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History and chronology of Egypt

History of Egypt


 Arab League
 Egypt Crusaders
 Egypt Turkey War
 Government Egypt
 Holy Crusades, The 1st
 Holy Crusades, The 6th
 House Ayyubid
 House Muhammad Ali
 House Tulunid
 Israel Arab War
 Israeli Arab War
 Rebellion Army
 Revolutionary Wars
 Revolution Egypt
 Six Day War
 Suez War
 Ummah Party
 United Nations
 Yom Kippur War
 Ahmed Ibn Tulun
 Al-Adil Abu Bakr I
 Al-Adil Abu Bakr II
 Al-Ashraf Musa
 Al-Aziz Uthman
 Ali, Mehmet
 Ali, Muhammad
 Al-Kamil Muhammad II
 Al-Mansur Muhammad I
 Al-Mu Azzam Turanshah
 Al-Salih Ayyub
 Azzam, Abdel Rahman
 Bey, Ibraham
 Bey, Murad
 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
 Farouk I
 Fuad I
 Fuad II
 Ganzouri, Kamal
 Hassuna, Abdel Khaliq
 Ismail Ali, Ahmed
 Kamil, Mustafa
 Khwarazami, Pasha
 Meguid, Esmat Abdel
 Mohammed Ali, Pasha
 Moussa, Amr
 Mubarak, Mohamed Hosni
 Naguib, Mohammed
 Nasser, Gamal Abdel
 Neguib, Mumammad
 Pasha, Ahmed
 Pasha, Mustafa an-Nahas
 Riad, Mahmoud
 Sadat, Anwar
 Sedki, Atef
 Shajah Al-Durr
 Zewal, Ahmed
 Abdication Farouk I
 Arab League
 Assassination Sadat
 Aswan Dam
 Battle Ascalon
 Battle Faluja
 Battle Pyramids, The
 Birth Farouk I
 Birth Nasser, Gamal Abdel
 Camp David Agreement
 Capture Jerusalem Khwarazami
 Capture Sinai
 Capture Suez Canal
 Chief Staff
 Commander in Chief
 Conference Bandung
 Conference London
 Convention Kutahya
 Coronation Fuad I
 Coup d'Etat
 Death Farouk I
 Death Nasser, Gamal Abdel
 Death Sadat, Anwar
 Declaration Martial Law
 Declaration War
 Exile Farouk I
 Expulsion Russian Diplomats
 Free Off Comm
 General Secretary
 Invasion Egypt
 Invasion Israel
 Invasion Sinai
 Leader Officers Nasser
 Military Governor
 Nobel Prize
 Political Parties
 President Egypt
 Prime Minister Egypt
 Resignation Cabinet
 Rule Bethlehem
 Rule Cilicia
 Rule Gaza
 Rule Halaib
 Rule Jerusalem
 Rule Nazareth
 Rule Palestine
 Rule Sinai
 Rule Sudan
 Rule Suez Canal
 Rule Syria
 Ruling Revolutionary Council
 Siege Acre
 Succession Farouk I
 Succession Fuad II
 Suez Canal Crisis
 Suez Canal
 Treaty Peace
 Ummah Party
 United Arab Emirates
 Vice President Egypt
 Wafd Government
 Addis Ababa
 Aswan Dam
 Beni Mor
 Camp David
 Suez Canal

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