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Sep 24
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie & kids are in Berlin in a rented estate for 90 days

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their six children landed at Tempelhof airport in Berlin at around 3:30 in the afternoon yesterday. They seem to have evaded photographers as I was unable to find photographs of their arrival in the German press or photo agencies. The famous family has rented a 130,000 square foot property complete with three mansions in the Wannsee area for 90 days. Wannsee is a picturesque and exclusive area in the Southwest of Berlin situated on two lakes, Kleiner and Grosser Wannsee (Small and Large Wannsee). The property is decked out with a state of the art security system. According to German reports, they have 14 body guards, 3 chefs and 2 nannies on campus. There are said to be 10 luxury cars at their disposal.

Brad is due to shoot the film Inglorious Bastards with director Quentin Tarantino in Potsdam, about a half hour drive southwest of Berlin. It also stars German actress Diane Kruger from Troy. His film Burn After Reading opens in Berlin October 2 and there is speculation that he may attend the German premiere next Wednesday.

Our favorite German paper, Bild, has the news. (Note that while this article says a staff of 14 including 2 nannies, the German version clearly says that there are 14 bodyguards plus additional staff. I have e-mailed them for clarification and am waiting to hear back. Update: Bild has confirmed that the German version is right and that it is 14 bodyguards plus additional staff.)

Angelina (33), Brad (44), and their six children landed at Berlin’s Tempelhof airport on Tuesday afternoon to move into the swanky ‘Palais Parkschloss’ house on the shores of the Wannsee lake on the outskirts of Berlin.

Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt is set to begin work on the new Quentin Tarantino movie, ‘Inglorious Bastards’, in three weeks. Until then, it looks like he and Angelina will be relaxing in Berlin, where the two have been spotted many times before.

There should be more than enough room for Brangelina and their brood in the 12,000 square-metre villa. A private helicopter landing pad, dock, and full security system are all part of the package.

A staff of 14, including two nannies, are also on site to oversee the entire operation. With their help, maybe Angelina Jolie will be able to handle her new job as mum, which she has reportedly been struggling with.

The glamorous couple’s new Berlin residence has a star-studded past. In 2001 actor Steven Seagal (58) rented out the same villa for two months and caused thousands of dollars worth of damage.
Since then, the mansion has been revamped but who knows what condition it will be in when Brangelina and their brood take off again. After all, with six kids, there’s bound to be some damage…

[From Bild.com]

The German version of this article in Bild notes that the Jolie-Pitts have installed a 2.5 meter (8 foot) sheet to protect the property from the paparazzi. Their security system includes motion detectors, security cameras and floodlights. The Jolie-Pitts, their six children and full staff will have plenty of room in those three big mansions. They have about 30,000 square feet of living space.

It looks like the family is going to stay together while Pitt films outside Berlin. We’ll have to see whether they’ll stay a full three months and if they return to France or to Brad’s mansion in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, which is said to be undergoing renovations in preparation for their possible move back stateside. Angelina’s film The Changeling opens in the US on October 24th and it is thought that she will attend the premiere, which may well be her first public appearance after the birth of her twins on July 12.

Thanks to Bild for the photo of the property below. Photos of Brad and Angelina are from Cannes at the Changeling premiere on 5/20/08. Credit: WENN

Written by Celebitchy

Posted in Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt

52 Responses to “Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie & kids are in Berlin in a rented estate for 90 days”

  1. I used to like Angie so much.God.The charity worker with the 10 houses 30 nanies and the 250 travels around the world.Sorry but i dont like her anymore.

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  2. You know, I am a bona fide Ange and Brad fan, but 10 luxury cars??? Isn’t that a bit much???

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  3. The level of excess is astounding… I understand they both have earned it, but gosh!!! It’s almost too much to wrap my little impoverished mind around.

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  4. hm, hamburg is not that far from berlin. shall i go and report exclusivly for CB? *lol*

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  5. Anni I actually live very close to this estate. Without giving too much away it’s less than a 10 minute drive.

    Anni My German is crappy and I had help from my husband with the Bild article in German, which had those details. If you see any differences in the numbers of their staff or cars in this German article (I couldn’t and my husband double-checked) can you let me know?

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  6. Team Anni and CB for exclusive J-P coverage. (Aren’t you in Berlin, CB?)

    Edit. So close….small detour, ja, next time you pop out for some bratwurst? :D

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  7. I have to bring my mom to the airport, i shall check the article when i come home! promised.

    oh and one thing…BILD is not the m,ost reliable source. they make most of the stuff up. it´s the german national enquire ;)

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  8. I grew up in a family that moved every two years. As a result, I’ve learned to make friends easily, but I don’t have any long-term friendships. Everything feels temporary and disposable to me, including jobs, apartments, people, and possessions. Those kids may be growing up rich, but they aren’t putting down any roots. It will have lifelong consequences for them. :cry:

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  9. I’m more excited about the Quentin Tarantino movie he is filming, looks good.
    I would have also installed barbed wire with an electric current it in to keep the idiot/intrusive paps out.
    The house looks beautiful and secluded, oh to be in Berlin………

    *edit, Miss_kitteh,
    Due to my husband’s job we transferred around alot when my kids were young. It helped them to be more out going and confident. They looked at it as a plus meeting new people and living in new places. They also are very close as adults as I am sure the J/P kids will be also. It’s what you make of your situation.

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  10. That house is beautiful!

    Hey CB, it’s like the Brange *knows* that you’re close by! I expect lots of special reports and Brange exclusives for the next three months!

    If The Brange moved in 10 minutes away from me I would totally stalk them. Or at least leave flowers for Princess Z every day.

    And THAT^^^^ is why they need all of those security guards and cars. Because of people like me.

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  11. I’m just here to count the hate posts. :D

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  12. The article you linked says indeed 10 cars, 14 bodyguards, 3 chefs and 2 nannies.

    But I wouldn’t really trust Bild.

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  13. Vdantev,

    LOL, you know they are coming.

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  14. I freaking love Bratwurst but I am on a diet and only eat it once in a great while. But if you are a meat eater it doesn’t get any better than Thuringer Bratwurst.

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  15. the cars at their disposal arent theirs Granger, they come with the rental I imagine. its not like they specifically asked for them.

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  16. Gorgeous house. Perfect for Ms. Z and her followers.

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  17. What a depressing life they lead. I could never bear such an isolating lifestyle, I love people and places, faces and noise. But to live this life? I wouldnt trade my poverty level income to this no matter what was offered me. If I ever become rich I want my life to be free and full of color and people.

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  18. I dont think wanting privacy at your place of residence = isolation. these two travel the world and are interacting with humanity at levels far beyond what you and I get walking down the street or from the neighborhood. when you are visiting orphanages, going to earthquake-shattered areas, refugee camps and the like, this can hardly be called living in isolation. I think they are possibly (angie especially) some of the least isolated celebs out there today in terms of the wide swath of humanity they interact with and connect with in their lives and the level of involvement/concern/activism they have with so many issues that involve so many different kinds of people.

    if they want to shield their babies and kids from camera lenses in their private residence, this does not count as wanting isolation.

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  19. so, where does one apply to be part of the Brangie security team?

    My dream job that one :(

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  20. :lol: I like the new “Breaking News” header on the front page. CB, you’re totally going to end up stalking the Brange!

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  21. Kaiser the story hasn’t been picked up by the American press yet so that’s why I put it at the top. I was considering dating the story ahead of the others and keeping it the first on the page but I didn’t want people to think the site wasn’t updated. Also I’m not the stalking type, I would feel so weird doing that or even being a pap for a day!

    My husband is encouraging me to stalk them too and I’m trying to use it as an excuse for us to get a better camera.

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  22. They need all this security with all the paps and weirdos trying to get at them. Look at the nutbag paps at Mirival in camo gear who broke onto the property. And why would the place be trashed after they leave? If the children are disciplined properly there should be no damage at all. They aren’t wild animals after all.

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  23. Leandra: With six young children running around, disciplined or not, the place will be trashed. That being said, I’m sure they can afford to make any necessary repairs after their departure.

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  24. Will this kids ever have a sense of normality? I mean they live like in FEAR of an imminent terrorist attack, and that to me, personally, is just sad!
    And yes, we can still experience HUMANITY in the littlest things!Not just visiting orphanages in far far away countries!
    As for charity, volunteer work…they do what they can and that´s very honorable!
    I used to volunteer too and it was a great and rewarding experience, but at the end of the day… it was not my life! Nevertheless, theres thousands of “anonymous ” ppl who give their lifes everyday to make this a better world! (in the deep vast african savannas or just around the corner in their hometown!).
    Having that said, I have the impression they think too higly of themsevels.

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  25. Haha, CB, yes you totally should stalk them!! Think of the great shots you could get!! Its going to be a long three months for them!

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  26. They really are the royalty of American movie stars. It seems fitting they live larger than life. The fact that they work hard and are gracious and do give back makes me not begrudge them their lifestyle.
    Thank God, they aren’t into scientology!
    And they don’t use their children as PR kids! Angie has more life in her little finger than Katie Holmes, and Brad doesn’t wear lifts in his shoes and look maniacal like Tom Cruise…
    Whew, got that off my chest!

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  27. CB/ Why’ve you taken down the funny or die Brad Pitt beer thing?

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  28. @Geronimo - It wasn’t Brad Pitt! It was some other guy.

    Us ran this story based on Bild, but they’re reporting that the property is 2,000 square feet! Who did their conversion math?

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  29. 8O 8O Are you sure? Damn. I finally find a piece of Pitt acting to be really impressed by and it turns out not to be him.

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  30. Oh, how I would LOVE to be a nanny for this royal family. If I lived anywhere near this house, you can bet my face will be in every shot the paps take of the surrounding area. Could it be I’m obsessed with this family??

    @CB: Updates, please. Lots and lots of updates. Yeah, good.

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  31. “Tom Cruise has reportedly purchased the Palais Parkschloss villa in Berlin’s Wannsee district, complete with its own helipad”.

    The above was reported in a Germany newspaper. Is it true?:?

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  32. Kerri I found the same info on People. I searched it on Google Earth, it also gave me the address, it looks closer to Potsdam than Berlin though……….

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  33. Thanks Daisy. Checking it out now.

    -was going to leave you a smiley face, but my Icons no longer work??

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  34. miss_kitteh
    I agree with you. Moving a lot as a child does create emotional issues that you deal with well into adulthood. I too moved a lot when I was a kid and now I have issues getting close to people. It was so hard getting attached to people and then having to leave…so I kinda learned not to become too attached. I’m that way in relationships too: aloof and detached, afraid of getting hurt. I agree with you. Kids need consistency.

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  35. 10 cars, probably got there on a private jet. They use jets as as one of their primary modes of travel. (Brad’s trips to Venice, from LA to Chicago for jury duty.)

    I think it’s funny that Brad is involved in so many green causes (New Orleans, Kiehls). He’s even hosted a PBS show on green building. It cracks me up; celebrities touting environmentalism when their carbon footprint is absolutely heinous.


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  36. Maybe he does it because he KNOWS his carbon footprint is absolutely heinous? And he’s trying, you know, to make amends in areas he realistically can. Or is that too outrageous an idea?

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  37. I rarely post on any site but I love the Jolie Pitts and I would totally love for CB to post lots of updates. :lol:

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  38. Wow, we haven’t had a thread dominated by the ZOMG HIPPOCRAT/ZOMG BAD PARENTS Haters for a while.

    CB, I hope you get your new camera! We should help you brainstorm for places where The Brange would show up around town so you can already be there with your camera - we know they like toy stores, kids’ clothing stores, parks, sex shops, fast food joints and any refugee organization. Any of those close to you?

    (Sidenote: As I was compiling that list of Brange Hangouts, I really felt the weight of their coolness :lol: )

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  39. Yeah CB, do you know any sex shops in the area?? You crack me up Kaiser. :D

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  40. uh, i see someone checked the numbers. i came back just now, my mom flies to china today. anyways…i seriously consider coming to berlin. i wanted to visit a friend and maybe check out the jolie-pitts :lol:

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  41. To me it’s just another cage it’s only bigger with alot more toys to play with and more worries. In this superfical world full of transparent hearts being a celebrity only adds to the question of “who can I really trust, and who is a friend for just me?” I see abuse in the future for these kids if it’s not already in their lives already.

    I dont waste my life away seeking the insignificant like the latest whatever and what not and because of that I have lost alot of so called friends simply because I refused to be silly and prefer to study and read books. So I only have simpathy for anyone under teh mirocscope; because if it’s hard for an everyday person to make friends I can only imagine how hard it is for a person with their status.

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  42. *lighting a candle and drawing the curtains so Geekazoid can mourn The Nothingness of Existence quietly*

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  43. When you think of an estate like that, I would be nearly certain that the 10 cars are part of the rental; i.e. that the owner of the estate doesn’t have anywhere else to put his 10 cars, so they come part-and-parcel with the house. As for the 3 houses on the property, Berlin, like any other large city, is fairly congested and this might be the “only option” for some degree of privacy. I respect that at least they are trying to stay together as a family, but I agree with the first post that it makes the “charity” a little harder to swallow when it’s clear how much $ they have compare to the average person!

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  44. They are far too famous now to ever have any peace in public so I wish people wouldn’t criticise them for not being like a typical family. The kids can’t have a consistent life in 2nd grade or whatever with the same 30 key people because they are too famous. The best thing is for the family to be a large clan, I am glad the kids will have so many siblings around them.

    They need to secure even basic simple privacy, with that requirement their options for where to live are limited. Yes of course it is huge and beautiful, I am not saying oh-poor-them, but it is not like they can rent a normal apartment either. The cars come with the estate. And with so many people in the household it may not be too excessive. One for Brad to get to and from shooting, some for security to go ahead or go out, shopping, providing food etc for a large family.

    Every life has its challenges. My cousin suffered from being in the same town all her life–there are so many variables that people just need to decide themselves what they need and want out of life and go for it.

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  45. Kaiser, I think we need to start the violins. LOL.

    I am at work, and I am trying not to let my boss know I am on the internet, but you are making it very difficult, as I am choking back laughter reading your posts. You are a riot.

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  46. Kaiser: Stop cracking me up!

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  47. :wink: Glad to help OJ & Pam! :lol:

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  48. IB Production company is paying for their living expenses. Negotiated as part of Brad’s contract. They need the security to fend off paps and some of the posters here. They are a very happy loving family that does not waste time wishing unhappiness on others or read lying tabloids. They continue to live meaningful and caring lives.

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  49. Every move you make,
    Every breath you take,
    CB is watching you. :D

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  50. Its so funny to me that the people who hate them are the first to respond to any news about this couple. They love each other, and it is great that they put family first. Keeping the kids together. When Brad did do the press thing without Angie everyone claimed there were problems. Well what about Will Smith or Denzel, or other male stars who do not bring their families with them when they work. Where is the criticism of them. They have said from the beginning that they keep the “brood” together. Madd is only 7. I have tons of friends who Home school, or who are in the military. They travel and the kids go too. The important thing is they are with their parents. How many of you who hate them spend that much time with your kids. I work with kids, and I can say the most families spend very little time bonding with their kids. After school stuff and work are keeping American Family apart. This is a special time with their kids. The children will remember this time for their entire lives. Take care of your own children, worry about them. The Jolie-Pitt six are doing well. I am hoping to see them both next week. Haters go home and find somewhere else to spill you hate.

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  51. CB, why don’t you take a long shot and email their reps. You can tell them about this unique blog and your faithful readers who would love to have a first ever blog interview exclusive with the Jolie-Pitts. Already being in the area is an added bonus, plus Kaiser can surely come up with a big hook to help get their attention and consideration. Your chances for an interview and pics with your new camera might be slim, but you just really never know what moves PR folks at any given time.

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  52. Here, Here, AE - Great Idea. All in favor say AYE!!!

    :P :D

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