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Thursday, September 25, 2008


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They're Launching America's First Carbon
Cap-And-Trade Program Today?
American Thinker, by Marc Sheppard    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 1:41:07 AM     Post Reply
Did you know that a 10 state coalition is holding our nation's first ever carbon allowance auction at 9:00 AM EDT today? Or that the same states will be imposing a mandatory cap-and-trade program on their electric plants beginning next month? (Snip) Nonetheless, the New York-based Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative launches today, striving to freeze CO2 emissions through 2014 and then gradually reduce them to 10 percent below current levels by 2018

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking
beyond the edge of the universe
Telegraph [UK], by Roger Highfield    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 1:33:44 AM     Post Reply
Something lurks beyond the edge of the observable universe, drawing unimaginable numbers of stars towards it. Distant clusters of galaxies are all shifting inexorably towards the same spot in the sky, beyond the boundary of what we can see, a baffling discovery by Nasa scientists that seems to challenge our understanding of the Big Bang. (Snip) this motion is constant out to at least a billion light years and ''likely extends across the visible universe,''

US told it must hold talks
with Taliban's Mullah Omar
Telegraph [UK], by Isambard Wilkinson    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 1:28:32 AM     Post Reply
Peshawar - The US must broker a power-sharing agreement with the head of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, in order to establish peace in the region, the Governor of Pakistan's lawless border areas has said. Owais Ghani, who governs the North West Frontier Province and its adjoining tribal areas, is the most prominent figure to date to publicly advocate holding talks with militant commanders leading the insurgency against coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Let's Get It Right
Townhall, by Michael Reagan    Original Article
Posted By: lcl4 - 9/25/2008 1:23:21 AM     Post Reply
Congress is running around in circles trying to figure out how to handle the hot potato the Bush Administration has handed them with its $700 billion bailout proposal, and how they can load it up with their own list of taxpayer-financed handouts. If left to their own devices they'll turn it into a giant cookie jar

EU Threatens Italy with Legal
Action Over Immigration Package
Deutsche Welle, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 1:21:27 AM     Post Reply
Italy drew the ire of the European Commission over its decree which would allow the automatic expulsion of other European Union citizens condemned to more than two years of jail there. The Commission on Tuesday, Sept. 23, threatened Italy with legal action if it did not change the decree, which was part of a controversial package of measures against illegal immigrants and crime agreed by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's cabinet in May.

Barack Obama and Alinsky's
Rules for Psychopaths
American Thinker, by James Lewis    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 1:18:44 AM     Post Reply
A psychopath is a person without conscience; someone who constantly breaks the moral rules of the community. Saul Alinsky was a ''community organizer'' who found a career that fit that personality disorder. In the Orwellian upside-down world of the Left, community organizers disorganize communities. That is the meaning of revolution, to overturn whatever exists today in the raw pursuit of one's own power.

Charles Rangel and the
forensic squad: CSI Harlem?
American Thinker, by Ralph Alter    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 1:10:18 AM     Post Reply
The Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means committee has hired a forensic accountant to help untangle the web of artifice the Congressman has submitted for the past 10 years in lieu of legitimate tax returns. It seems Mr. Rangel will need a forensic property manager to help him sort out his rent-controlled apartments from what he thought was a tax-free condo rental down in the Carribean.

Judgment Day
Townhall, by Cal Thomas    Original Article
Posted By: lcl4 - 9/25/2008 1:07:59 AM     Post Reply
It isn't often that public outrage peaks so close to an election, but this is a rare moment in history when "we the people" can exact a price from the political leadership that has duped, scammed and lied to them, contributing mightily to the current financial mess. At the Senate Banking Committee hearings Tuesday, Democrats, led by Chairman Chris Dodd of Connecticut, seemed to think

Cuban and other Latin leaders
criticize U.S. bailout
Miami Herald, by Frances Robles    Original Article
Posted By: Pageturner - 9/25/2008 1:05:47 AM     Post Reply
UNITED NATIONS -- Without ever pronouncing the two words ''United States,'' Cuba's First Vice President José Ramón Machado Ventura condemned Washington on Wednesday, telling the leaders gathered at the United Nations that the country's quest for fast money at the expense of the poor was to blame for the world crises currently threatening the ``existence of mankind.'' Speaking at the U.N.'s 63rd General Assembly, Machado Ventura said Washington's manipulative trade policy stifled growth around the world.

South Korea bans Chinese
food over melamine scare
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 12:59:11 AM     Post Reply
Seoul - South Korea has banned imports of Chinese-made food products containing powdered milk following the discovery of biscuits tainted with melamine, the latest country hit by a widening food scare over the industrial chemical. Seoul's main food watchdog Korea Food and Drug Administration said it slapped the import ban after tests found high levels of melamine in two biscuit products imported from China and Hong Kong.

Air Force and Army
generals face discipline
Los Angeles Times, by Julian E. Barnes    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 12:54:31 AM     Post Reply
Washington - At least six Air Force and two Army generals face potentially career-ending punishment in the mishandling of U.S. nuclear warhead components, Defense Department officials said. Military officials are expected to announce the disciplinary action today. At least two of the officers are three-star generals. ''It is extensive and it is severe,'' a senior Defense Department official said

US embassy does not rule
out closure of Visa Unit in Caracas
El Universal [Caracas, VZ], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Pageturner - 9/25/2008 12:52:05 AM     Post Reply
Politics The escalating anti-US wording by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Frías led US Embassy officials in Venezuela to ponder the closure of Visa section in Caracas for security reasons, a source of the diplomatic representation reported. On Tuesday, the Non-immigrant Visas Unit in Caracas remained closed while a group of 25 government supporters protested at noon in front of the building.

Expert: We must act fast on warming
Wichita Eagle [KS], by David Klepper    Original Article
Posted By: wildcat1 - 9/25/2008 12:51:36 AM     Post Reply
TOPEKA - NASA's top climatologist came to Kansas Tuesday with dire warnings: If humans don't get serious about climate change soon, it'll be too late to do anything about it. Droughts, melting ice caps and glaciers, rising sea levels and mass extinctions....

Late rebel leader to get
monument in Venezuela
Associated Press, by Fabiola Sanchez    Original Article
Posted By: Pageturner - 9/25/2008 12:48:58 AM     Post Reply
CARACAS, Venezuela — A monument to the late Colombian rebel leader Manuel Marulanda, who died in March at age 78, is going up in a poor Caracas neighborhood. Members of a leftist group announced plans Wednesday to place a bust of the founding leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, in a plaza that is still under construction. Marulanda, nicknamed "Sureshot," led the FARC (Snip) and was considered an arch-terrorist by the Colombian government.

McCain looks to upstage
Obama on financial crisis
Deutsche Presse-Agentur, by Mike McCarthy    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 12:45:47 AM     Post Reply
Washington - Republican candidate John McCain upstaged Democratic opponent Barack Obama by suspending his campaign to deal with the nation's financial crisis, an attempt to overcome the Arizona senator's perceived disadvantage on economic issues. (Snip) While the tactic might help him in the polls, it could risk accusations of politicizing the financial crisis and even arouse suspicions that McCain is avoiding a debate with the younger Obama about the economy.

Colombia's Uribe wants
trade deal with U.S.
Reuters, by Manuela Badawy    Original Article
Posted By: Pageturner - 9/25/2008 12:45:17 AM     Post Reply
NEW YORK - Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said on Wednesday his government expects to have signed 45 free trade agreements by the end of his administration, including one with the United States. Talking to investors in New York, Uribe said Colombia is working hard to sign several trade agreements, though the one most coveted is with the United States.

House of Cards
New York Post, by STAN LIEBOWITZ    Original Article
Posted By: wildcat1 - 9/25/2008 12:41:10 AM     Post Reply
HOW did America wind up in its worst financial crisis in decades? Sen. Barack Obama explained it this way last week: "When sub-prime-mortgage lending took a reckless and unsustainable turn, a patchwork of regulators systematically and deliberately eliminated the regulations protecting the American people." That's exactly backward.

Bill Clinton will only stump
for Obama after Jewish holidays
Haaretz [Israel], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 12:40:42 AM     Post Reply
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton on Wednesday said in an interview with CNN's Larry King that he is postponing campaigning for Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama due to the upcoming Jewish holidays. (Snip) ''When [the Clinton Global Initiative] is over, and after the Jewish holidays, which follow close on it, I intend to go to Florida, to Ohio, to northeast Pennsylvania, and to Nevada at a minimum''

Let's Keep People In Their Homes
Wall Street Journal, by Hillary Rodham Clinton    Original Article
Posted By: c4miles - 9/25/2008 12:40:33 AM     Post Reply
There is a broad consensus that Congress must act to stave off deeper turmoil on Wall Street. Irrespective of the final agreement yet to be reached, there are several principles that must be part of a broader reform effort that begins this week and continues in the coming months. This is not just a financial crisis; it's an economic crisis. Therefore, the solutions we pursue cannot simply stabilize the markets.

Nine oil companies invest
in Colombia oil exploration
Agence France-Presse, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Pageturner - 9/25/2008 12:38:44 AM     Post Reply
BOGOTA — Colombia has signed contracts with nine oil companies worth 500 billion dollars to explore for oil near the border with Venezuela, the National Oil and Gas Agency has announced. The companies include oil giants Shell and Exxon Mobil, Australian mining and primary resources company BHP Billiton, and the Korean National Oil Company, as well as companies from Canada and Peru.

Ahmadinejad meets with
ultra-religious, anti-Zionist Jews
Reuters, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 12:38:11 AM     Post Reply
A day after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments at the United Nations, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met a fringe group of ultra-religious Jews who seek the dismantling of the state of Israel. ''Zionism has greatly weakened and, God willing, it will be destroyed soon and then all Jews, Muslims and Christians can live peacefully with one another,'' Ahmadinejad told nearly a dozen rabbis from Neturei Karta International

Candidates Give Negotiators a Push
Washington Post, by Jonathan Weisman    Original Article
Posted By: NavyGunner - 9/25/2008 12:38:03 AM     Post Reply
Delicate backroom negotiations over legislation for a massive Wall Street rescue were jolted yesterday by Sen. John McCain's sudden announcement that he would come to Washington to participate in the talks. But by day's end, Sen. Barack Obama's decision to join his rival at the White House in a show of bipartisanship appeared to set the stage for a final deal.

Pakistan: Suspected Marriott
bombing 'mastermind' emerges
ADN Kronos International [AKI - Italy], by Syed Saleem Shahzad    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist - 9/25/2008 12:34:39 AM     Post Reply
Karachi - The alleged mastermind of last Saturday's deadly truck bombing of the Marriott hotel in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, has emerged. The suspect, Qari Zafar , has become part of Al-Qaeda's hardline Takfiri inner circle. He enjoys the protection of Pakistani Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud and is believed to be hiding out in the lawless South Waziristan tribal area (Snip) ''Zafar is behind the planning, arrangement of transportation and procurement of explosives for the attack''

The Paulson Plan Will Make
Money for Taxpayers
Wall Street Journal, by Andy Kessler    Original Article
Posted By: Fosterdad - 9/25/2008 12:31:23 AM     Post Reply
In 1992, hedge-fund manager George Soros made $1 billion betting against the British pound. In 2007, John Paulson's Credit Opportunities fund correctly bet against subprime mortgages, clearing $15 billion for the year and $3.7 billion for him. Warren Buffett is now hoping to make big money on Goldman Sachs. But these are small-time deals.

Bush Calls Bailout Vital to Economy,
Will Meet With McCain and Obama
Washington Post, by Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane    Original Article
Posted By: NavyGunner - 9/25/2008 12:30:56 AM     Post Reply
President Bush said yesterday that the credit crisis that had seized world markets could devastate the U.S. economy unless Congress acted quickly to approve a $700 billion bailout plan for the nation's financial system, a message aimed at reluctant lawmakers as much as a deeply skeptical public. "Our entire economy is in danger," Bush said in an address from the White House...

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