this one: A puffball?![Reuters]

Redemption in not endorsing

Ferraro On Palin: She's Not Voting For Her, She Swears

Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman nominated for the Vice Presidency of the United States and the woman who some considered the archetypical P.U.M.A. after her comments about Obama, sexism and racism earlier this year, has some thoughts about Sarah Palin. And Glamour asked her to talk about them! For once, she doesn't sound completely batshit. Maybe we can make up after our fight. Just a little. More »

Blind Item Who could be behind this job posting on Craigslist? The copy reads: "Ms. X, a well-known, busy music industry professional who has been active in the field since the early 70s, is looking for a P/T or F/T female personal assistant… YOU SHOULD BE PROACTIVE AND ABLE TO WORK INDEPENDENTLY, as well as with someone LITERALLY watching over your shoulder. You must be mature, professional, polite, and very, VERY respectful. You must be comfortable with, and friendly towards, both dogs and cats. There are several of each at Ms. X’s home and, while they are mainly the responsibility of the housekeeper, you must be willing to occasionally walk or feed these well-behaved animals, as well as possibly take them to the vet on occasion. DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO, OR IF YOU DO NOT LIKE, DOGS OR CATS!!!" Okay! Stop yelling! The position pays $15 an hour. So who's the scary lady? Guesses in the comments, please. [Craigslist]

Daddy Drama

Writer Spawn Susan Cheever's Issues Have Issues

The children of writers surpass only the children of shrinks in terms of hours logged in therapy, and memoirist Susan Cheever, the daughter of acclaimed writer John, is no exception. She has written a new memoir called Desire: Where Sex Meets Addiction about her struggles as a sex addict, and the New York Times went to her east side apartment to interview Cheever and her horny dog, Cutie. Writer Joyce Wadler points out that this is not Cheever's first foray into the addiction memoir, as she "covered much of the same material in her 1999 book Note Found in a Bottle: My Life as a Drinker." In Note (which I read many moons ago), Wadler remarks that Cheever wrote about fucking several different men in Cuba while her daughter was ill. Cheever rehashes the anecdote for Desire and Wadler comments that she "seems to have gone from blaming alcohol for her problems with men to blaming sexual addiction for them." More »

Remember Mystery, from VH1's The Pick Up Artist? We got an awesome email from a male reader who was out in LA last night with his two female roommates. He went to go to the bathroom and when he returned, Mystery was hitting on the two girls, and trying to perform magic tricks that reminded our reader more of Gob from Arrested Development, than of a professional Casanova. He confronted Mystery on his trademark "neg" strategy, in which he tries to insult women to lure them in. Mystery denied that, and then awkwardly walked away. But not before our reader stole his goggles! Click on Mystery to see photos of the famous goggles.