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02/22/2007 Dusan Mandic

In Bam's Unholy Union, Episode 3, Bam gets wasted at a Cleveland bar and jokes around with Mr. Dusan Mandic.

'Douche on Man Dick'

I was pretty much in tears by the third time Bam repeated 'Dusan Mandic', and by the time Missy was trying to get him into the Hotel Room I think I missed that entire part due to my teared filled eyes!
"Dusan Mandic is almost better than Dick Butkus"
I also enjoyed Missy being all sweet and describing her "favorite time of the night" with Bam, and before the camera man can even finish his sentence asking Bam what his favorite time is, he replys:
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I saw this episode and i almost PISSED myself laughing!! I wish i knew someone with the name Dusan Mandic!!! haha I LOVE IT!!!
Bam please come to newzealand i know heaps of people praying to see you and we don 't get much intertainment here!!!
Dusan Mandic LAWL i <3 that it 's the last thing we hear him say in the Finale episode too!
i bet high school was fun with that name
the first time when i hear dusan mandic im laughing for the hole day :D and im laughing since that day:D every dusan mandic word make me crazy :D:D oh bam you 're THE BEST dusan mandic 4 ever
HAHA, I think this one was my favorite episode of the series. "Dusan Mandic."
Even as funny as that is and all that i do feel sory for missy that must have ben so embarissing
hey bam i love u u are the best come to angelica new york we have great places to skate,bike and 4 wheel u should get a rhino they are the better than 4 whellers
that is the most funnyist name in the fucking world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x_x
Yeah, I watched this episode of Bam 's Unholy Union and I couldn 't stop laughing. Aw, look at Bam wasted! if I was Missy, idk if i 'd be embarrassed. She probably deals with alot of that. Yeah, I think i 'd be able to handle it well. Yay Bam!
haha i cant get over bams face when the camera guy comes up behind him in the toilet and hes just like "WHOW" lolHILARIOUS... DuSaN MaNdIc Is tHat lIkE CrAzY FrEnCh oR SuMuM lOl great lol....

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