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 Gabcik Josef
 Gable Clark
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 Gabriel Peter Brian
 Gabriel Peter
 Gadaffi Muammar Muhammed
 Gadamer Hans Georg
 Gaddafi Muammar Muhammed
 Gado Chalbaud Carlos de
 Gadsden Christopher
 Gagarin Yuri Alexeyevich
 Gagern Heinrich Wilhelm August Freiherr von
 Gage Thomas
 Gaidar Yegor Timurovich
 Gaitan Jorge Eliecer
 Gaitskell Hugh Todd Naylor
 Gale Richard
 Galerius Valerius
 Galileo Galilei
 Gallagher James
 Gallagher Liam
 Gallagher Noel
 Gallieni Joseph
 Galloway George
 Gallus Appius Anius
 Gallus Caesar
 Gallwitz Max Karl von
 Gallwitz Max von
 Galmon Rolando
 Galsworthy John
 Galt Alexander Tilloch
 Galtieri Leopoldo
 Galvani Luigi
 Gama Vasco de
 Gambetta Leon
 Gamble John Marshall
 Gamelin Maurice Gustave
 Gamsakhurdia Zviad
 Gandhi Indira Nehru
 Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand
 Gandhi Rajiv
 Gandhi Sanjay
 Gandhi Sonia
 Gannibal Abram Petrovich
 Ganzouri Kamal
 Gao Gang
 Gapon George
 Garaiz bal Jos‚ Enrique Hertzog
 Garang John
 Garcia Alejandro Lerroux y
 Garcia Carlos Polestico
 Garcia Fernando Romeo Lucas
 Garcia Jerry
 Garcia Kjell Eugenio Laugerud
 Garcia Menocal Mario
 Garcia Moreno Gabriel
 Garcia Perez Alan
 Garcia Robles Alfonso
 Gardiner Gerald
 Gardiner James Garfield
 Gardiner Stephen
 Gardiner Thomas
 Garfield James Abram
 Garfunkel Art
 Gargrave Thomas
 Garibaldi Guisseppe
 Garland Judy
 Garrison Willian Lloyd
 Garros Roland
 Gartside Mary
 Gascoigne Paul John
 Gascoyne Cecil Robert Arthur Talbot
 Gascoyne Cecil Robert
 Gascoyne Isaac
 Gasperi Alcide de
 Gasser Herbert Spencer
 Gaston de Bearn
 Gatacre William
 Gates Bill
 Gates Horatio
 Gatling Richard Jordan
 Gattacre William
 Gaulle Charles Andre Marie Joseph de
 Gaveston Arnaud de
 Gaveston Piers de
 Gaveston Piers de
 Gaveston Piers
 Gavin James
 Gay John
 Gazta¤eta Jos‚ Antonio de
 Gebrselassie Haile
 Geddes Jenny
 Geer Dirk Jan de
 Geisel Ernesto
 Geldof Bob
 Geldof Robert
 Gelhorn Martha
 Gell John
 Gemayel Amin
 Gemayel Beshir
 Geng Biao
 Geoffrey III
 Geoffrey II Martel
 Geoffrey IV Martel II
 Geoffrey Mayenne
 Geoffrey V
 Geoffroy de Rancon
 George Gwilym Lloyd
 George I
 George I
 George II
 George II
 George II
 George II
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 George I Terter
 George IV
 George Clarence
 George Podebrad
 George the Bearded
 George the Rich
 George V
 George VI
 George William
 Gerard Charles
 Gerard John
 Gerhardsen Einer Henry
 Gerlach Ludwig von
 Gerlach Manfred
 Gerlich Fritz
 Gernik Oldrich
 Gerow Leonard
 Gerry Elbridge
 Gershwin George
 Gerth Daniel
 Geza II
 Ghalib Umar Arteh
 Ghedi Ali Muhammad
 Gheorghiu Dej Gheorghe
 Ghormley Robert L
 Giap Vo Nguyen
 Gibbs Oliver Wolcott
 Gibson Edward
 Gibson Guy
 Giddings Franklin Henry
 Gielgud John
 Gierek Edward
 Giesler Paul
 Giffard Godfrey
 Giffard Godfrey
 Giffard Hardinge Stanley
 Giffard Henri
 Giffard John
 Giffard Walter
 Gifford John
 Giichi Tanaka
 Gilbert de Grimsby
 Gilbert Gillian
 Gilbert Humphrey
 Gil Emilio Portes
 Giles Mike
 Gillis Brad
 Gilmour Dave
 Gilmour David
 Gilmour Ian
 Gilmour John
 Gil Robles Jose Maria
 Gimondi Felice
 Ginkel Godart van
 Gins George
 Ginzburg Alexander
 Giolitti Giovanni
 Giral Jose
 Giraud Henri Honore
 Girei Mahmet
 Giri Varahgiri
 Gisbert Carlos Diego Mesa
 Giscard d'Estang Valery
 Gisevius Hans
 Giulano Nemours
 Gjellerup Karl
 Gladkov Fyodor Vasilyevich
 Gladstone William Ewart
 Glaise Horstenau Edmund
 Glamham Thomas
 Glass Philip
 Glendower Gwilym
 Glendower Owen
 Glenn John
 Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich
 Glushko Valentin Petrovich
 Glyn Elinor
 Glyn George
 Glyn John
 G¢mez Jos‚ Miguel
 G¢mez Otto Arosemena
 Gnaeus Julius Agricola
 Gobat Charles Albert
 Go Daigo
 Goddard Robert
 Godel Kurt
 Godley Kevin
 Godley Sydney
 Godolphin Sidney
 Godoy Manuel de
 Godse Nathuram
 Goebbels Paul Joseph
 Goeben August Karl von
 Goering Herman
 Goering Herman
 Goethals George
 Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
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 Go Fushimi
 Goga Octavian
 Gogh Vincent van
 Gogol Nicholas
 Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich
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 Gokhale Gopal Krishna
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 Goldberg Arthur
 Golding Lynval
 Golding William
 Goldstein Baruch
 Goldwater Barry Morris
 Goloshchekin Filipp Isaevich
 Gombos Julius
Bissau Gomes Aristides Guinea Bissau
 Gomez Jose Miguel
 Gomez Juan Gomez
 Gomez Juan Vicente
 Gomez Laureano Eleuterio
 Go Mizunoo
 Go Momozono
 Gomulka Wladyslaw
 Go Nara
 Goncz Arpad
 Go Nijo
 Gonzalez Adolfo Suarez
 Gonzalez Bravo Luis
 Gonzalez Manuel
 Gonzalez Marquez Felipe
 Gonzalva de Puebla Roderigo
 Goodell Charles
 Goodman Benny
 Goodrich Thomas
 Goonetilleke Oliver Ernest
 Gopallawa William
 Gorbach Alfons
 Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeyevich
 Gorbachev Raisa
 Gorchakov Alexander
 Gordian III
 Gordon Charles George Hamilton
 Gordon George
 Gordon John
 Gordon Nathaniel
 Gordon Patrick
 Gordon Walker Patrick
 Gordy Berry
 Gore Al
 Go Reizei
 Gore Michael
 Goremykin Ivan Logginovich
 Gorgey Arthur von
 Goring Thomas
 Gorky Maxim
 Gormley Joe
 Gorov Nikolai
 Gorshkov Sergey Georgyvich
 Gorst John Eldon
 Gortz Alexander
 Gortz Georg Heinrich von
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 Goslicki Wawrzyniec
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 Gough Hugh
 Gouin Lomer
 Goulart Joao
 Gould Bryan
 Gouldman Graham
 Gouraud Henri
 Govorov Leonid
 Gow Ian
 Gowon Yabudu
 Go Yozei
 Grabski Wladyslaw
 Grabsky Wladyslaw
 Gracey Douglas
 Graeme Strathern
 Graf Steffi
 Graf Stefi
 Grahame Kenneth
 Graham James Robert George
 Graham James
 Graham John
 Graham Patrick
 Graham Robert
 Graham Robert
 Gramsci Antonio
 Gram Zeobe Theophile
 Granby John
 Granjo Antonio
 Grant Cary
 Grant Francis
 Grant Hiram Ulysses
 Grant Peter
 Grant Theresa
 Grant Ulysses Simpson
 Grappelli Stephane
 Grashof Manfred
 Grasse Tilly
 Grass Gunter
 Gratus Valerius
 Gratz Leopold
 Graves Robert
 Graves Thomas
 Gray William
 Graziani Rodolfo
 Grechko Andrei Antonovich
 Grech Ric
 Greene Graham
 Greene Maurice
 Greene Nathanael
 Greene Nathaniel
 Greene Thomas
 Greenfield Dave
 Green Peter
 Greenspan Alan
 Greenstreet Lionel
 Greenwood Arthur
 Greenwood Walter
 Greer William
 Gregoire Henri
 Gregoire Marc
 Gregory Augusta
 Gregory III
 Gregory II
 Gregory I the Great
 Gregory IV
 Gregory IX
 Gregory Tusculum
 Gregory VIII
 Gregory VII
 Gregory VI
 Gregory V
 Gregory William
 Gregory XIII
 Gregory XII
 Gregory XI
 Gregory X
 Gregory XIV
 Gregory XVI
 Gregory XV
 Grenville George Nugent Temple
 Grenville George Nugent Temple
 Grenville William Wyndham
 Gretton Rob
 Greville Alan Francis
 Grey Charles
 Grey Edward
 Grey George
 Grey Roger de
 Grieg Edvard Hagerup
 Grieg Edvard
 Griffin Bernard William
 Griffith Arthur
 Griffith Florence
 Griffith Melanie
 Griffiths James
 Grigoryants Sergei
 Grimm Hans
 Grimminger Jakob
 Grimm Jakob
 Grimmond Jo
 Grimston Harbottle
 Grimston James Walter
 Grindal Edmund
 Grivas George
 Grivas Yiannis
 Groener Karl Eduard Wilhelm
 Groener Wihelm
 Groman Vladimir
 Gromyko Andrei Andreyevich
 Gromyko Andrei Andreyevich
 Gronchi Giovanni
 Gronouski, Jnr John
 Gropius Walter
 Grossesteste Robert
 Grotewohl Otto
 Groza Petru
 Gruber Franz
 Gruber Karl
 Gruhn Eva
 Gruszewska Agatha
 Grynszpan Hershel
 Guanhua Qiao
 Guardia Calderon
 Guare John
 Guariglia Raffaele
 Guderain Heinz
 Guderian Heinz
 Gudrod the Magnificent
 Guerrero Vicente
 Guerrouj Hicham El
 Guesclin Bertrand du
 Guest David
 Guevara Ernesto "Che"
 Guicciardini Francesco
 Guildford Henry
 Guillotin Joseph Ignace
 Guiness Alec
 Guingand Francis de
 Guinness Alec
 Guinn Kenny
 Guiscard Humphrey
 Guiscard Robert
 Guiscard Robert
 Guise Francis de
 Guise Francis
 Guise Henry
 Guiteau Charles
 Guizot Francois Pierre Guillaume
 Gul Abdullah
 Guldberg Cato Maximilian
 Guldberg Ove
 Gummer John Selwyn
 Gunaltay Semsettin
 Gun Choe Yong South
 Gung Peng
 Gunther Hans
 Guofeng Hua
 Guotao Zhang
 Guozhang Feng
 Gurion David Ben
 Gurney Henry
 Gurney Richard
 Gurney Thomas
 Gursal Gemal
 Gursel Cemal
 Gurtner Franz
 Gusenbauer Alfred
 Gusmao Laurenco de
 Gustav IV
 Gustavus II Adolphus
 Gustavus I Vasa
 Gustavus V
 Gustav VI
 Gutierrez Lucio
 Guti‚rrez Tom s Monje
 Gutzkow Karl Ferdinand
 Guy de Nesle
 Guy Flanders
 Guy Lusignan
 Guy Ponthieu
 Guy Spoleto
 Guzman Blanco Antonio
 Guzman Silvestre Antonio
 Gyatso Tenzin
 Gyi Aung
 Gyi Saw Ba U
 Gyorgy I
 Gyorgy II
 Gysi Gregor

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