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History and chronology of Holland

History of Holland


 Anglo Dutch Wars, 1st
 Anglo Dutch Wars, 2nd
 Anglo Dutch Wars, 3rd
 Civil War
 Eighty Years War
 English Succession War
 Exploration & Discovery
 Franco Dutch War
 Government CDP
 Government Dutch Republc
 Government East Indies
 Government NSDAP Government
 Government United Provinces
 Holland Sumatra War
 House Bavaria
 House Bonaparte
 House Denmark
 House First House
 House Flanders
 House Ginkel
 House Habsburg
 House Hainault
 House Lorraine
 House Orange
 House Stuart
 Huguenot Wars
 Hundred Years War
 League Comprimise
 Napoleonic Wars
 Norman Invasion Wars
 Northern War, The 1st
 Orange Dynasty
 Roman Catholic Church
 Social Science
 Spanish Succession War
 Thirty Years War
 Thity Years War, The
 War Dutch Independence
 World War, 1st
 World War, 2nd
 Adrian VI
 Almonde, Philip van
 Artvelde, Jacques van
 Baldwin I
 Baldwin IX
 Baldwin VIII
 Barents, Willem
 Beatrix I
 Blois de Treslong
 Bronck, Jonas
 Brunel, Oliver
 Charles II
 Charles the Good
 Chasse, David Hendryk
 Colijn, Hendrikus
 Dirk I
 Elsevier, Louis
 Erasmus, Dederius
 Erasmus, Desiderius
 Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
 Geer, Dirk Jan de
 Ginkel, Godart van
 Gogh, Vincent van
 Guy of Flanders
 Hari, Mata
 Hepburn, Audrey
 Heyn, Piet
 Holland, Clifford Milburn
 Holland, Henry Edmund
 Holland, Sidney George
 Hooft, Geradus
 Huygens, Christaan
 Huygens, Christian
 Ingenhousz, Jan
 Jansen, Han
 Jansen, Zacharias
 John II
 Juliana I
 Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike
 Kessel, Jan van
 Louis Napoleon
 Louis of Nassau-Dietz
 Louis XIII
 Lubbe, Martin van der
 Lubbers, Rudolph Franz Marie
 Luns, Joseph
 Marck, William de la
 Margaret I
 Maurice of Nassau-Dietz
 Maurice of Nassau
 Meer, Simon Van Der
 Meijer, Arnold
 Minuit, Peter
 Oersted, Hans Christian
 Pelsaert, Francisco
 Philip the Handsome
 Reede Ginkel
 Roger of Montgomery
 Ruyter, Michael Adriaanszoon de
 Schager, Peter
 Schouten, Willem
 Spinoza, Baruch
 Tasman, Abel Janszoon
 Tinbergen, Nikolaas
 Tromp, Martin Van
 Tserclaes, Johann
 Veltman, Martinus
 Vrijman, Emile
 Waals, Johannes Diderik van Der
 Weert, Sebald de
 Wiersma, Roel
 Wilhelmina I
 Willem I
 William I
 William II
 William III
 William I the Silent
 William IV
 William IV of Holland
 William V
 Winckelmann, Henri
 Winter, Jan Willem de
 Witt, Jan de
 Battle Anthrim
 Battle Antwerp
 Battle Aughrim
 Battle Augusta
 Battle Bad Wimpfen
 Battle Bay Vigo
 Battle Bilahora
 Battle Breitenfeld, 1st
 Battle Camperdown
 Battle Cape St Vincent
 Battle Downs
 Battle Dungeness
 Battle Foreland, Nth
 Battle Four Days Battle
 Battle Gembloux
 Battle Harwich
 Battle Hastings
 Battle Heilgerlee
 Battle Hochst
 Battle Ivry
 Battle Jemmingen
 Battle Jena
 Battle Kentish Knock
 Battle Lech
 Battle Lutter
 Battle Mingolsheim
 Battle Montcountour
 Battle Mookerheyde
 Battle Nyborg
 Battle Oosterweel
 Battle Plymouth
 Battle Portland
 Battle River Waal
 Battle Saint Quentin
 Battle Schooneveldt Bank
 Battle Sheerness
 Battle Sole Bay
 Battle Stadtlohn
 Battle Stromboli
 Battle Texel
 Battle Turnhout
 Battle White Mountain
 Battle Wimpfen
 Bombing Antwerp
 Cadet Tilly
 CDP Lubbers
 Chief Minister
 College Louvain
 Declaration War
 Discovery Australia
 Discovery Bay Salvador
 Discovery Falklands, The
 Discovery Manhattan Island
 Discovery Mars
 Discovery New Zealand
 Discovery Photosynthesis
 Discovery Spitsbergen
 Discovery Tasmania
 Discovery Tonga Islands
 Edict Perpetual
 Field Marshal
 General Artillery
 Gold Standard
 Invasion Barbados
 Invasion Bohemia
 Invasion England
 Invasion Flanders
 Invasion Holland
 Invasion Ireland
 Invention Clock England
 Invention Microscope
 Invention Pendulum Clock
 Invention Thermometer
 Minister Colonies
 Minister Economics
 Minister Finance
 Minister Foreign Affairs
 Minister Navy
 Minister War
 Nobel Prize
 Pacification Ghent
 Party Leader
 Prime Minister
 Rear Admiral
 Rijnmond Council Lubbers
 Rule Acadia
 Rule Bohemia
 Rule French Guiana
 Rule Groningen
 Rule Spice Islands
 Rule Zeland
 Secretary Foreign Office
 Secretary General
 Siege Amsterdam
 Siege Antwerp
 Siege Barbados
 Siege Copenhagen
 Siege Groningen
 Siege Haarlem
 Siege Heidelberg
 Siege Magdeburg
 Siege Nieuport
 Siege Ostend
 Siege Rouen
 Siege Thames
 Siege Zutphen
 Tour de France
 Treaty Breda
 Treaty Cateau Cambr‚sis
 Treaty Flanders
 Treaty Lubeck
 Treaty Munster
 Treaty Rome
 Treaty Schengen
 Treaty Union Utrecht
 Treaty Vienna
 Treaty Westminster
 Union Arras
 Union Utrecht
 Upper House Colijn
 Vice Admiral
 World Record
 Bad Wimpfen
 Bay of Salvador
 Bay of Vigo
 Cape Horn
 Cape St Vincent
 Falklands, The
 Foreland, Nth
 Hague, The
  Tunnel USA
 Kentish Knock
 Manhattan Island
 River Thames
 River Waal
 River Yser
 Saint Quentin
 Sole Bay
 Spice Islands
 Tonga Islands
 White Mountain

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