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littlebigplanet Let's Get The "Mario In LittleBigPlanet" Stuff Over With

Had to happen. Sooner or later, somebody was going to be the winner of the race to be the first to recreate a Mario level in LittleBigPlanet. Looks like we found them. Sure, others will come along once the full game's out and do a better job, but by then, we'll have been subjected to so many Mario levels, so many Sonic levels, so many Mega Man levels that we'll just be numb to it all, and won't give a toss.

Tell Us Dammit

What's Your Biggest Gaming Get?

Pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink. No. Pour yourself two or three drinks. It's Friday, time for TELL US DAMMIT. Here's how it works: We ask a question, you answer it. Simple and no strings attached! This isn't some marketing survey or whatever. It's an emotional investment in you. Yes, we're interested in knowing you, Kotaku reader person. You probably know fucktons about us — more than you even want to, we're sure. But, hey, we'd like to know about you. That way you won't be some faceless blob — and we might feel a tinge of guilt when we ban your ass. Or not, because really we're incapable of human emotion. Who knows!

Question: What is your biggest gaming get? What is the best deal you've got on a game purchase?

Ninokuni First Studio Ghibli/Level 5 Screens

In case you missed it amongst the flood of Level 5 news that hit the other day, the RPG powerhouse have teamed with Studio Ghibli to bring us Ninokuni, for the Nintendo DS. And...yeah, that's all you (and we) need to know before setting some money aside. While we wait to check the game out at TGS next month, you can check out these first screens for the game, along with some concept art and some shots of the game's magnificent packaging.


Sponsors Thanks

We're packing! But it's hard to pack when you down have a suitcase. So, we're using a bag, but the bag has a hole in it. How terrible. Good thing we have Sponsors and good thing those Sponsors have a suitcase. And boy oh boy can we use it. For that, we thank them! These week, Kotaku was brought to you by Coors Light, Gamestop, Hell's Highway, Infinite Undiscovery, T-Mobile, Unscrew America and Warhammer. So, off we go!

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metal gear online

It's OK, Even Hideo Kojima Hates Konami ID

Metal Gear Online has been, to quote, a "clusterfuck". Partially because Konami's online reliability is shaky, at best, but mostly because people just hate the fact they need to have a PSN ID, a Konami ID and a MGO ID just to play the thing. Well, it's OK, MGO fans. You're not alone. Your messiah, Hideo Kojima, has descended from a place on high and lo, he agrees with you.

Honestly, officially, I can't say anything on Konami ID and Game ID. It's a company policy. But frankly speaking, the idea wasn't a very good one. The fact is that Konami's direction was that we create a Game ID and Konami ID for the online components, and now we're seeing that it's not working so well, and we have to think about how to turn it around.

By "turn it around" do you mean "get rid of it"?

Hideo Kojima MGS4 Afterthoughts [1UP]

Fable II

Fable II Online Co-Op So Not Making Launch Date

"Sorry". That's what Microsoft and Lionhead are no doubt mouthing wordlessly, awkwardly, as they let us know that Fable II's online co-op feature - one of the game's bigger selling points - won't quite be ready for the game's launch in October. Instead, it'll be released as part of an update, which they're hoping to get out "within the first week of launch in North America", so hey, while it's a bummer, it's not a BUMMER.

Fable II - Almost There [Gamerscore]

A Week In Comments Ban Monday Begins!
Comment by: dunetiger
Nominated by: Mark
t's the most wonderful time of the week!
With the commenters yelling
and Spoonybard telling you, "You're up the creek!"
It's the most wonderful time of the week! It's the hap, happiest Monday of all!
With those commenters bleating
and ban-happy beings when Spoons comes to call...
It's the hap, happiest Monday of all! There'll be commenters roasting
commenters for toasting
and crying and pleading all day
There'll be fine wine and dining
with commenters whining
But we won't care to hear what you saaaaaay It's the most wonderful time of the week
There'll be much whistle-blowing
and tears will be flowing
All over your cheeeeeeeeks
It's the most! Wonderful time! Of the week! Don't forget to tip your waitresses!

Only in Japan

Level 5 Joins The Console War With "ROID"

That "shocking" announcement that Professor Layton and Dragon Quest VIII developer Level 5 had planned for its "Level 5 Vision 2008" show was likely the debut of ROID, a new gaming platform it's working on with NTT DoCoMo, Enterbrain and Famitsu.

Just kidding! ROID's not really a gaming console, despite photographic evidence that would prove otherwise. It's merely a web portal that will sell games for the PC and mobile platforms. Yes, it's totally snoozeworthy and not news you can use.

But did you know that ROID can transform into a robot?! Zounds!

More »

Resident Evil 5 New Res 5 Screens: Totally Rad Dirtbike Zombies Ho!

Capcom have today released four new screens for Resident Evil 5. No idea who, exactly, at Capcom said "Hey, you know what we need? Zombie dirt bikes!", but the man should get a gold star.

mirror's edge

Mirror's Edge "Faith City" Trailer

For once, this trailer isn't about showing off the innovative free running 3D engine and physical environment - it is a bit of animation (in the cartoony sense) that provides some more background about the dystopian setting and the traumatic events that have set our heroine on course to clash with the gub'ment.

Stylistically, it reminds me of the O-Ren Ishii anime from Kill Bill - no bad thing, in my humble opinion. Plot-wise, not much is revealed, but attitude? Attitude it most definitely has.