Hoover Digest
Hoover Digest 2008 No. 1 cover image
2008 No. 1
Table of Contents


Che Guevara, Apostle of War
An icon of peaceful idealism? In real life, Che was an exponent of violence. By William Ratliff.

A Touch of Menace
Vladimir Putin. We may not know what he’s thinking, but we know only too much about his methods. By Robert Service.

Invisible Hand in Cyberspace
Economist Michael Boskin has a new position: adviser to an imaginary world. By Daniel Terdiman.


On the cover
It’s Thanksgiving Day 1918, two weeks after an armistice in the "war to end all wars"—and the National Council of Women is conducting a national "Sing for Victory." At 4 p.m. Eastern time, choruses in every state sing "The Star-Spangled Banner." This image from the Hoover Archives, an angel of victory atop a globe, is a detail from a poster that invited New Yorkers to sing for victory in Madison Square Garden.







1. A Touch of Menace
Vladimir Putin. We may not know what he’s thinking, but we know only too much about his methods. By Robert Service.

2. The Loneliness of the “Black Conservative”
Hoover fellow Shelby Steele on the price of his convictions.

3. A Business Model for Foreign Labor
How to tame a vast illegal enterprise, for everyone’s benefit. By Timothy Charles Brown.

4. The Changing American Family
During the past 20 years, the American family has undergone a profound transformation. By Herbert S. Klein.

5. Documents from the Terror
From 1936 to 1938, Stalin conducted a campaign of terror against his own citizens. Documents now in the possession of the Hoover Institution Archives provide grisly details. By Gordon M. Hahn.

6. Dollars to Doughnuts
Lots of Americans are overweight, but obesity is not a public health crisis. By Jay Bhattacharya.

7. What I Found in Mr. Hoover's Papers
Herbert Hoover understood that history is to be discovered not just in official documents but in the little details of the past. By Robert Service.

8. Is Canada Next?*
Why we need to keep an eye on our northern border. By Arnold Beichman.

9. The Marshall Plan
An essay by Hoover fellows Peter Duignan and the late Lewis H. Gann on the fiftieth anniversary of "the greatest voluntary transfer of resources from one country to another."

10. The Case for Free Trade
In international trade, Hoover fellow Charles Wolf Jr. argues above, deficits don't much matter. Here Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman discuss what does: freedom. A ringing statement of logic and principle.




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