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All the latest news for the scientific community, including daily news from ScienceNOW and weekly news from Science magazine.

Daily News

from ScienceNOW

NIH Director Departs " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
After more than 6 years, Elias Zerhouni announces he's leaving
24 Sep
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Last Ant Standing " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Ants sacrifice themselves even when no threat is present
23 Sep
Geniuses of the Year " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
MacArthur Selects 10 Scientists as 2008 Fellows
23 Sep
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Senator Accuses NIH of Evading Ethics Rules " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Letter raises questions about the company ties of a temporary advisor
23 Sep
Are Bacteria Foes of Diabetes?  " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
In mice, researchers uncover link between microbes and metabolic? disease prevention
23 Sep
Large Hadron Collider Down for at Least 2 Months " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Melted electrical connection appears to be the cause of the breakdown
22 Sep
Conservation Efforts May Have Backfired for Spanish Toad " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Potentially deadly fungus accidentally introduced as part of breeding program for endangered amphibian
22 Sep
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Wasps Make Peace With Past Enemies " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
The insects steer clear of foes they've fought in the past
22 Sep
McCain Freeze Would Chill Science " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Campaign aide delivers downbeat message to research advocates
19 Sep
World's Biggest Particle Smasher Springs a Leak " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Rupture in 27-kilometer machine could cause weeks of delays
19 Sep
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Fat Molecule Fights Weight Gain " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Compound prevents mice from storing unhealthy fat
19 Sep
You've Got to Be Flexible to Live in Complex Societies " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Study shows link between social complexity and personal restraint
19 Sep
FDA Issues Guidelines for Genetically Engineered Animals " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
First-ever rules define gene modifications to be animal drugs
18 Sep
The Politics of Fear " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
A new study suggests that social conservatives may have stronger responses to threats
18 Sep
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GM Crops Make Good Neighbors " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
Cotton engineered to produce natural pesticide also protects nonmodified plants nearby
18 Sep
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from ScienceNOW

Seal jawSurf 'n' Turf " width="6" height="9" border="0" class="Arrow">
It turns out the Neandertal menu included both ...

News of the Week 19 September 2008

from Science Magazine

Credit: Tim Griffith
$ California Academy Practices What It Preaches About Sustainable Living 
The eco-friendly features of the new California Academy of Sciences building should make it the largest public space in the world to earn the U.S. Green Building Council's highest rating for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

News Focus 19 September 2008

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