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Sep 25
Jennifer Aniston drunk dials John Mayer to get him back

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer ended their summer fling last month, and Jennifer has been miserable ever since, according to her “friends.”  When Aniston returned from work in Mexico last week, she supposedly had a few glasses of wine and “decided to throw caution to the wind” and call Mayer.  There were a few times, long ago, that I “threw caution to the wind” after some drinks and it never ended well.

But I’m no Jennifer Aniston, apparently, because after making the first move, Jennifer has Mayer on the phone daily according to the Daily Mail.

Jennifer Aniston is back in contact with her ex-lover John Mayer and longing for a reconciliation, MailOnline can reveal.

The pair, who broke up last month following a summer fling, have enjoyed daily telephone conversations since the actress returned to Los Angeles from a work trip to Mexico last week.

It follows a prolonged period in the doldrums for Aniston, 39, who only weeks before the split had undergone lip surgery in an effort to appear more attractive to Mayer, 30.

A friend said: ‘Jennifer reached out to John first. She had a few glasses of wine - then decided to throw caution to the wind and make the first move.

‘John was pleasantly surprised to hear from her. He says they’ve been in contact pretty much every day since and he’s really looking forward to seeing her again soon.’

Daily Mail

It sounds like the work that was done in Mexico could have been to her face.  Jennifer Aniston with Jessica Simpson lips?

Whenever I read a story like this, in my mind’s eye, it’s always Courtney Cox that is making clandestine phone calls to British rag mags.  I picture her sneaking into the bathroom with her cell phone at Aniston’s house while Jennifer is fumbling to dial Mayer in one hand and hold her glass of red wine in the other.  It makes me smile.

According to Cox, er, I mean, the source, Aniston has been doing alot of fumbling, lately.

It’s claimed the former Friends star has been drowning her sorrows ever since being dumped by the New York-raised musician.

In fact, Mayer is said to have grown concerned over his ex’s wayward lifestyle and urged her to slow down.

A source told MailOnline: ‘Jennifer’s friends are worried.

‘She’s had a really tough time since the break-up and the more time goes on, she realises how much John still means to her. Basically, she’s still in love with him and has had a really tough time letting go.’

Aniston’s penchant for afternoon cocktails is said to have started earlier this year while she worked in Miami on the comedy Marley & Me and began her relationship with Mayer.

Daily Mail

Expect Aniston not to respond to these allegations, she doesn’t acknowledge these things, you know, by acknowledging that she doesn’t acknowledge them.

Note by Celebitchy: I think this story is pretty much fabricated by the Daily Mail, but it’s clear that Ceilidh was being tongue in cheek about it anyway.

Jennifer Aniston is shown out shopping on 9/18/08. Credit: Fame Pictures

Written by Ceilidh

Posted in Jennifer Aniston, John Mayer, Photos

Pages: 1 2 3 4

31 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston drunk dials John Mayer to get him back”

  1. After seeing that Cubs hat on her (White Sox fan here), she can stick it. :x

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  2. They are a really cute couple, they should get back together and stay together…

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  3. Oh, where to start?

    Well, first, I’d say that the “leaks” about Pity’s drunk dialing are probably coming from Mayer’s side. With a healthy dose of tabloid fiction.

    Secondly, my money’s on Pity’s controlled “leaks” being the ones about Gerard Butler, drunk dialing Brad’s mother and her fictitious meeting with Brad in Toronto. Basically, the ones that make her look good or the ones that inspire pity. :wink:

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  4. Go Cubs Go!!!!! Lifelong Cubs fan here!!! I didn’t realize her love for Chicago extended to the Cubs - makes me like her even more!!!

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  5. show me the woman that never drank and dialed and i show you…well…my cat whistling the national anthem

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  6. @Anni, yeah, every woman’s drunk dialed. I know I have - when I was 19 years old. At 39, you’d think Aniston would either know better or hold her liquor better.

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  7. fashion mavens- is jen wearing Levi’s??

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  8. why would you want to go back to someone who dumped you…is jennifer anniston that hard up to have a man like john mayer. he’s a womanizer and they are the most boring-iest couple in hollywood.

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  9. Yes, we’ve all done it but I really hope this isn’t true. I genuinely want her to find someone nice and solid and non-celeb so she’ll just be happy but disappear off the radar.

    But, on the bright side, if she’s pining over and drunk-dialing JM, then she’s not having the sexy part of her thigh caressed by GB (eh, kaiser? Silver lining?)

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  10. I doubt this story. Then again, what do I know? :lol:

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  11. @Geronimo - Aw, that’s sweet. But like I said, I think this story is coming from Mayer, not Aniston. The Butler stories are coming from Aniston. :x

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  12. We don’t know where they’re really coming from, but I agree with geronimo, and the story sounds like baloney anyway.

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  13. I don’t believe this story at all..everytime the media has nothing to write about, they make something up!

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  14. Doubtful, but entertaining nonetheless. (Especially that bit about Cox sneaking off to make clandestine phone calls to the glossies. Silly!)

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  15. I lived one block away from Wrigley and I never owned a Cubs hat. I saw maybe 2 games. The drunk fart boy fans just were so aggressive and obnoxious and living so close to the ballpark made me dread baseball season. I would even time when I could take the red line home and avoid the fans ha ha. Sox fans by default!

    I read she was going to move to Chicago at one point. She likes to go to the Peninsula Hotel (at least the bar) My friend would always see her there.

    This is such a fluff story. If she drunk dialed it ain’t the first time in history. Must suck to have the ‘desperate’ label slapped on you for so long.

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  16. Kaiser, she lies! He loves YOU!

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  17. She wants a baby. She’s considering adopting but she’d rather have a biological child. BTW, she did admit that if/when she does adopt, it will NOT be from a third world country.

    A blond haired, blue-eyed baby, maybe? Hmmm? :?

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  18. Oh, have I mentioned that I CAN’T STAND this untalented, pathetic liar?

    I believe I have on another thread. OK, all is well. I had to get that off my chest before I down a bottle of TUMS.

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  19. She had work done in Mexico? I don’t remember that one…

    So does this mean that she isn’t chasing after Leo?

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  20. are these the same friends who insisted that JA broke up with John or was that a bunch of cr_p from the aniston camp as usual?

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  21. I suspect John will just break her heart all over again. They want different things…she, a family…he, fun and freedom. She should have never looked back. It will be interesting to see where it goes, but I suspect the end result will be the same as last time.

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  22. It would be a real coup for him to get her back. No one is interested in him since he/she dumped her/him.

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  23. I agree that this is coming from Mayer’s camp. This is almost IDENTICAL to Jessica Simpson’s “reaction” after they broke up - something tells me Johnny Boy just ain’t THAT irresistable, you know? :wink: Not that she’s not capable of this behaviour, but yeah, I highly highly doubt it’s true.

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  24. Jen is wearing them MF’ing jeans like nobody’s bidness tho!!!! rock dat shIt gurl!!!

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  25. :lol: I accidentally texted an ex a note meant for my current man..It was sexual in nature. My ex gladly returned my message saying yes he would meet me for sex. I said I was joking and its great that he had a sense of humor. hew…that was close. he took it light hearted. I took the ex number off my cell phone. wont happen again. :(

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  26. I can’t believe I am saying this, but here goes. As much as I dont like this person, I don’t believe this story. It’s from a tabloid.

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  27. yea… and how reliable are these “sources” again? i call BS

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  28. @Daisy! YAY! Sox fan here!
    Ugh, it is so like Jennifer to be a Cubs fan.. LOL! J/k.
    Anyhoo, i doubt this story but still, nobody should be crying over douchebag John Mayer. He is so self absorbed and his music is not that unique. I would hardly be surprised to hear that he fabricated this story especially after all those stories that he calls the paparazzi. As for drunk dialing, i sent a sober dirty instant message to a female friend of mine as a joke but accidently sent it to the wrong screenname and sent it to a ex boyfriend of sorts… let’s just say he got blocked.. :)

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  29. Jennifer Aniston:

    1- Beautiful with amazing body (well, it’s Hollywood and somehow this attribute always makes it to the top of the list)

    2- Talented comedic actress with a lot of credits to back this up.

    3- Bank balance large enough to float 2 small countries accrued from/result of 1 and 2.

    Honestly, I see more truth in her employing a team of people to starch and iron $10,000 in crisp twenties, another team to lay it on her bed before she rolls around in it naked yelling “I’m ritch bitches!” than I do in any ’sources’ claiming that she has this much time to be pining for John Mayer… and lip ’surgery’? Jeeez, I’d hardly call someone shoving a syringe full of cow’s ass fat into them as ’surgery.’

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  30. True story: My ex-girlfriend drunk dialed me yesterday after cheating on me with a musician who wrote a song called “Drunk Dialin’.” Somehow, I resisted the opportunity to throw it back in her face. It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

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  31. I don’t like her, but I really hope this is not true. Jennifer can do so much better than JM. Stick to GB. And stop coattail hanging!

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