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     Birth of Benedict XV
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Birth of Khomeini, Ruhollah
     Birth of Wyszynski, Stefan
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Preacher Malan
     Archbishop of Bologna
     Demonstration Cernova
     Massacre Cernova
     Rule of Slovakia
     Birth of John Paul I
     Archbishop of Bologna
     Birth of Benedict XV
     Death of Benedict XV
     Truce of Christmas
     Assassination of Rasputin
     Death of Rasputin, Grigor
     Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
     Archbishop of Milan
     Archbishop of Bologna
     Archbishop of Milan
     Birth of Benedict XV
     Concordat Papacy
     Death of Benedict XV
     Encyclical Pius XI
     President Union of German Rabbis
     Treaty of Lateran Treaty
     Truce of Christmas
     Union of German Rabbis
     Birth of Hume, Basil
     Chairman JWO Baeck
     Arrest of Niemoller
     Birth of Benedict XVI
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Secretary State
     Treaty of Lateran Treaty
     Professor Religion Buber
     Encyclical Pius XI
     Arrest of Niemoller
     Concordat Papacy
     Synod Barmen
     Synod Barmen
     Archbishop of Zagreb
     Arrest of Niemoller
     Concordat Papacy
     Encyclical Pius XI
     Education of John Paul II
     Archbishop of Milan
     Concordat Papacy
     Encyclical Pius XII
     Encyclical Pius XI
     Roman Catholic Church
     Secretary State
     Treaty of Lateran Treaty
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Archbishop of Westminster
     Arrest of Bonhoeffer
     Arrest of Niemoller
     Death of Griffin, Bernard William
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Arrest of Niemoller
     Death of Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
     Execution of Bonhoeffer
     Synod Barmen
     Arrest of Stepinac
     Bishop of Lublin
     Bishop of Kitium
     Archbishop of Gniezno
     Assistant Pastor
     Archbishop of Cyprus
     Head Greek Orthodox Church Makarios
     Name Makarios
     Arrest of Stepinac
     Church of Ulster
     Arrest of Wyszynski
     Encyclical Pius XII
     Conference of Bandung
     Archbishop of Westminster
     Arrest of Makarios
     Arrest of Wyszynski
     Bishop of Poland
     Chairman Ethics John Paul II
     Death of Griffin, Bernard William
     Concordat Papacy
     Encyclical Pius XII
     Encyclical Pius XI
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     President World Council of Churches
     President Second Vatican Council
     Arrest of Khomeini
     Death of Paul VI Italy
     Declaration of Emergency
     Exile of Khomeini
     Reform of Franchise
     Exile of Khomeini
     Exile of Khomeini
     Patriarch of Venice
     Publication of John Paul II
     Bishop of St Albans
     Bishop of Durham
     Patriarch of Venice
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Archbishop of Church of Sudan
     Siege of US Embassy
     Assistant Pastor
     Award Man of the Year
     Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
     Birth of John Paul I
     Bishop of Poland
     Chairman Ethics John Paul II
     Death of John Paul II
     Death of John Paul I
     Death of John Paul I
     Death of Paul VI Italy
     Declaration of Martial Law
     Demonstration Qom
     Education of John Paul II
     Exile of Khomeini
     Inauguration of John Paul II
     Meeting Mother Teresa
     Nirmil Hriday
     Patriarch of Venice
     Publication of John Paul II
     Tour of India John Paul II
     Siege of US Embassy
     Siege of US Embassy
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Siege of US Embassy
     Death of Wyszynski, Stefan
     Prefect Benedict XVI
     Siege of US Embassy
     Arrest of Popieluszko
     Assassination of Popieluszko
     Bishop of Durham
     Burial of Popieluszko, Jerzy
     Death of Popieluszko, Jerzy
     Nobel Prize
     Assassination of Popieluszko
     Archbishop of Church of Kenya
     Archbishop of Sth Africa
     Meeting Mother Teresa
     Nirmil Hriday
     Tour of India John Paul II
     1st Lesbian Priest
     Archbishop of Canterbury
     Siege of Waco
     Award Man of the Year
     Publication of John Paul II
     Vice Dean
     Reform of Congestion Charges
     Assistant Pastor
     Award Man of the Year
     Birth of Benedict XVI
     Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
     Bishop of Poland
     Chairman Ethics John Paul II
     Death of John Paul II
     Death of John Paul I
     Education of John Paul II
     Inauguration of Benedict XVI
     Inauguration of John Paul II
     Meeting Mother Teresa
     Nirmil Hriday
     Prefect Benedict XVI
     Publication of John Paul II
     Tour of India John Paul II
     Vice Dean
     Resignation of Wielgus

   Baeck Leo
         Chairman JWO Baeck
         President Union of German Rabbis
         Union of German Rabbis
   Benedict XVI
         Birth of Benedict XVI
         Inauguration of Benedict XVI
         Prefect Benedict XVI
         Resignation of Wielgus
         Vice Dean
   Benedict XV
         Archbishop of Bologna
         Birth of Benedict XVI
         Birth of Benedict XV
         Death of Benedict XV
         Inauguration of Benedict XVI
         Prefect Benedict XVI
         Resignation of Wielgus
         Truce of Christmas
         Vice Dean
   Bonhoeffer Dietrich
         Arrest of Bonhoeffer
         Death of Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
         Execution of Bonhoeffer
   Buber Martin
         Professor Religion Buber
   Carey George
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Carl Elizabeth
         1st Lesbian Priest
   Carter Jimmy
         Siege of US Embassy
   Catherine of Siena
         Roman Catholic Church
   Coggan Donald
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Davidson Randall
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Davis Brian Newton New Zealand
   Fisher Geoffrey
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Fisher John
   Griffin Bernard William
         Archbishop of Westminster
         Death of Griffin, Bernard William
   Habgood John Stapylton
         Bishop of Durham
   Hlinka Andrej
         Demonstration Cernova
         Massacre Cernova
         Rule of Slovakia
   Hume Basil
         Birth of Hume, Basil
   Jenkins David
         Bishop of Durham
   Joan of Arc
   John Paul II
         Assistant Pastor
         Award Man of the Year
         Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
         Birth of John Paul I
         Bishop of Poland
         Chairman Ethics John Paul II
         Death of John Paul II
         Death of John Paul I
         Death of John Paul I
         Education of John Paul II
         Inauguration of John Paul II
         Meeting Mother Teresa
         Nirmil Hriday
         Patriarch of Venice
         Prefect Benedict XVI
         Publication of John Paul II
         Tour of India John Paul II
   John Paul I
         Assistant Pastor
         Award Man of the Year
         Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
         Birth of John Paul I
         Bishop of Poland
         Chairman Ethics John Paul II
         Death of John Paul II
         Death of John Paul I
         Death of John Paul I
         Education of John Paul II
         Inauguration of John Paul II
         Meeting Mother Teresa
         Nirmil Hriday
         Patriarch of Venice
         Prefect Benedict XVI
         Publication of John Paul II
         Tour of India John Paul II
   John XXIII
   Khomeini Ruhollah
         Arrest of Khomeini
         Birth of Khomeini, Ruhollah
         Declaration of Emergency
         Declaration of Martial Law
         Demonstration Qom
         Exile of Khomeini
         Reform of Franchise
         Siege of US Embassy
   Kikawada Christopher Ichiro
   Koresh David
         Siege of Waco
   Kuria Manasses
         Archbishop of Church of Kenya
   Lang Cosmo Gordon
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Leo XIII
   Makarios Mikhail Khristodolou Mouskos
         Archbishop of Cyprus
         Arrest of Makarios
         Bishop of Kitium
         Conference of Bandung
         Head Greek Orthodox Church Makarios
         Name Makarios
   Malan Daniel Francois
         Preacher Malan
   More Thomas
   Ngalamu Elinana
         Archbishop of Church of Sudan
   Niemoller Frederich Gustav Emil Martin
         Arrest of Niemoller
         President World Council of Churches
         Synod Barmen
   Niemoller Martin
         Arrest of Niemoller
   Paisley Ian
         Church of Ulster
   Paul VI
         Death of Paul VI Italy
         Prefect Benedict XVI
   Pius XII
         Concordat Papacy
         Encyclical Pius XII
         Secretary State
   Pius XI
         Archbishop of Milan
         Concordat Papacy
         Encyclical Pius XII
         Encyclical Pius XI
         Secretary State
         Treaty of Lateran Treaty
   Popieluszko Jerzy
         Arrest of Popieluszko
         Assassination of Popieluszko
         Burial of Popieluszko, Jerzy
         Death of Popieluszko, Jerzy
   Ramsey Michael
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Rasputin Grigor
         Assassination of Rasputin
         Death of Rasputin, Grigor
   Runcie Robert Alexander Kennedy
         Archbishop of Canterbury
         Bishop of St Albans
   Stepinac Aloysius
         Archbishop of Zagreb
         Arrest of Stepinac
   Temple Frederick
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Temple William
         Archbishop of Canterbury
   Tutu Desmond Mpilo Boy
         Archbishop of Sth Africa
         Nobel Prize
   Wielgus Stanislaw
         Resignation of Wielgus
   Williams Rowan
         Reform of Congestion Charges
   Wyszynski Stefan
         Archbishop of Gniezno
         Arrest of Wyszynski
         Birth of Wyszynski, Stefan
         Bishop of Lublin
         Death of Wyszynski, Stefan
         President Second Vatican Council

         Conference of Bandung
         Synod Barmen
         Concordat Papacy
         Encyclical Pius XI
         Archbishop of Bologna
         Meeting Mother Teresa
         Tour of India John Paul II
         Archbishop of Canterbury
         Archbishop of Canterbury
         Reform of Congestion Charges
         Demonstration Cernova
         Massacre Cernova
         Rule of Slovakia
         Death of Griffin, Bernard William
         Bishop of Durham
         Bishop of Durham
         Birth of Benedict XV
         Bishop of Kitium
         Assistant Pastor
         Bishop of Poland
         Chairman Ethics John Paul II
         Bishop of Lublin
   Marktl am Inn
         Birth of Benedict XVI
         Archbishop of Milan
   Nirmil Hriday
         Nirmil Hriday
         Nobel Prize
         Exile of Khomeini
         Demonstration Qom
   River Vistula
         Assassination of Popieluszko
   St Albans
         Bishop of St Albans
         Arrest of Khomeini
         Declaration of Emergency
         Exile of Khomeini
         Reform of Franchise
         Siege of US Embassy
         Siege of US Embassy
         Assassination of Popieluszko
         Death of Popieluszko, Jerzy
         Assassination of Popieluszko
         Church of Ulster
         Treaty of Lateran Treaty
         Secretary State
         Encyclical Pius XI
         Concordat Papacy
         Death of John Paul I
         Death of Paul VI Italy
         Inauguration of John Paul II
         Patriarch of Venice
         Professor Religion Buber
         Siege of Waco
         Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
         Burial of Popieluszko, Jerzy
         Archbishop of Westminster

   1st Lesbian Priest
   Archbishop of Bologna
   Archbishop of Canterbury
   Archbishop of Church of Kenya
   Archbishop of Church of Sudan
   Archbishop of Cyprus
   Archbishop of Gniezno
   Archbishop of Milan
   Archbishop of Sth Africa
   Archbishop of Westminster
   Archbishop of Zagreb
   Arrest of Bonhoeffer
   Arrest of Khomeini
   Arrest of Makarios
   Arrest of Niemoller
   Arrest of Popieluszko
   Arrest of Stepinac
   Arrest of Wyszynski
   Assassination of Popieluszko
   Assassination of Rasputin
   Assistant Pastor
   Award Man of the Year
   Birth of Benedict XVI
   Birth of Benedict XV
   Birth of Hume, Basil
   Birth of John Paul II Poland Poland
   Birth of John Paul I
   Birth of Khomeini, Ruhollah
   Birth of Wyszynski, Stefan
   Bishop of Durham
   Bishop of Kitium
   Bishop of Lublin
   Bishop of Poland
   Bishop of St Albans
   Burial of Popieluszko, Jerzy
   Chairman Ethics John Paul II
   Chairman JWO Baeck
   Church of Ulster
   Concordat Papacy
   Conference of Bandung
   Death of Benedict XV
   Death of Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
   Death of Griffin, Bernard William
   Death of John Paul II
   Death of John Paul I
   Death of John Paul I
   Death of Paul VI Italy
   Death of Popieluszko, Jerzy
   Death of Rasputin, Grigor
   Death of Wyszynski, Stefan
   Declaration of Emergency
   Declaration of Martial Law
   Demonstration Cernova
   Demonstration Qom
   Education of John Paul II
   Encyclical Pius XII
   Encyclical Pius XI
   Execution of Bonhoeffer
   Exile of Khomeini
   Head Greek Orthodox Church Makarios
   Inauguration of Benedict XVI
   Inauguration of John Paul II
   Massacre Cernova
   Meeting Mother Teresa
   Name Makarios
   Nirmil Hriday
   Nobel Prize
   Patriarch of Venice
   Preacher Malan
   Prefect Benedict XVI
   President Second Vatican Council
   President Union of German Rabbis
   President World Council of Churches
   Professor Religion Buber
   Publication of John Paul II
   Reform of Congestion Charges
   Reform of Franchise
   Resignation of Wielgus
   Roman Catholic Church
   Rule of Slovakia
   Secretary State
   Siege of US Embassy
   Siege of US Embassy
   Siege of Waco
   Synod Barmen
   Tour of India John Paul II
   Treaty of Lateran Treaty
   Truce of Christmas
   Union of German Rabbis
   Vice Dean

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