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History and chronology of Hungary

History of Hungary


 Academy Sciences
 Architecture Hungary
 Arrow Cross
 Civil War
 Civil War Austria
 Civil War Hungary
 Classical Music
 Communist Party
 Exploration & Discovery
 Football Hungary
 Germany Magyars War
 Government Communist Party
 Government Democratic Party
 Government Hungary
 Government National Government
 Government People's Republic
 Government Provisional
 Government SWP
 Government White
 House Anjou
 House Arpad
 House Bavaria
 House Bohemia
 House Habsburg
 House Hungary
 House Hunyadi
 House Iktar
 House Luxembourg
 House Poland
 House Rakoczi
 House Zapolya
 Hungarian Insurrection
 Hungary Byzantine War
 Hungary Poland War
 Independence Party
 League Nations
 Literature Hungary
 Long War
 Magyar Invasions
 Mongol Empire War
 Mongol Hungary War
 Party National Will
 Piedmont Austria War
 Poland Hungary War
 Rebellion Magyars
 Rebellion Nationalists
 Rebellion Transylvania
 Revolution Hungary
 Roman Catholic Church
 Rome Hun War
 Suleyman's West War
 Thirty Years War
 World War, 1st
 World War, 2nd
 Albert II
 Andras II
 Andrew I
 Andrew II
 Antall, Jozsef
 Attila the Hun
 Bardossy, Lazlo
 Bartok, Bella
 Bela II the Blind
 Bela IV
 Bethlen of Transylvania
 Biro, Ladisla
 Boross, Peter
 Charles I
 Charles II of Durazzo
 Coloman I
 Corvinus, Matthias
 Deak, Ferenc
 Deutsch, Andre
 Emeric I
 Ferdinand II
 Ferdinand III
 Ferenc I
 Ferenc II
 Geza II
 Gombos, Julius
 Goncz, Arpad
 Gorgey, Arthur von
 Gyorgy I
 Gyorgy II
 Hlinka, Andrej
 Horthy de Nagybanya, Miklos
 Horthy de Nagybanya, Nicholas
 Hunyadi, Janos
 Hunyadi, John
 Imredy, Bela
 John Sigismund
 Kadar, Janos
 Kalay, Miklos
 Kisfaludy, Karoly
 Kodaly, Zoltan
 Kossuth, Lajos
 Kossuth, Louis
 Kun, Bela
 Ladislas I
 Ladislas II
 Ladislas III
 Ladislas V
 Lehar, Franz
 Libenyi, Janos
 Liszt, Franz
 Losonczi, Pal
 Louis II
 Louis I the Great
 Lukacs, Gyorgy
 Martinovics, Ignac
 Matthias I Corvinus
 Miklos, Bela
 Nagy, Imre
 Orseolo, Peter
 Puskas Biro, Ferenc
 Rakoczi, Gyorgy
 Rakosi, Matyas
 Salamon I
 Sebes, Gusztav
 Somogyi, Ferenc
 Stepen II
 Stephen Bocskay
 Stephen I
 Stephen II
 Stephen III
 Szalasi, Ferenc
 Szilard, Leo
 Teller, Edward
 Tisza, Kalman
 Wekerle, Sandor
 Wigner, Eugene Paul
<tr bgc
 Abdication Charles I
 Abdication Mary Scots
 Academy Sciences
 Arrest Bethlen
 Arrest Horthy
 Arrest Kadar
 Arrest Kossuth
 Arrest Mary
 Arrest Mindszenty
 Arrest Rakosi
 Assassination Bleda
 Atoms for Peace
 Award Atoms for Peace
 Battle Chalons
 Battle Magenta
 Battle Mohacs
 Battle Nordlingen
 Battle Sajo River
 Battle Schwechat
 Battle Temesvar
 Battle Trencin
 Battle Varna
 Birth Attila the Hun
 Birth Biro, Ladisla
 Birth Bleda
 Birth Charles I
 Birth Kisfaludy, Karoly
 Birth Liszt, Franz
 Birth Lukacs, Gyorgy
 Birth Puskas Biro, Ferenc
 Birth Szilard, Leo
 Birth Teller, Edward
 Capture Arcadiopolis
 Capture Belgrade
 Capture Budapest
 Capture Dalmatia
 Capture Moravia
 Capture Plovdiv
 Capture Regensburg
 Capture Sirmium
 Capture Sofia
 Chairman Foreign Committee
 Charter Golden Bull
 Commander Fleet
 Commander Imperial Army
 Commander in Chief
 Communist Party
 Communist Party Kadar
 Composition Bartok
 Composition Kodaly
 Composition Lehar
 Composition Liszt
 Conference Paris
 Coronation Ferdinand II
 Coronation Stephen I
 Council Constance
 Coup d'Etat
 CP Lukacs
 Danube Bridge
 Death Albert II
 Death Andrew I
 Death Andrew II
 Death Attila the Hun
 Death Bardossy, Lazlo
 Death Bethlen
 Death Biro, Ladisla
 Death Bleda Hungary
 Death Deutsch, Andre
 Death Gombos, Julius
 Death Gyorgy II
 Death Imredy, Bela
 Death Liszt, Franz
 Death Louis II Hungary
 Death Lukacs, Gyorgy
 Death Martinovics, Ignac
 Death Matthias I Corvinus
 Death Nagy, Imre
 Death Puskas Biro, Ferenc
 Death Rua Hungary
 Death Szalasi, Ferenc
 Death Teleki
 Declaration War
 Defeat Magyars
 Defeat Nationalists
 Demonstration Cernova
 Diet Kossuth
 Director Music Liszt
 Dismissal Nagy
 Editor Red News Kun
 Education Liszt
 European Cup Final
 European Cup
 Execution Bardossy
 Execution Imredy
 Execution Martinovics
 Execution Nagy
 Execution Szalasi
 Exile Bela IV
 Exile Horthy de Nagybanya
 Exile Kossuth
 Exile Puskas Biro
 Expulsion Teutonic Knights
 General Secretary
 Governor Hungary