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12/05/2007 Hotdog Casserole - A new film by Raab Himself

Well all know Chris Raab, aka Raab Himself, right? Right! And, many have been asking about Raab, and why we havent heard anything about him or seen him in Bam's crew this past year. There have been rumors about Raab and Bam 'breaking up' over some girl (pre missy). Rumors that Raab moved out to LA to purse his career. Rumors about Raab dating Ashley Simpson... blah, blah, blah..... But nothing has really satisfied the fan curiosity!

Until now!
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Hotdog Casserole!..?

Recently, I stumbled upon something interesting online about Chris Raab releasing a new DVD entitled Hotdog Casserole.  I came across two version of 'Teaser' videos. One was pretty goofy and quite honestly on par with what I had expected. This one matched the descritpion of "demented skits, running about 30mins as short film & outakes/documentary of footage".

Then after a little additional searching online, I came across the 'Trailer' below. Something that was impressive I thought, and surpassed my 'goofy' expectations for this film. With Dico playing what looks like the main character and Rake also featured in the trailer, the film seems to really have substance. With a dash of CKY'flavor. I dropped a screen shot of the film credits, as there are a couple of interesting names. Deron Miller, who you know as the lead singer of CKY the band. And, it looks as though a couple of Raab family members. I look forward to seeing the film!

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Where can i buy rabbs dvd hotdog casserol?region 1 ive got multi region,does any body know where to buy it from.KISSTRACEY@YAHOO.CO.UK
you can get it on the website now, hotdogcasserole.com, they ship overseas

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