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History and chronology of Argentina

History of Argentina


 Argentina Uruguay War
 Bolivian Guerrilla War
 Falklands War
 Federalist Party
 Football Argentina
 Government Argentina
 Government Buenos Aires
 Government Cuba
 Government Federal
 Napoleonic Wars
 Peron Party
 Radical Union Party
 Revolution Argentina
 Revolution Cuba
 Revolution Panama
 Social Science
 Union Civica
 Union Civica Radical
 Wars Independence
 World War, 1st
 Alberdi, Juan Batista
 Alem, Leandro
 Aramburu Cilveti, Pedro Eugenio
 Campora, Hector
 Carrizo-Salvadores, Carlos
 Darre, Richard Walther
 Davidoff, Constantino
 Drago, Luis Maria
 Esquivel, Adolfo Perez
 Foulkes, Raoul Ricardo Alfonsin
 Galtieri, Leopoldo
 Guevara, Ernesto "Che"
 Kirchner, N‚stor Carlos
 Lonardi, Eduardo
 Mendes, Costa Nicanor
 Menem, Carlos Saul
 Menendez, Mario
 Ortiz, Roberto
 Peron, Eva
 Peron, Isabel
 Peron, Juan Domingo
 Peron, Maria Eva Duarte
 Roca, Julio Argentino
 Rojas, Isaac
 Rosas, Juan Manuel de
 Ros, Ernesto
 Rua, Fernando de la
 San Martin, Jose de
 Stefano, Alfred Di
 Urquiza, Justo Jos‚ de
 Vernet, Luis
 Viola, Roberto
 Army Peron
 Arrest Galtieri
 Arrest Guevara
 Arrest Peron
 Battle Cancha Rayada
 Battle Caseros
 Battle Chacabuco
 Battle Maipo
 Battle Mount Longdon
 Battle Port Stanley
 Battle Quebrada del Yuro
 Battle Rayad
 Birth Aramburu Cilveti
 Birth Darre, Richard Walther
 Birth Guevara, Ernesto "Che"
 Birth Peron, Juan Domingo
 Birth Peron, Maria Eva Duarte
 Birth San Martin, Jose de
 Bombing Plaza de Mayo
 Burial of Peron
 Capture Falklands
 Capture Lima
 Capture Santiago
 Commander in Chief
 Commander La Caba¤a Fortress Prison
 Coup d'Etat
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 Death Aramburu Cilveti
 Death Galtieri, Leopoldo
 Death Guevara, Ernesto "Che"
 Death Peron, Eva
 Death Peron, Juan Domingo
 Death San Martin, Jose de
 Death Stefano, Alfred
 Demonstration Catholics
 Dictatorship Rosas
 Dismissal Menendez
 Doctrine Drago
 Education Guevara
 Ej‚rcito de Liberaci¢n Nacional de Bolivia
 European Cup
 European Footballer the Year
 Execution Batista Supporters
 Execution Guevara
 Exile Alem
 Exile Guevara
 Exile Peron
 Exile Rosas
 Golden Player Spain
 Governor Buenos Aires
 Inauguration Rua
 Inauguration Viola
 Invasion Chile
 Invasion Congo
 Invasion Cuba
 Invasion Falklands
 Invasion Peru
 Invasion South Georgia
 La Prensa
 Lieutenant Colonel San Martin
 Lieutenant Darre
 Marriage Guevara
 Marriage Peron, Juan Domingo
 Marriage Peron, Maria Eva Duarte
 Minister Finance
 Minister Food & Nutrition Darre
 Minister Foreign Affairs
 Minister Health
 Minister Labour
 Minister War
 National Bank Cuba
 National Institute Agrarian Reform
 Nobel Prize
 Party Leader
 President Argentina
 Publication Alberdi
 Real Madrid
 Reich Agricultural Leader Darre
 Resignation Campora
 Resignation Galtieri
 Resignation Mendes
 Resignation Peron
 Resignation San Martin
 Revoluci¢n Libertadora
 Revolution Cuba
 Revolution Panama
 Rule Falklands
 Rule Falklands, The
 Rule Patagonia
 Siege Santa Clara
 Sinking Belgrano
 Trial Galtieri
 United Nations
 Vice President Argentina
 Bay of Pigs
 Buenos Aires
 Cancha Rayada
 Falklands, The
 La Caba¤a Fortress Prison
 Los Patos
 Mount Longdon
 Plaza de Mayo
 Port Stanley
 Puerto Belgrano
 Quebrada del Yuro
 Santa Clara
 South Georgia

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