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History and chronology of Austria

History of Austria


 Austrian Succession War
 Austria Prussia War
 Bolshevik Party
 Burgundy Wars
 Christian Social Party
 Civil War
 Civil War Germany
 Classical Music
 Crimean War
 Education University Vienna
 Empire Meissen War
 Empire Thuringia War
 Empire Turkey War
 Federal Party
 Government Austria
 Government Coalition Austria
 Government Hungary
 Government Lombardy
 Government Nationalists
 Government Provisional
 Government SPO
 Government Whig Party
 Grand Alliance
 Green Party
 House Babenberg
 House Badeni
 House Chudenitz
 House Habsburg
 House Leopoldine Line
 House Lorraine
 House Orleans
 House Wurtemberg
 Italian Independence
 Italian War Independence, 2nd
 League Augsburg
 Literature Austria
 Militaty Austria
 Napoleonic Wars
 Pan German Party
 Piedmont Austria War
 Polish Partition, 1st
 Polish Succession
 Politics SPO
 Rebellion Nationalists
 Rebellion NSDAP
 Rebellion Rhineland
 Rebellion Socialists
 Rebellion Transylvania
 Revolutionary Wars
 Revolution Austria
 Seven Weeks War
 Seven Years War
 Silesan War, 1st
 Silesian War, 1st
 Silesian War, 2nd
 Socialist Party
 Social Science
 Spanish Succession War
 Suleyman's West War
 Thirty Years War
 United Nations
 World War, 1st
 World War, 2nd
 Adler, Viktor
 Aehrenthal, Graf Alois Lexa von
 Albert I
 Albert II
 Albert III
 Albert V
 Albrecht of Wurtemberg
 Androsch, Hannes
 Auersperg, Carlos Furst
 Auersperg, Johann Weikhart Furst
 Auffenberg, Moritz
 Bach, Alexander Freiherr von
 Badeni, Kasimierz Felix Graf von
 Belcredi, Richard Graf
 Bellen, Alexander Van der
 Benedek, Ludwig
 Benedek, Ludwig von
 Benya, Anton
 Bernhard, Thomas
 Bielka-Karltreu, Erich
 Bock, Fritz
 Bohm-Ermolli, Eduard
 Bruck, Karl Ludwig von
 Buber, Martin
 Buol Schauenstein, Karl Ferdinand von
 Busek, Erhard
 Canrobert, Francois Certain
 Charles I
 Charles of Austria
 Charles of Lorraine
 Charles V
 Charles VI
 Charles VII
 Chorherr, Christoph
 Czernin, Ottokar
 Daun, Leopold Joseph von
 Dertil, Rudolf
 Dollfuss, Engelbert
 Eichmann, Adolf
 Eugenie Maurice
 Falkenstein, Vogel von
 Ferdinand I
 Ferdinand II
 Ferdinand of Austria
 Ferrero-Waldner, Benita
 Fey, Emil
 Figl, Leopold
 Fischer, Heinz
 Floss, Franz
 Francis I
 Franz Ferdinand
 Franz Josef I
 Frederick I
 Frederick II
 Frederick III
 Freiherr, Gideon Ernst von
 Frisch, Karl von
 Furstenberg, Jacob
 Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund
 Godel, Kurt
 Gorbach, Alfons
 Gortz, Alexander
 Gratz, Leopold
 Gruber, Karl
 Gusenbauer, Alfred
 Habicht, Theo
 Habicht, Theodor
 Haider, Jorg
 Haslauer, Werner
 Haus, Anton
 Hauser, Rudolf
 Haymerle, Heinrich Karl von
 Henry I
 Henry II
 Hitler, Alois
 Hofer, Franz
 Hurdes, Felix
 Illich, Ivan
 Jankowitsch, Peter
 Joachim, Joseph
 John of Austria
 John of Swabia
 Jonas, Franz Joseph
 Joseph II
 Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
 Karajan, Herbert von
 Kauntitz, Kauntitz
 Kirchschlager, Rudolf
 Klaus, Josef
 Kleiber, Erich
 Klestil, Thomas
 Klima, Viktor
 Koprulu, Mustafa
 Korber, Ernst von
 Korner, Theodor
 Kreisky, Bruno
 Kuhn, Richard
 Kunschak, Leopold
 Lammasch, Heinrich
 Lanc, Erwin
 Leopold I
 Leopold II
 Leopold III
 Leopold IV
 Leopold V
 Leopold VI
 Lohr, Alexander
 Lorenz, Konrad
 Louis of Baden
 Ludwig, Karl
 Lueger, Karl
 Mack, Karl
 Maleta, Alfred
 Maria Theresa
 Maximilian I
 Mendel, Gregor Johann
 Metternich, Furst Richard
 Milkas, Wilhelm
 Mock, Alois
 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
 Neuburger, Max
 Nicholas of Salm
 Pahr, Willibald
 Pelissier, Aimable Jean Jacques
 Peter, Friedrich
 Petofi, Sandor
 Petrovic, Madeleine
 Peuerbach, Georg von
 Philip of Austria
 Pilz, Peter
 Pitterman, Bruno
 Planetta, Otto
 Poder, Rudolf
 Popper, Karl
 Raab, Julius
 Rabi, Isidor Isaac
 Radetzky, Johann Joseph Wenzel Anton
 Reinthaller, Anton
 Rendulic, Lothar
 Renkin, Franz
 Renner, Karl
 Ressel, Josef Ludwig Franz
 Riegler, Josef
 Riess-Passer, Susanne
 Roggendorf, William von
 Scharf, Adolf
 Schlick, Friedrich Albert Moritz
 Schmerling, Anto von
 Schmidt, Guido
 Schmidt, Heide
 Schobar, Johan
 Schonerer, Georg von
 Schrodinger, Edwin
 Schrodinger, Erwin
 Schssel, Chancellor Wolfgang
 Schubert, Franz Peter
 Schuschnigg, Kurt von
 Schussel, Wolfgang
 Schwarzenburg, Felix zu
 Schwarzenburg, Karl Philipp zu
 Seipel, Ignaz
 Seitz, Karl
 Seyss-Inquart, Arthur
 Sigismund of Austria
 Sinowatz, Alfred
 Sinowatz, Fred
 Stadlmann, Manfred
 Staribacher, Andreas
 Steger, Norbert
 Steinbach, Emil
 Steiner, Rudolph
 Stifter, Adalbert
 Strauss, Richard
 Streeruwitz, Ernst
 Strobl, Pius
 Sturgkh, Karl von
 Toncic-Sorinj, Lujo
 Traun, Otto Friedrich von
 Voggenhuber, Johannes
 Vranitzky, Franz
 Waldbrunner, Karl
 Waldheim, Kurt
 Windisch-Gratz, Alfred Furst zu
 Withalm, Herman
 Wittgenstein, Ludwig
 Wolfgang, Pauli
 Zita of Bourbon-Parma
 Abdication Charles I
 Abdication Ferdinand
 Abdication Ferdinand I
 Agreement Olomouc
 Anthroposophische Bund
 Arrest August Wilhelm
 Arrest Charles I
 Arrest Dertil
 Arrest Eichmann
 Arrest Frederick III
 Arrest Kreisky
 Arrest Lenin
 Arrest Mack
 Arrest Rendulic
 Arrest Renner
 Arrest Schuschnigg
 Arrest Seitz
 Assassination Albert I
 Assassination Chotek
 Assassination Dollfuss
 Assassination Elizabeth
 Assassination Ferdinand
 Assassination Sturgkh
 Assassination Wallenstein
 Assistant Chief Staff
 Astrologer Peuerbach
 Atomic Energy Commission's General Advisory Committee
 Austrian State Treaty
 Austro Hungary
 Award Knight's Cross
 Battle Aldenhoven
 Battle Amberg
 Battle Aspern
 Battle Austerlitz
 Battle Bassano
 Battle Belgrade
 Battle Blennheim
 Battle Breslau
 Battle Burkersdorf
 Battle Caldiero
 Battle Campo Santa
 Battle Castiglione
 Battle Chotusitz
 Battle Courtrai
 Battle Custoza
 Battle Dresden
 Battle Eckmuhl
 Battle Fleurus
 Battle Galicia
 Battle Geisberg
 Battle Gorlitz
 Battle Hennersdorf
 Battle Hohen Friedberg
 Battle Hohenlinden
 Battle H‚ricourt
 Battle Jemappes
 Battle Kamarov
 Battle Kaplona
 Battle Kolin
 Battle Konigratz
 Battle Langensalza
 Battle Laupen
 Battle Leipzig
 Battle Lemberg
 Battle Lepanto
 Battle Leuthen
 Battle Liegnitz
 Battle Lissa
 Battle Lobositz
 Battle Magenta
 Battle Marne, 1st
 Battle Marne
 Battle Maxen
 Battle Mohacs
 Battle Mollwitz
 Battle Muhldorf
 Battle Neerwinden
 Battle Nordlingen
 Battle Novara
 Battle Ostrach
 Battle Oudenaarde
 Battle Peterwardein
 Battle Piave River
 Battle Pirot
 Battle Prague
 Battle Rava Ruska
 Battle Rocourt
 Battle Schwechat
 Battle Sempach
 Battle Senta
 Battle Solferino
 Battle Soor
 Battle St Gotthard
 Battle Stokach
 Battle Szalankemen
 Battle Temesvar
 Battle Torgau
 Battle Ulm
 Battle Villa Vivios
 Battle Vittorio
 Battle Wagram
 Battle Wattignies
 Battle Wurzburg
 Battle Ypres
 Battle Zurich
 Birth Albert I
 Birth Albert II
 Birth Albert III
 Birth Albert V
 Birth Albrecht
 Birth Badeni, Kasimierz Felix Graf von
 Birth Charles
 Birth Charles I
 Birth Charles
 Birth Charles VI
 Birth Czernin, Ottokar
 Birth Ferdinand I
 Birth Ferdinand II
 Birth Figl, Leopold
 Birth Francis I
 Birth Franz
 Birth Franz Josef I
 Birth Frederick III
 Birth Hitler, Alois
 Birth Joachim, Joseph
 Birth Kreisky, Bruno
 Birth Leopold I
 Birth Leopold II
 Birth Lueger, Karl
 Birth Mack, Karl
 Birth Maria Theresa
 Birth Mendel, Gregor Johann
 Birth Metternich Austria
 Birth Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
 Birth Popper, Karl
 Birth Rabi, Isidor Isaac
 Birth Rendulic, Lothar
 Birth Schrodinger, Erwin
 Birth Schubert, Franz Peter
 Birth Schwarzenburg, Karl Philipp zu
 Birth Seipel, Ignaz
 Birth Strauss, Richard
 Birth Waldheim, Kurt
 Birth Wittgenstein, Ludwig
 Birth Wolfgang, Pauli
 Birth Wurmser Austria
 Bruno Kreisky Foundation
 Burial Hotzendorf
 Campaign Ulm
 Capture Bavaria
 Capture Belgrade
 Capture Bosnia
 Capture Breslau
 Capture Galicia
 Capture Ivov
 Capture Lemberg
 Capture Linz
 Capture Madrid
 Capture Mantua
 Capture Milan
 Capture Nisi
 Capture Prague
 Capture Rome
 Capture Saxony
 Capture Serbia
 Capture Silesia
 Capture Smederevo
 Capture Venice
 Catholic League
 Chairman AEC
 Chairman FPO
 Chairman LIF Schmidt
 Chairman Socialist Party
 Chairman SPO
 Chancellor Austria
 Chief General Staff
 Chief Staff
 Chief Privy Councilor
 Christian League
 Citizenship Wittgenstein
 Collapse Government
 Commander 14th Infantry Div
 Commander 1st Army
 Commander 20th Gebirgs Army
 Commander 4th Army
 Commander 52nd Infantry Div
 Commander Army
 Commander Army Group Alb
 Commander Army Group E
 Commander Army Group North
 Commander Army Group South
 Commander Army Italy
 Commander Army Rhine
 Commander French Field Army
 Commander in Chief
 Commander Tyrol
 Commander Western Balkans
 Commander XXXV Corps
 Composition Mozart
 Composition Schubert
 Conductor Aachen Karajan
 Conductor Berlin Phil Karajan
 Conductor Berlin State Karajan
 Conductor Berlin State Kleiber
 Confederation Germany
 Conference Brest Litovsk
 Conference Dresden
 Conference London
 Conference Wansee
 Congress Aachen
 Congress Rastadt
 Congress Vienna
 Coup d'Etat
 Death Adler, Viktor
 Death Aehrenthal, Graf Alois Lexa von
 Death Albert I
 Death Albert V
 Death Albrecht
 Death Badeni, Kasimierz Felix Graf von
 Death Bernhard, Thomas
 Death Charles I
 Death Charles VI
 Death Charles VII
 Death Czernin, Ottokar
 Death Dollfuss, Engelbert
 Death Eichmann, Adolf
 Death Elizabeth
 Death Ferdinand
 Death Ferdinand I
 Death Ferdinand II
 Death Francis I
 Death Franz Josef I
 Death Hotzendorf
 Death John Austria
 Death Kreisky, Bruno
 Death Leopold II
 Death Leopold III
 Death Lohr, Alexander
 Death Ludwig, Karl
 Death Lueger, Karl
 Death Mack, Karl
 Death Maria Theresa
 Death Maximilian I
 Death Mendel, Gregor Johann
 Death Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
 Death Popper, Karl
 Death Rudolf
 Death Seyss Inquart, Arthur
 Death Sturgkh, Karl von
 Death Tserclaes, Johann
 Death Wittgenstein, Ludwig
 Declaration Pillnitz
 Declaration War
 Defeat Germany
 Defeat Massena
 Defeat Nationalists
 Demonstration Kracow
 Demonstration Nazis
 Demonstration Prague
 Demonstration Vienna
 Deportation Jews
 Diet Nurnberg
 Director Berlin State Kleiber
 Director Joachim
 Director Salzburg Festival Karajan
 Director Vienna State Karajan
 Discovery Godel's Theorem
 Discovery Mendels Law
 Dismissal Auffenberg
 Dismissal Bohm Ermolli
 Dismissal Charles I
 Dismissal Gyulai
 Dismissal Hotzendorf
 Dismissal Wallenstein
 Edict Restitution
 Emigration Wittgenstein
 European Union
 Ewige Richtung
 Execution Eichmann
 Execution Lohr
 Execution Maximilian
 Execution Maximilian I
 Execution Seyss Inquart
 Exile Auersperg
 Exile Berchtold
 Exile Charles I
 Exile Eichmann
 Exile Hofer
 Exile Kreisky
 Exile Leopold I
 Exile Metternich
 FEC Raab
 Federal Vice Chancellor
 Field Marshal
 General Secretary
 Governor Bohemia
 Governor Galicia
 Governor General Austrian Netherlands
 Governor Lower Austria
 Governor Mainz
 Governor Silesia
 Governor Vienna
 Grand Alliance
 Head Hofktiegsrat Schwarzenburg
 Head IVA 4B Eichmann
 Imperial Composer Mozart
 Imperial Representitive Belcredi
 Inspector NSDAP Habicht
 Institute History Medicine
 Invasion Austria
 Invasion Balkans
 Invasion Bavaria
 Invasion Bohemia
 Invasion Danube
 Invasion France
 Invasion Galicia
 Invasion Germany
 Invasion Hungary
 Invasion Meissen
 Invasion Moravia
 Invasion Palatinate
 Invasion Poland
 Invasion Russia
 Invasion Silesia
 Invasion Switzerland
 Invasion Thuringia
 Invasion Ukraine
 Invasion Yugoslavia
 Invention Propeller
 Ladtag Czernin
 League Augsburg
 Legislation Franchise
 Lieutenant Colonel Eichmann
 Lieutenant General Wurmser
 Marriage Albert V
 Marriage Albrecht
 Marriage Charles I
 Marriage Charles VI
 Marriage Chotek
 Marriage Elizabeth
 Marriage Francis I
 Marriage Franz
 Marriage Franz Josef I
 Marriage Maria Theresa
 Marriage Napoleon I
 Marriage Zita Bourbon
 Military Adviser Charles Lorraine
 Minister Agriculture
 Minister Commerce
 Minister Education
 Minister Finance
 Minister Foreign Affairs
 Minister Interior
 Minister Justice
 Minister Romania
 Minister Sardinia
 Minister Security
 Minister Social Welfare
 Minister State
 Minister Two Sicilies
 Minister Vatican
 Minister War
 Minister President
 National Assembly
 National Council Renner
 Nobel Prize
 Northern Lights
 Nuremberg War Trials
 Occupation Finland
 OVP Government
 Parliament Dissolution
 Partition Poland, 1st
 Partition Poland
 Party Leader
 Piave River
 Political Parties
 Pragmatic Sanction
 President Imperial Council War
 President Imperial War Council
 President Austria
 Prime Minister Austria
 Professor Religion Buber
 Professor Social Philosophy Buber
 Provisional Coaltion Government
 Publication Buber
 Publication Charles I
 Publication Czernin
 Publication Illich
 Publication Mack
 Publication Neuburger
 Publication Peuerbach
 Publication Popper
 Publication Schlick
 Publication Schrodinger
 Publication Schuschnigg
 Publication Steiner
 Publication Stifter
 Publication Wittgenstein
 Quadruple Alliance
 Race to the Sea
 Reform Balkans
 Reform Capital Punishment
 Reform Censorship
 Reform Church
 Reform Franchise
 Reform Marriage
 Reform Nobility
 Reform Religion
 Reform Serfdom
 Reform Suffrage
 Regimental Adjutant Rendulic
 Reich Commissioner Holland Seyss Inquart
 Reich Commissioner Seyss Inquart
 Resignation Bach
 Resignation Badeni
 Resignation Belcredi
 Resignation Canrobert
 Resignation Hotzendorf
 Resignation Kreisky
 Resignation Kriesky
 Resignation Lammasch
 Resignation Metternich
 Resignation Milkas
 Resignation Renner
 Resignation Schuschnigg
 Resignation Staribacher
 Resignation Vranitzky
 Romanian Campaign
 Rule Austria
 Rule Balkans
 Rule Belgrade
 Rule Bohemia
 Rule Bosnia
 Rule Candia
 Rule Croatia
 Rule Empire
 Rule Erfurt Union
 Rule Franche Comte
 Rule Holland
 Rule Hungary
 Rule Illyrian Provinces
 Rule Liechtenstein
 Rule Lombardy
 Rule Maestricht
 Rule Mexico
 Rule Namibia
 Rule Naples
 Rule Parma
 Rule Reggio
 Rule River Scheldte
 Rule Sardinia
 Rule Sicily
 Rule Silesia
 Rule Slovenia
 Rule Tyrol
 Rule Venetia
 Rule Venice
 Salzburg Festival
 Sanction Pragmatic
 Second Lieutenant
 Siege Ardennes
 Siege Berlin
 Siege Breslau
 Siege Candia
 Siege Cracow
 Siege Lille
 Siege Mainz
 Siege Mannheim
 Siege Mantua
 Siege Milan
 Siege Munich
 Siege Neisse
 Siege Prague
 Siege Presburg
 Siege Przmysl
 Siege River Oder
 Siege River Rhine
 Siege Sevastopol
 Siege Timisoara
 Siege Tito HQ
 Siege Venice
 Siege Vienna
 Socialist Party
 Speaker Federal Party
 Speech Kossuth
 State Chancellor Kaunnitz
 State Councilor Seyss Inquart
 State Council Seitz
 Succession Albert I
 Succession Albert II
 Succession Albert III
 Succession Albert V
 Succession Albrecht
 Succession Augustus II
 Succession Charles I
 Succession Charles VI
 Succession Elizabeth
 Succession Ernest
 Succession Ferdinand I
 Succession Ferdinand II
 Succession Francis I
 Succession Francis Joseph
 Succession Franz Josef I
 Succession Frederick I
 Succession Frederick II
 Succession Frederick III
 Succession Henry I
 Succession Henry II
 Succession Joseph II
 Succession Leopold I
 Succession Leopold II
 Succession Leopold III
 Succession Leopold IV
 Succession Leopold V
 Succession Leopold VI
 Succession Louis Bavaria
 Succession Maria Theresa
 Succession Maximilian I
 Succession Metternich
 Sucide Rudolf
 Supreme Commander
 Surrender Army Group South
 Surrender Army Itlay
 Treaty Aix la Chapelle
 Treaty Austria
 Treaty Barrier
 Treaty Basel
 Treaty Belgrade
 Treaty Berlin
 Treaty Breslau
 Treaty Campo Formio
 Treaty Defense
 Treaty Fontainbleau
 Treaty Karlowitz
 Treaty Lany
 Treaty Leoben
 Treaty Lubeck
 Treaty Neuberg
 Treaty Passarowitz
 Treaty Peace
 Treaty Prague
 Treaty Preobrazhenskoe
 Treaty Rastatt
 Treaty Rijswijk
 Treaty Ryswick
 Treaty Schonbrunn
 Treaty St Germain
 Treaty Utrecht
 Treaty Vienna
 Treaty Westminster
 Treaty Zurich
 Trial Eichman
 Trial Eichmann
 Trial Kaltenbrunner
 Trial Lenin
 Trial Rendulic
 Trial Seyss Inquart
 Trial Zinoviev
 Tribute Suleyman
 Ultimatum Berchtold
 Ultimatum Serbia
 Undersecretary Foreign Affairs Kreisky
 Unification Italy
 Upper Chamber
 Vice Chancellor
 Vienna University
 Aix la Chapelle
 Alsace Lorraine
 Baden Baden
 Brest Litovsk
 Campo Formio
 Campo Santa
 Chateau d'Eau
 Franche Comte
 Hohen Friedberg
 Nuremberg Germa
 Rava Ruska
 River Danube
 River Marne
 River Oder
 River Orel
 River Rhine
 River San
 River Scheldte
 River Ssush
 St Gotthard
 St Petersburg
 Villa Vivios

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