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History and chronology of South-Africa

History of South Africa


 Afrikaner Party
 Anglo Boer War, 2nd
 Black Sash
 Boer War
 Cambridge University
 Communist Party
 Dutch Reformed Church
 Exploration & Discovery
 Government Cape Colony
 Government Coalition South Africa
 Government Conservative Party
 Government Matabele Te
 Government Naional Coalition
 Government Natal
 Government National Government
 Government Progressive Party
 Government SANP
 Government South Africa
 Government Transvaal
 Government Union
 Government United Party
  Britain Zulu War
 Het Volk
 Liberal Party
 Literature South Africa
 Nationalist Party
 National Party
 Orangia Unie
 Organisation African Unity
 Pan African Congress
 Progressive Party
 Purified Nat Party
 Rebellion Afrikaaners
 Rebellion Boers
 Revolution South Africa
 South Africa Party
 Sth Africa Mozambique
 Unionist Party
 Union Party
 United Party
 World War, 1st
 World War, 2nd
 Aswat, Abu Baker
 Ballinger, Margaret
 Barnard, Christian
 Bernstein, Rusty
 Biko, Steve
 Botha, Annie
 Botha, Louis
 Botha, Pieter
 Brink, Andre
 Bruggen, Jochem van
 Chaskalson, Arthur
 Cronje, Piet Arnoldus
 De La Rey, Jacobus
 Deventer, Jacob Louis van
 de Wet, Quartus
 Diaz, Bartholomew
 Diederichs, Nicholaas
 Dlamini, Thulani
 Dlamini-Zuma, Nkosazana
 Donges, Theophilus
 Dube, John Langalibalele
 Fagan, Henry
 Fischer, Bobby
 Fischer, Bram
 Folety, Ruth
 Fouche, Jacobus Johannes
 Hani, Christ
 Hepple, Bob
 Hertzog, James
 Hodgson, Jack
 Hofmeyr, Jan Hendrik
 Jameson, Leanders Starr
 Jeffrey, Joel
 Joubert, Frans
 Joubert, Piet
 Kantor, James
 Kathrada, Ahmed
 Klerk, Frederik Willem de
 Kotane, Moses
 Krige, Uys
 Kruger, Paulus
 La Rey
 Louw, Eric
 Lutuli, Albert
 Machel, Graca
 Malan, Daniel Francois
 Malan, Francois Stephanus
 Mandela, Daniel Francois
 Mandela, Makgatho
 Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
 Mandela, Winnie
 Manuel, Trevor
 Mbeki, Govan
 Mbeki, Thabo Mvuyelwa
 Mhlaba, Raymond
 Mlangeni, Andrew
 Modise, Joe
 Molife, Petrus
 Molteno, John Charles
 Moroka, James
 Motsoaledi, Caroline
 Motsoaledi, Elias
 Mtolo, Bruno
 Naude, Jozua Francois
 Nokwe, Duma
 Paton, Alan
 Plaatje, Solomon Tshekiso
 Pratt, David
 Pretorious, Andries Wilhemus Jacobus
 Pretorius, Andries Wilhemus Jacobus
 Pretorius, Marthinus
 Radabe, Gaur
 Rhodes, Cecil
 Rosenkowitz, Susan
 Scanlen, Thomas Charles
 Sisulu, Albertina
 Sisulu, Walter Max Ulyate
 Sisulu, Walter
 Sisulu, Zwelakhe
 Slovo, Joe
 Smit, Douglas
 Smith, Pauline
 Smit, Nicolaas
 Smuts, Jan Christian
 Sobukwe, Robert
 Sprigg, John Gordon
 Steytler, Jan
 Strauss, Jacob Gideon Nel
 Strijdom, Johennes Gerhardus
 Suzman, Helen
 Swart, Charles Robberts
 Tambo, Oliver
 Terre'Blanche, Eugene
 Theiler, Max
 Tsafendas, Dimitrio
 Tutu, Desmond Mpilo Boy
 Upington, Thomas
 Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch
 Verwoerd, Hendrik
 Viljoen, Marais
 Villiers Graaff, David Pieter de
 Villiers, Henry de
 Vorster, Balthazar Johannes
 Wet, Christaan de
 Wet, Quartus de
 Yutar, Percy
 Zuma, Jacob
<tr bgc
 Accords Nkomati
 Accords Peace
 Administrator Transvaal
 Afrikaner Party
 Anniversary Freedom Day
 Anthem National
 Archbishop Sth Africa
 Armed Struggle
 Arrest Cetewayo
 Arrest Cronje
 Arrest Jameson
 Arrest Lutuli
 Arrest Mandela
 Arrest Mandella
 Arrest Mbeki
 Arrest Sisulu
 Arrest Sobukwe
 Arrest Terre'Blanche
 Arrest Vorster
 Assassination Aswat
 Assassination Hani
 Assassination Verwoerd
 Battle Bakenlaagte
 Battle Bergendal
 Battle Blood River
 Battle Boomplaats
 Battle Bronkhorstspruit
 Battle Colenso
 Battle Isandhlwana
 Battle Krugerdorp
 Battle Laing's Nek
 Battle Magersfontein
 Battle Marersfontein
 Battle Modder
 Battle River Modder
 Battle Rourke's Drift
 Battle Schinshoogte
 Battle Tobruk
 Battle Ulundi
 Birth Botha, Louis
 Birth Botha, Pieter
 Birth Cronje, Piet Arnoldus
 Birth er, Jacob Louis van
 Birth Fischer, Bobby
 Birth Hertzog, James
 Birth Klerk, Frederik Willem de
 Birth Krige, Uys
 Birth Lutuli, Albert
 Birth Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
 Birth Mbeki, Thabo
 Birth Rosenkowitz, Susan
 Birth Sisulu, Walter Max Ulyate
 Birth Smuts, Jan Christian
 Birth Sobukwe, Robert
 Birth Strauss, Jacob Gideon Nel
 Birth Strijdom, Johennes Gerhardus
 Birth Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch
 Black Sash
 Bombing Durban
 Bombing East London
 Bombing Port Elizabeth
 Bombing Umkhonto
 Burial Kruger, Paulus
 Campaign Pass Laws
 Capture Bech'land
 Capture Namibia
 Capture South West Africa
 Capture SW Africa
 Capture Swakopmund
 Capture Transvaal
 Capture Windhoek
 Chairman ANC
 Chairman AT Malan
 Chairman NP
 Championship Fischer
 Chancellor South Africa
 Charter Freedom
 Chief Staff
 Citizenship Smuts
 Colonial Secretary
 Colonization Great Trek
 Commander 1st Army
 Commander Boer Army
 Commander in Chief
 Commander Liberation Army
 Commander Transvaal Army
 Commission for Technical Co operation in Africa
 Commission Schlebusch
 Commonwealth Membership