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History and chronology of Sweden

History of Sweden


 Civil War Sweden
 Civil War
 Education Turku University
 Education University Abo
 Exploration & Discovery
 Government Ingria
 Government Labour Party
 Government Livonia
 Government Moderate Party
 Government National Government
 Government SDP
 Government Sweden
  Northern War
 Gulf War, 1st
 Gulf War, 2nd
 Hat Party
 House Bernadotte
 House Hesse
 House Holstein
 House Palatinate
 House Stenkil
 House Vasa
 House Yngling
 League Augsberg
 League Nations
 Literature Sweden
 Moderate Party
 Napoleonic Wars
 Northern War, 2nd
 Northern War, The 1st
 Northern War, The 2nd
 Poland Sweden War
 Polish Swedish War
 Protestant Church
 Revolution Sweden
 Roman Catholic Church
 Russia Turkey War
 Scanian War
 Thirty Years War
 United Nations
 World War, 1st
 World War, 2nd
 Alfven, Hannes
 Andersson, Sten
 Angstrom, Anders Jonas
 Arrhenius, Svante August
 Augustus II the Strong
 Baner, Johan
 Bildt, Carl
 Blix, Hans
 Borg, Bjorn
 Branting, Karl Hjalmar
 Carlson, Ingvar
 Carlsson, Ingvar
 Catherine of Sweden
 Celsius, Anders
 Charles IV
 Charles IX
 Charles Philip Edmund
 Charles X Gustavus
 Charles XIII
 Charles XII
 Charles XI
 Charles XIV
 Charles XVI
 Charles XV
 Dalen, Nils
 Emund the Older
 Engelbrechtson, Engelbrecht
 Erik the Victorious
 Erik XIV
 Erlander, Tage Fritiof
 Feldt, Kjell-Olof
 Felldin, Thorbjorn
 Frederick I
 Gustav IV
 Gustavus II Adolphus
 Gustavus I Vasa
 Gustavus V
 Gustav VI
 Hakan the Red
 Hammarskj”ld, Dag
 Hammarskjold, Dag
 Hamrin, Felix Teodor
 Hansson, Per Albin
 Heidenstam, Verner von
 Horn, Karl von
 Inge II
 Inge I
 John III
 Kantzow, Carin von
 Konigsmark, Philip von
 Lagerlof, Selma
 Lindman, Arvid
 Martinson, Harry Edmund
 Myrdal, Alva
 Nobel, Alfred
 Nordling, Raoul
 Oscar II
 Oscar I
 Palme, Olaf
 Pehrsson-Branstorp, Axel
 Persson, Goran
 Peterson, Thage
 Petri, Laurentius
 Petri, Olaus
 Philip of Sulzbach
 Rudbeck, Olof
 Rydberg, Johannes Robert
 Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg
 Sigismund III Vasa
 Steinbock, Magnus
 Sture, Christina
 Sture, Sten
 Thant, Sithu U
 Tortensson, Lennart
 Ullsten, Ola
 Ulrica ELeonora XII
 Wickbom, Sten
 Wrangel, Karl Gustav
 Abdication Christian II
 Abdication Gustav IV
 Abdication Oscar II
 Abdication Sigismund III
 Arrest Charles XII
 Arrest John III
 Arrest Sophia Dorothea
 Assassination Charles XII
 Battle Breitenfeld, 1st
 Battle Breitenfeld, 2nd
 Battle Chemnitz
 Battle Cracow
 Battle Fehmarn
 Battle Grodno
 Battle Helsinborg
 Battle Hogland
 Battle Jankau
 Battle Juterborg
 Battle Lake Asunden
 Battle Lech
 Battle Lesnaya
 Battle Lund
 Battle Lutzen
 Battle Narva
 Battle Nordlingen
 Battle Nyborg
 Battle Oland
 Battle Poltava
 Battle Roststock
 Battle Schweidnitz
 Battle Stangebro
 Battle Sztum
 Battle Tczew
 Battle Warsaw
 Birth Borg, Bjorn
 Birth Catherine
 Birth Celsius, Anders
 Birth Charles Philip
 Birth Charles XIII
 Birth Charles XI
 Birth Charles X
 Birth Charles XVI
 Birth Gustavus II
 Birth Madeleine
 Birth Oscar II
 Birth Palme, Olaf
 Birth Petri, Laurentius
 Birth Sigismund III
 Birth Vastergotland
 Blockade Gdansk
 Budget Sweden
 Capture Augsburg
 Capture Bavaria
 Capture Cracow
 Capture Frankfurt
 Capture Leipzig
 Capture Lithuania
 Capture Livonia
 Capture Mainz
 Capture Mogilev
 Capture Moravia
 Capture Munich
 Capture Poland
 Capture Rhineland
 Capture Riga
 Capture Saxony
 Capture Stockholm
 Capture Warsaw
 Chancellor Sweden
 Commander in Chief
 Composition Prize Myrdal
 Convention Moss
 Conversion to Christianity Sigismund III
 Coronation Charles X Gustavus
 Coronation Sigismund III Vasa
 Council Oxenstierna
 Coup d'Etat
 Death Charles XIII
 Death Charles XII
 Death Charles X
 Death Erlander, Tage Fritiof
 Death Gustavus II Adolphus
 Death Oscar I
 Death Petri, Laurentius
 Death Sture, Christina
 Death Sture, Sten
 Declaration War
 Defeat US Open
 Delegate Branting
 Deputy Foreign Minister Hammarskjold
 Diet Vasteras
 Director Evangelical League Oxenstierna
 Discovery Gelatin
 Discovery Hydrogen
 Discovery Lymphatic Syste
 Discovery Rydberg Constant
 Discovery Solar Spectrum
 Discovery X rays
 Duchy Finland
 Earl Marshal
 European Union
 Execution Nobles
 Execution Sture
 Exile Charles X Gustavus
 Field Marshal
 French Open
 General Secretary
 Governor General Livonia
 Governor General
 Governor Livonia & Ingria
 Governor Livonia
 Guardian Christina Oxenstierna
 Head Regency Oxenstierna
 Invasion Bohemia
 Invasion Bothnia
 Invasion Denmark
 Invasion Estonia
 Invasion Germany
 Invasion Livonia
 Invasion Moravia
 Invasion Norway
 <a href=http://www.datesofhistory.com/Invasion-of-Poland-Sweden.event.html title="History of Invasio